

ICE having their own Dr. Mengele is very on brand for this administration.


Wow, what a Freudian slip by Trump. Support our (Russian) troops! You know, the ones that got me elected. So what if they are paid to kill those American troops. Those guys are losers.



Like that's going to stop him - hell, he assumes that if they're not part of the mythological "deep state" undercover seditious cabal working behind the scenes to destroy him, then they're on his personal payroll and he can make them do whatever he wants. He's like a three year old who simply doesn't understand the very rudimentary concept of "no, you cannot do that".


@8 And the Constitution forbids emoluments too and the Hatch Act forbids government employees below the President and VP from participating in political activity.

Seriously, @5 is right except that it's not your government at work, it's the "best people" campaign at work. It's straight up incompetence.


Boy, no matter how mad I got at someone, I can't imagine me every calling them a cocksucker. What kind of mental state does this woman have that she called the reporter that?


Although I think it's fair game now to call her State Rep. Cocksucker. . . .



Why does a privileged idiot bigot like Jenny Graham still have this job? I am guessing it has to do with another privileged idiot bigot called Trump.

Keep up the good work reporter and thank you.


As for the Trumpers, it looks like and apparently is - that they cannot function without a big daddy telling they how to live and what to do.

Resist, resist, resist, resist.........


This shit show just keeps getting worse. Forced hysterectomies on people kept in cages at the United States border is (TWO) international human rights violations. This administration needs to go down and go down so hard nothing like it can ever rise again.


Nice to see that the Spokane suburbs continue to be a national embarrassment to the state. Matt Shea just was not enough.

And @12, she's not getting anywhere near mine.


The Woodhead fire is in western Idaho, not eastern. It's along the Oregon state line.



That was my first thought. There can't be a handful of jobs in the country in which one could have statements of that nature go public and not get immediately and shamefully expunged. It's so bizarre that so so many of those rare jobs just happen to be of such high, the highest really, profile and influence. What a disgraceful human being.


RE: Breonna Taylor Settlement

They should pay the settlement out of the Louisville police department's salaries and retirement funds.


@19 Yeah driving cars into people and setting up roadblocks with armed thugs is totally non-threatening.


21, 22

Also: Republican state lawmaker Rep. Jenny Graham [allegedly!]:
"It's on. If you [Cock Sucker] think for one minute you[CockSucker]'re going to pull this crap and you[CockSucker]'re going to walk away from it, you[Cock Sucker]’re nuts.

Ooooh . . . just when yer thinkin’ $arah Paylin’s returned furever to her despicable den of inequities, out pops the next GOP incarnation: Sic ‘em! And don’t forget the Lipstick!


No, Silly rainy; if the Po-po won't Po-po themselves they can pay a Monetary Dividend to those whom they Mis-do. Got it?


@28 Given that two people in LPD lied to court officials (once to obtain the warrant and once in the prosecution of her boyfriend) and are still employed by LPD, sure looks like complicity. Not to mention there is still no decision on charging the officer who shot Breonna with murder. The wheels of justice turn far more slowly for cops than others. Breonna's boyfriend was charged within 24 hours for shooting at the cops despite the fact that the cops didn't identify themselves as they broke down the door, so there was no reason to think that it wasn't a home invasion.

Until police employees get fired for lying, there is no chance of accountability.


@32 Don't forget that the prosecutor tried to give a plea deal to Taylor's ex if he implicated her as a drug dealer, and then tried to walk it back when he went public with it. My guess is blaming black people for their own murders is pretty standard in Kentucky, and settlements are a last resort. But if taxpayers want to keep paying for these kinda settlements, then bad police training and maintaining the status quo is a pretty good way to do it.


@31 That should have been directed at @29. Sorry for any confusion.


@35 And who pays when those insurance premiums go up because "a few bad apples" decide to kill black people or rape women in custody? Why should taxpayers be on the hook because police unions want to protect these creeps?


Jesus Horatio Kee-RIST---ICE has a "Uterus Harvester"?? The GOP is BEYOND sick.
My heart bleeds for all incarcerated or detained women who had this involuntarily done to them!

And here I'm celebrating my own personal liberty after 43 years of misery, 6 weeks after a successful, long-awaited hysterectomy. My amazing OB-GYN drove the Devil out of Grizelda. The evil internal body parts long plaguing my body are gone. I just had a Regan (The Exorcist, Linda Blair, 1973) / Carrie (Sissy Spacek, 1976) party last Friday, complete with Devil's food cake and red wine. This symbolically commemorated the 80th birthday of director, Brian DePalma (b. 09/11/1940), and the recent passing of Swedish actor Max Von Sydow, who played the senior of the two priests, Father Lankester Merrin (opposite Jason Miller's Father Karras) performing the exorcism in the film. And of course, the evil body parts surgically removed are now named after the three meanest girls in Carrie: Chris Hargenson (Nancy Allen), Norma Watson (PJ Soles), and Helen Shyres (Edie McClurg). Burn, (Carrie) bitches, burn!

@16 xina, @21 Garb Garbler, @22 Urgutha Forka, and @24, & @26 kristofarian: I nominate you all for the WIN!!!! Bravo, spot on, and kudos.


@36 Mr. Friendly: Bravo and kudos! I just added you to the WIN list, joining xina, Garb Garbler, Urgutha Forka, and kristofarian. Spot on and well said.



Don't try to change the subject you gormless half-wit.


@39: That's big talk for someone who snorts hydroxychloroquine just because Trumpty Dumpty said so.


@35 it’s called retribution. Your leader says that’s OK now. If it’s good enough to impose on a civilian it’s good enough to impose on law enforcement.

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