

Why do the Democrat candidates try to act hip, Biden with Despacito and Hillary with the hot sauce/dabbing? I don't think it helps or hurts them but its so cringe.


The NWA version is better.



Uh, because nobody cares one way or the other about what you personally consider "so cringe"; a phrase that sounds suspiciously like someone desperately trying to "act hip".


@4 is correct.

So, "Washington State Patrol frustrated by freeway protest closures" means it is working. Same as protesting in wealthy neighborhoods. They're upset because it works.

Go Sounders!


If these anti-masker, Trump loving, science denying, COVID-19 spreaders in America had been forced to dig graves and bury the dead bodies of the now over 200,000 counting dead, maybe they would give a shit that the pandemic will continue to surge through this country SOLELY BECAUSE OF THEM.


@4: Although he didn't use the term, Chase found it "so cringe" last night in PM Slog. What's with you anyway? On the attack first thing in the morning over this. Maybe it's the smoke.


@6 - no shit. Can you imagine Fat Donald and Ivanka actually getting their hands dirty? For that matter. making Jenny McCarthy dig graves for people who die of measles or pertussis sounds pretty good to me too.


@4 Sorry I didnt know "so cringe" was a hip term. Even Nathalie said "It was vastly uncomfortable"


Those Holocaust numbers are scary.
Those are probably the same folks who don't realize or won't admit the Democrat Party started the KKK.


@12 How can you say the Holocaust denier numbers are scary and then tell a lie in the next breath? The KKK was not started by the Democratic Party. The KKK was started by white people of all political affiliations and/or no political affiliations. Period. Full stop.

There are so many sources of facts regarding this matter, but here are a few articles to get you started.

As for the Holocaust, one of the things Germans were forced to do when the war ended and the horror of the camps was discovered and shown to the world, is they were brought into the camps and forced to look at what had happened and in some cases put the dead bodies of millions of dead in mass graves. They were forced to look and see what their country had done and what they had just sat by and complicity (or apathetically) allowed to happen. Many of them killed themselves as a result.

Americans of course are shielded from ever having to see the reality of what their country is doing. And when it is seen (as in the murders of Black people by police), too many just do not give a fuck.

America is in for a reckoning. It is coming. Trump and his administration have been engaging in war crimes against immigrants and asylum seekers and mass murder of Americans. Someone will pay for the carnage that has been done and continues to be done. Trump will most likely be dead. Others will have to pay.


@13: If you're going to get all angry about history, you really might want to learn some.

"The KKK was started by white people of all political affiliations and/or no political affiliations. Period. Full stop."

At that point in history, the only political party in the segregated, racist South was the Democratic Party, because Republicans had won the Civil War and imposed Reconstruction. So everyone who formed the KKK in the South was either a Democrat, or had no party affiliation. A century later, after LBJ signed the Civil Rights acts, the racist Southern Democrats ("Dixiecrats," like Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms) became Republicans. (LBJ's habit of sending the FBI after the Klan also assisted this process.)


The primary factor to look at when analyzing the past incarnations of both parties is not by minding the names but by sorting out which party was the "conservative" party and which was the "progressive/liberal" party. Even that's too simplistic since there are number of social and economic factors that resulted in changes in values over time (some more abrupt than others). But anyhow, for a simplistic-ass discussion like this, Republicans used to be the party of the North: big businesses, big governments, and more progressive social values. Democrats used to be more small government, farmer/agriculture-based, and therefore was fine with slavery and other shit that made Southern ag work.
But new states in the West, World Wars, the Great Depression and New Deal, and the Civil Rights Act...all this shit played it's part in shaping and changing political parties so for awhile now the Republicans have been the conservative party and the Democrats are the more (socially) progressive. There's been plenty of overlap during their histories too (both parties used to be anti-federalist).
So again, while the following statement is clearly lacking in appropriate nuance, the core is correct: modern liberals would be more likely to have been Republicans in Lincoln's time and modern conservatives would be more aligned with Democrats of that era. Just deal with it.



So, he didn't actually use the term, but you nevertheless suggest he used it in - what, spirit? And I don't give a flying fuck what time of the day it is or what the air quality index reads - go fuck yourself you self-absorbed twat-faced tosser.


@19: deep breaths dear, deep breaths


@5 Will, I disagree - I don't think they're "working" and I think it's generally counterproductive. I support the protesters, I am one, but there are certain avenues of protest that are counterproductive, and that's one of them. Even destruction and violence, which I don't condone (at this point), is understandable when people have been pushed too far and feel they have no further recourse. The marches through downtown districts, neighborhoods, parks - those "work". Randomly shutting down I5 as a protest publicity stunt just pisses people off.

@13 xina, so true, unfortunately.

@18 Garb, another great post.

@19 Comte, I tried the "go fuck yourself" approach with Raindrop when he started sharing his incomprehensible drivel on my posts - he will not stop being a shitty person and a shitty poster no matter how many times or how many people tell him so. I think he just gets off on it. Maybe you'll have better luck.


@24: For agreeing that something was cringing?



Fuck off, you gonococcus-ridden cum-stain...


@26: Ooooo. Put your talents to use tough guy:


@13 - As much as I agree that there is going to be a reckoning for this administration's crimes, and I won't shed a tear regardless of what happens to the grifting Trump family (or if they were to follow the lead of the German Mayor and his wife described in the article you link and do the honorable thing), that link has some serious Nazi-sympathizing propaganda. Blaming the Allied bombings and invasions for the deaths in the camps? Yeah, right. And they're splitting hairs pretty fine to argue that Belsen was not a death camp.

incidentally, in the time of Trump, how the hell can a spell check algorithm not be familiar with the term "grifting"?


The Holocaust survey numbers are tragic, but it's also a terribly run survey with some generation-baiting headlines. The question wasn't asked "did millions of Jews die in the Holocaust"- they had to PICK A NUMBER. I think it's much more feasible, and understandable, that 66% thought more than 6, or 4, or 2 million died.
Other survey issues- there were only about 1000 respondents nationwide by landline (you know those Millenials and Gen Z love their landlines), and most of the results were OPEN ANSWER. As in, write whatever you want and a pile of interns will code the results. Therefore a terribly worded question like "what contributed to the Holocaust?" results in all sorts of answers, but you can slap a pithy headline when 23% don't singly put down "Nazis."

There's definitely some tragic information here on the state of Holocaust education in this country, but pointing fingers at entire generations based on one flawed survey is probably not the right way to proceed.


@27 Jesus what is wrong with those other two.

Anyways, I thought about it some more and I think Biden/Clinton are trying to be like Obama. But while Obama was a great orator, I think he was even better at looking genuine/natural (I'm drawing a blank on the adjective Im looking for here) in all situations which Biden/Clinton lack.


If anything, the shitty WWII movies are partly to blame for the holocaust deniers. Who can sit through that garbage, other than boomers and rightwingers?


@30: They (COMTE and P'nP) are simply unnerved when challenged and fly off the handle in disgraceful and cringing profanity spews.

They're the real trolls of Slog.

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