Oh for the days of Nirvana!
One of my favorites songs by them is Lake of Fire-
and we can all think of a few people who belong there (hint - not Kurt Cobain).
Iâve realized that the Tr666p regimeâs obstruction of the transition is irrelevant. Their national destruction will continue until they are physically removed in January. Biden is bringing in a team of experts; some are major power players with over four decades of DC experience.
There is nothing that the Tr666pnazi trash could tell them that would be remotely useful or intelligent. It would be like insane screaming monkeys hopping up and down while trying to explain quantum computing. They all will be purged and hopefully charged for their non-stop treasonous criminality, incompetence, and abuse of the American people.
They are also soulless, psychopathic liars whoâll gleefully spit in the faces of the families of the ~400,000 Americans that will be dead at that point, along with the tens of millions of others whose lives have been ruined by the economic collapse, and declare themselves to be the greatest rulers this nation has ever seen. The Tr666pnazis must pay dearly, every last gawdamn one of them.
I get a kick out of this administration attempting to invoke a literary reference to describe a situation. It's admirable, though they should really be limited to making reference to characters from works and authors they've actually read, which in Trump's case would surely limit him to 50's era comic books. One might call it Jughead-ian in practice.
Notice also, that the magat trolly trolls have gone pretty silent?
They'll likely be back, and like most other magats in a few months will be claiming they never heard of tRump.
You're not even trying anymore, are you? Maybe it's time to just step away from the keyboard, take a long, hot bath, and contemplate how you're going to justify your existence for the next four years.
The governments of the dakotas don't really care if most of their population dies off because they've still got the minimum 3 electoral votes each even if both states are (even more) unpopulated.
From what I read, Boeing only patched MCAS so they didn't really fix anything. Those jets still have two main problems: MCAS and engines that are too big. I also read airlines plan to obscure passengers' ability to determine if they're flying on a death jet by simply not including "Max" in the name. Safety is their ultimate concern though, promise.
I donât know if this is intentional or not but Iâm sick to death of politics.
Iâm sick of being told that white supremacists arenât white supremacists(please refer to the Proud Boys for a good example), that straight up madness hasnât taken hold on one side of the aisle(please refer to the House gains for QAnon), and that wanting people to not get sick and die makes you a Stalinist or âOrwellianâ.
I canât wait till I can go back to âbrunchâ.
âBrunchâ in this case is lots of therapy, maybe medication, at least one minor surgery, and more months of quarantine.
How does knowing where the white giraffe is through a GPS tag prevent it from succumbing to poaching? It seems that could only happen if the poachers were also GPS tagged and intercepted before poaching the giraffe. And I'm reasonably sure they're not.
@25 Sure, lets only look at the previous year where commercial flights were significantly diminished... I'd be curious to hear what changes they've made that ensures your confidence in their safety. MCAS is there to compensate for the engine placement. Pilots and unions are still expressing concerns about the complicated system (https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2020/11/03/boeing-737-max-new-manual-could-cause-errors-in-emergency-pilots-say/6135927002/). Boeing's toxic corporate culture sure hasn't changed, they'll still be cutting corners (and engineering jobs) to satisfy their stock holders. By the way, here's my source about identifying the jets: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willhorton1/2020/12/29/rename-boeings-737-max-airlines-already-arent-using-max-prominently/?sh=405217ba240e (the short of it is that there's no standard for identifying marks)
@29 - That's my point; unless something is missing from the story, they won't know where the poachers are. If they did, poaching wouldn't be the crisis it is.
@31.. Lemme guess.. you got an aeronautical engineering degree or MBA from Trump U.. Or was it University of Phoenix? Did you go all out and upgrade to the Summa Cum Laude level?
While Alex didnât realize that stop at Sony would be Kurtâs last recording within the camp there was already great concern for his health. The spiral had started well before in spite of the best efforts of those around him. It wasn't because they wanted to keep their jobs, everyone there was top notch and could get work with most anyone. It was because working with Kurt, Dave, Krist and Pat was fun and exciting. Kurt was a good but troubled soul.
Boeing telling MAX pilots its MCAS system even Exists (Whoops!) is a huge step forward. plus, (finally!) simulators! -- Learn to fly our plane without Dying!
regardless: either their short-sighted persuit of Profits over Safety changes or the airplane maker goes bye-bye (to Oblivion, not South Carolina).
