

What’s truly nauseating is how the grotesquely incompetent people who could actually do something about it, the Tech uberTrolls at FaceFuck & the Twits, and the cowardly, scumbag corporate media, are treating all of the Republinazis’ lying, false claims, and refusal to commence the transition with a wink and nudge to this pathetic coup charade (Playing the non-controversy for clicks? For their despicable billionaire oligarch owners?)

Just when you think this broken country can’t possibly sink any lower, time for more Cletus Safaris.
Oh we have to be nice to the abusive crazy liars, or they’ll be so mad!
Tis the season for open treason!



But, but we have to present Both Sides!
Earth is round! No, Earth is flat!
Election results, No, psychotic gaslighting!
1st Amendment says we have to report 5 million illegals voted, and no-one knows what really happened!


Um, it's not just in the mountains.

Wild animals have been, and are, eating your pets in the city. Today. Tonight.

Pretend it's not happening if you want.

Oh, and follow the advice British Columbians got for holiday parties: don't.



"(Playing the non-controversy for clicks? For their despicable billionaire oligarch owners?)"

That is exactly the reason media outlets keep this fire burning.


@ 2,

The worst are the dipshit Tr666p voters that are left unchallenged when they state he was great for the economy before COVID-19 hit.

First of all, that’s so completely fucking stupid, especially with the trade wars, non-stop total business chaos, and repeated attempts to inject his poison into individual companies via attack twits:

“I was drunk driving great until I slammed my truck into the crowd and killed all those people!”

Secondly, most people never recovered from the CaliguBush economic collapse of 2008 and have been in a downward spiral since. Just look at the labor force participation rate when we supposedly had a great job market, it’s a bloodbath, jeezus.

And third, if your 401(k) is truly the only thing that you care about, and you couldn’t possibly give even the slightest shit about anyone, or any values, or anything else, well then you should be a Chinese communist cause they’ve absolutely smoked our asses in business results over the last four decades and will soon be the world’s largest economy.

Anyone will tell you that it’s easier to open a successful business in China, too. Their record on the environment, human rights, and individual freedoms is abominable. However, they’ve lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, built a world-class national infrastructure, and have been at peace for 40 years. All the American multinationals want a slice. Meanwhile, we’ve driven hundreds of millions into poverty, have by far the world’s largest population imprisoned, and have been at war for 20 years all to enrich our despicable, greedy Republinazi oligarchs.

Racist trash Tr666pnutz can suck their commie dicks.


Yeah, joking like that 10th grade jackass kid bored in History class. Don't we deserve better?


As someone who works in healthcare, for an Oregon Medicaid program that provides benefits to well over a million people for $0 premiums and with $0 deductible and $0 co-pays across the board, I'm just absolutely fucking tickled that Shitler never managed to dismantle the ACA, one of his core campaign promises. And what I find particularly hilarious is that both he and his supporters were all too fucking stupid to realize the fundamental flaws in his claims that he'd provide a superior plan that'd provide full coverage to all Americans, regardless of pre-existing conditions, with no network limitations, all at a cheaper cost, and without a mandate.

It reminded me very much of Vince McMahon's claims (he the founder of the XFL, the twice failed competitor to the NFL) that his league would be somehow more exciting, faster paced and with less penalized infractions and rule enforcement than the NFL, but also safer for participants playing the sport. Like, how do you not immediately recognize the inherent contradicting elements of those ideas and how it was destined for catastrophic and comic failure? Shocking that McMahon and Trump are friends and close business partners.

I've gotta figure that even his largely handpicked judiciary recognizes what a petty and petulant asshole he is. That's surely gotta burn (except that it probably doesn't, because as I've mentioned before he's completely incapable of any manner of self-reflection or introspection. But for a normal, non-sociopathic person it surely would.)


@6 OWG, oh, the old "just a joke" routine. By the US Secretary of State.

As the often brilliant Chris Hayes pointed out, sure, it was put forth as a "joke"... but it's really not. It would be a joke if they had conceded the election and were at this very moment making resources available for the transition team as every presidential administration has provided before it.

It might be a "joke" if over the last four years, this administrations sense of humor hadn't killed 200,000 people, or tried to overturn the ACA, or tried to deny women autonomy over their own body, or roll-back LGTQ rights, or countless other "jokes" they like to make on a daily basis.

But that's not the case. The Republican party is actively trying to overthrow the results of the election. On that point, it doesn't matter whether they have little chance of succeeding. Again, the sitting US President, along with virtually the entire Republican party, backed by 50 million Trump voters who believe the election was rigged, are actively trying to overthrow the results of a US presidential election. This is not hyperbole. This is the reality.

And while CNN & MSNBC are flawed MSM companies, to suggest they're anything like Fox "News" is an indication that you're quite misinformed.


Will's right. The native raccoons pretty efficiently suppress the cat population around Portage Bay.


Just a joke?
Was he in the ironic mode, are we over-reacting?
Such a sly, subtle sense of humor these right-wingers have refined, you can never be sure.
Trump has employed this defense innumerable times, that we are deaf to the ironic undertone and any literal interpretation of his words misses the underlying meaning.
So where is meaning to be found? In their actions?
Is there any clue whatsoever that the Trump administration from top to bottom is willing to accept the results of this election?
Is there meaning to be found in their installation of willing sycophant's at DoD, in the rushed filing of frivolous lawsuits, in their fishing expeditions for accounts of fraud?
I listened to the interview.
I don't think he was joking.
I think he was dead serious.


"I was just joking!" is the standard go-to defense for anyone who says something they actually mean, but get called out on because it's so fucking: stupid, hateful, criminal, unsubstantiated, indefensible, and/or just plain bat-shit crazy...


Is anyone else disturbed by the call to save the "great tits?" It seems to me that this reflects a shallow, patriarchal attitude and a bias in favor of the conventionally attractive. A more inclusive, body-positive approach would be to ensure that ALL tits, be they great, not-so-great, small, lopsided, or otherwise differently-breasted are worthy of saving.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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