

"and I thought the dead who are already dead, more fortunate than the living who are still alive;
but better than both is he who has not yet been, and who has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun." Ecclesiastes 4:2-3


"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

-Ecclesiastes 9: 11


Whaddaya know - Mudede is a NIMBY!


Thank God the election is over!

You all voted, right?


Mudede, huzzah!


I thought the debate went well. trump was his usual turd word salad, and the moderator did a nice job keeping him in check. Biden looked presidential and said all the right things.


Re: Idaho, no Udaho

Those potatofuckers are gonna dance with joy once Serena Joy Barrett and Commander KKKavanagh abolish the ACA to fulfill their racist revenge fantasy against Obama, and then rural hospitals and healthcare systems implode overnight without the extra funding.

They've pushed the button on their own destruction, and they're so spitefully stupid they don't even know it.


We can take some solace in at least one thing: unlike Clinton in 1992 and Obama in 2008, nearly no one has expectations that Biden & the retreads will be attempting to pass responsible, evidence based public policies that benefit ordinary Americans.

Unless they're approved by legions of K Street lobbyists.

That may provide something of a bulwark against 2022 becoming 1992 and 2010.



Worse, I think many of them DO know it - they literally would rather die suffocating in their own putrefying waste than allow a single librul (sic), BIPOC, LGBTQA, non-evangelical Protestant et-al, to be treated like human beings...


They don't call it Spirit Airlines for nothing.


@ 12,

One demographic trend that we haven’t heard much about recently is the rural depopulation crisis. The upcoming destruction of the ACA will greatly accelerate this phenomenon, since healthcare jobs were among the last that paid well and couldn’t be outsourced abroad.

Businesses in rural areas and small towns have been obliterated over the last four decades thanks to Wal Mart, et al, so no local jobs = no local economy, and people are moving to small regional cities and college towns as a result.

This is all due to kleptocratic Republinazis’ destructive policies of concentrating all income and wealth into the hands of sociopathic billionaire oligarchs—corporations are peepel, my fiend—but people in rural areas vote for them anyway due to the racism, sexism, and fascism.

Farm KKKountry is dying, and they’re determined to take us down with them. We’ll be learning a lot more about this next year with the census results and decennial redistricting.


Who knew red states would be so reliant on the healthcare of anarchist jurisdictions?


I remember a MASH episode in which a racist was "tanned" while out and then told he had been given black blood.

I was thinking somewhat the same could be done to Idaho Covid patients upon arrival in Libtard-Land. Tell them the oxygen they're getting came from the lungs of liberals (they're stupid, so they won't know that's ridiculous) and there is a hazard they could leave as dirty pinko librul commies.

They'll demand to be returned to Idaho immediately, as it's better to die on, your own bed than to live on newly libtard knees! Freedumb!!!

@8 - Many people will say Trump won based solely on the fact that he barely managed to refrain from flinging actual, literal feces at the walls. They'll gush about positively Churchillian he was as a result.


Far out - they finally found the hornet's nest. Going to destroy it tomorrow.


@11 Jexpat "That may provide something of a bulwark against 2022 becoming 1992 and 2010."

While I understand the sentiments, that’s unlikely. Republican’s have no bottom. Just like they always do, they’ll just make stuff up to be outraged about, and they have a base that’s all too willing to go along with it. While there will be somewhat of a return to “normalcy” superficially, we’re still on the same longterm downward spiral.

Our democracy is broken.


Trump lied and and lied and lied and lied. Just because he didn't behave like a screaming banshee like he did in the first "debate" does not win him any points for behavior. People are making fun of Joe Biden for saying "come on!" so much, when really I thought he had incredible restraint because what he actually meant was "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???!!!"


Charles's Morning News is the actual best.


@CM "Joe Biden promised that he would be the president for all Americans, not just those who live in red states. This was Biden's attempt to look like a uniter. But how can you unite a group that doesn't believe in science, refuses to wear masks, social distance, and is spreading the virus like there's no tomorrow with a group that's doing the complete opposite? No kind of president can bring these two together."

Truth! What Biden is signaling is that it will be 4 more years of Dems capitulating to Republicans and letting them run the show while begging to have some say.