Boeing could start by putting their largest Stakeholders on their Board of Directors -- their Union Employees. they may not ring up the Huge Profits* they thought they might score -- by rushing ahead with an unstable airplane, and Hoping -- but maybe if their planes quit Plummeting tf outta the Sky they might sell more of them...
*gotta Wonder how much $$$ Boeing
Lost by barrelling thru an unsafe plane.
sorry, Jonman, your Confidence in our regulatory bodies may be wishful thinking.
from today's NYT:
Boeing 737 Max Is Cleared by F.A.A. to Fly Again
The U.S. agency said changes in software, design and training had made the plane safe to operate after two fatal crashes and 20 months out of service.
one reader's insightful Comment on the article:
âElaine Chao is the head of the Department of Transportation. She is also Mitch McConnellâs wife. Both fly chartered or government jets and are lobbied hard by Boeing.
In January she charted a panel reviewing the two MAX crashes and exonerated the FAA and Boeing for the way the plane was certified as safe to fly, calling the system âeffective.â
The panel strongly defended the FAA program that allows manufacturers to certify large swaths of their own planes with FAA oversight. The report, which was authored by five aviation industry insiders, in some instances quotes previous FAA talking points word-for-word.
In other words, we are keeping the same process in place and have done nothing to change the process that created the MAX. Our government regulatory agencies - the ones funded by our taxes to speak on our behalf and ensure our safety - are answering to corporate interests and not the people who are funding them.
There are reports that Boeing is considering rebranding the MAX, making it harder for consumers to know if theyâre booking a flight on one. Keep this in mind if you want to avoid flying the MAX.
In short, do not fly on the MAX, at least not for a while (they likely wonât be up and running before January). All of this regulatory stuff is PR. As a very frequent flyer, I wonât be on a MAX (or whatever itâs rebranded into) anytime soon, if at all.â â NYCnative; NYC
@6, While I know trying to make sense of Trump's BS is a fool's errand, I'm going to try anyway. My understanding is that the Democrats hoax was exaggerating the China Virus to make Trump loop bad, (the Kungflu itself is real and was engineered by Chi-naa to attack the US) If Biden won there would be no need to continue using the hoax to make Trump look bad because he'd just be a loser at that point, on the other hand if Trump won, wouldn't the left still want to make him look bad?
This is were Trump's claim that we wouldn't hear about Covid19 after Nov. 4 falls apart (yes, I know it fell apart long before this point, but work with me) The only reason for the left to stop the hoax is if they got what they wanted, so was Trump saying he was going to lose? if so, why hasn't he admitted it and let the hoax end?
Now one might think Trump thought the Left would be gracious losers and stop the hoax after they lost, but can anyone seriously think Trump could even comprehend the idea of being a gracious loser? He couldn't even be a gracious winner. Sure he only technically won in '16,, the People voted for Clinton which he might be bitter about, but a win is a win and he couldn't even handle that.
Rhetorical questions, I know he a pathological liar, none too bright, and a general sack of shit. What I don't know is which of those attributes appeal to his supporters and why?
Orwellian is an awful big word for Trump or anyone in the White House to use, let alone understand the context of, so who do you think it was? Funny (and not funny HA HA) THAT is the term they chose as they are epitome of the Orwellian nightmare regarding denial of reality.
made My Dick BIGGER, too, alfreed
and now i carry it 'round in a wheelbarrow
& whilst I've yet to hear a Woman 'complain' about it
perhaps it's 'casue they're rapidly running in the Opposite direction.
does our famous 'DOKTOR' OHNO
also CURE hearing loss?
You should probably point out that the North Dakota mortality rate is deaths PER DAY.
Oh for the days of Nirvana!
One of my favorites songs by them is Lake of Fire-
and we can all think of a few people who belong there (hint - not Kurt Cobain).
Iâve realized that the Tr666p regimeâs obstruction of the transition is irrelevant. Their national destruction will continue until they are physically removed in January. Biden is bringing in a team of experts; some are major power players with over four decades of DC experience.