Flying covid death - what I have seen no mention of in any of these news reports is how a person that is so sick from COVID that they die mid-flight was allowed on the plane in the first place?


@PiP -- well then let's hope for a solid blue tsunami; Biden won't be able to hold back the gates of Progressivism. It's happened before. it CAN happen again. will there ever even BE a worse fucking 'prez'? or a nastier Plague?

"But how can you unite a group that doesn't believe in science, refuses to wear masks, social distance, and is spreading the virus like there's no tomorrow with a group that's doing the complete opposite? No kind of president can bring these two together."

We can do what the far right suggests and just lock 'em all up. that'll keep 'em together and they can send us notes with their clever ideas written on them on how to reunite under hard-core Fascism and Winner take ALL Capitalism. should be interesting.


@25 kristo, "will there ever even BE a worse fucking 'prez'? or a nastier Plague?

Actually and unfortunately, probably "yes" to both of those.

However, I really do appreciate your optimism! Just because I think it's hopeless, I still do what I can so that it's not.



Obviously, this is not a new phenomenon and has been going on for decades, predicated in large part when Big Agro started buying up small family-run farms and consolidating them into enormous corporate mega-farms. Sure, automation and economies of scale have resulted in a tremendous surge in agricultural production, but it directly benefits fewer and fewer people - mainly corporate CEO's and stockholders - and has resulted in a lot of harm, both economically and environmentally, to those same rural communities.

So, yeah, if your daddy can barely make ends meet working 50,000 acres of GMO soybeans - and then some dumbass in the White House decides to "punish China" with a trade embargo that causes soybean prices to plummet, or a drought or way above-average rainfall ruins most of your crop, but Monsanto and John Deere still expect their monthly payments, it doesn't leave a young person with much incentive to stick around.

But, somehow it's all "them damned libruls fault", even while said libruls continue to shovel money into your county to keep your roads, schools, and utilities from collapsing...


So then I suppose it would be prudent for Joe Biden to say "You Trump yahoos are hopeless, we're going to build back better without you"!

Moral of the story: What you want to see is not what you should see.



They - and you - have proven yourselves to be "hopeless" for quite some time...


Now there's a word you don't see very often, "obstreperous." You must be quite the Scrabble opponent, Mudede.

The closing of businesses is so frustrating and heart-breaking. A few of my favorite places have already closed forever due to the pandemic. I only found out on their doorstep, being met with empty windows or a tear-stained note taped to the inside of the door.

@22: I definitely heard Joe say "public option" during the debate last night, so it might not be as bad as you fear.

@29: More like, "We're going to move forward with the Green New Deal because it's the right thing to do and has only positives associated with it. Just like the ACA, you'll realize its benefits once its in place. We have no need to worry about you pitching a fit over it for now, you'll thank us when you're earning $80k a year as a result."


@22 -- What Biden is signaling is that he wants to win. Nothing more, nothing less. Like all presidents, we have no idea how he will govern, and besides, much depends on Congress anyway.


@29: time to pull your boot straps on. and stop blaming others for your reflections at being less than than what you wanted in life... i.e., taking responsiblity for your results. No one else is responsible for them.


The people of Idaho are victims of the same government we are. How dare you suggest they can’t have a hospital bed In Seattle if they voted for Trump. He’s a monster, no doubt about it, but most of the people who voted for him have done so out of their own fear. Why send them further down that path? We need to be taking care of each other, showing them that our American Individualism is making us a weaker community and making Trump and his friends richer, on our backs. I truly
think in the middle of a pandemic, that’s a pretty shameful thing to say, even in jest. Whether they voted for Trump or not, they don’t deserve to die.


@ 34,

Prezinazi AntiChrist’s voters hate us and will say and do anything to destroy us, even if he and the GOPnazis also kill them in the process.
Get real.



The only "human" thing about Trumpty Dumpty is that he's a fraudulent, obstreperous piece of human WASTE.


"most of the people who voted for him have done so out of their own fear"

Pardon my French, but that's a bunch of bullshit. They voted for him because they're racists, sociopaths, or complete and utter morons. No one of normal intelligence and character voted for trump.


@37 Catalina Vel-DuRay for the fucking WIN! Agreed and seconded.

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