There is nothing that the Tr666pnazi trash could tell them that would be remotely useful or intelligent. It would be like insane screaming monkeys hopping up and down while trying to explain quantum computing. They all will be purged and hopefully charged for their non-stop treasonous criminality, incompetence, and abuse of the American people.
They are also soulless, psychopathic liars whoâll gleefully spit in the faces of the families of the ~400,000 Americans that will be dead at that point, along with the tens of millions of others whose lives have been ruined by the economic collapse, and declare themselves to be the greatest rulers this nation has ever seen. The Tr666pnazis must pay dearly, every last gawdamn one of them.
I get a kick out of this administration attempting to invoke a literary reference to describe a situation. It's admirable, though they should really be limited to making reference to characters from works and authors they've actually read, which in Trump's case would surely limit him to 50's era comic books. One might call it Jughead-ian in practice.
Notice also, that the magat trolly trolls have gone pretty silent?
They'll likely be back, and like most other magats in a few months will be claiming they never heard of tRump.
@2 - no, that's not what the death rate means. It's not a daily count; it's the rate at which people who are infected die.
@2,9 - nevermind, I re-read. Yes, it's the number of people per capita that are dying from the disease on a daily basis.
You're not even trying anymore, are you? Maybe it's time to just step away from the keyboard, take a long, hot bath, and contemplate how you're going to justify your existence for the next four years.
The governments of the dakotas don't really care if most of their population dies off because they've still got the minimum 3 electoral votes each even if both states are (even more) unpopulated.
Dakotas = 4 Senators
California = 2 Senators
From what I read, Boeing only patched MCAS so they didn't really fix anything. Those jets still have two main problems: MCAS and engines that are too big. I also read airlines plan to obscure passengers' ability to determine if they're flying on a death jet by simply not including "Max" in the name. Safety is their ultimate concern though, promise.
@23 - then what you read is bullshit. Find better sources, because currently, you're spreading misinformation.
Hate on Boeing all you want, but safety IS their priority because, as the previous year has demonstrated, you can't sell an unsafe airplane.
I donât know if this is intentional or not but Iâm sick to death of politics.
Iâm sick of being told that white supremacists arenât white supremacists(please refer to the Proud Boys for a good example), that straight up madness hasnât taken hold on one side of the aisle(please refer to the House gains for QAnon), and that wanting people to not get sick and die makes you a Stalinist or âOrwellianâ.
I canât wait till I can go back to âbrunchâ.
âBrunchâ in this case is lots of therapy, maybe medication, at least one minor surgery, and more months of quarantine.
And no, I am very much not ok.
I can beat that... I can beat that (said in Richard Dreyfuss "Jaws" voice):
Electoral votes: 62
Combined population: 30,000,000
Senators: 24
Half of the United States Senate represents less than 10% of the United States population.
As reference:
Electoral votes: 55
Population: 40,000,000
Senators: 2
Forget redistricting counties within states. The entire map of the US needs to be redrawn.
How does knowing where the white giraffe is through a GPS tag prevent it from succumbing to poaching? It seems that could only happen if the poachers were also GPS tagged and intercepted before poaching the giraffe. And I'm reasonably sure they're not.
@25 Sure, lets only look at the previous year where commercial flights were significantly diminished... I'd be curious to hear what changes they've made that ensures your confidence in their safety. MCAS is there to compensate for the engine placement. Pilots and unions are still expressing concerns about the complicated system (https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2020/11/03/boeing-737-max-new-manual-could-cause-errors-in-emergency-pilots-say/6135927002/). Boeing's toxic corporate culture sure hasn't changed, they'll still be cutting corners (and engineering jobs) to satisfy their stock holders. By the way, here's my source about identifying the jets: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willhorton1/2020/12/29/rename-boeings-737-max-airlines-already-arent-using-max-prominently/?sh=405217ba240e (the short of it is that there's no standard for identifying marks)
@29 - That's my point; unless something is missing from the story, they won't know where the poachers are. If they did, poaching wouldn't be the crisis it is.
@31.. Lemme guess.. you got an aeronautical engineering degree or MBA from Trump U.. Or was it University of Phoenix? Did you go all out and upgrade to the Summa Cum Laude level?
While Alex didnât realize that stop at Sony would be Kurtâs last recording within the camp there was already great concern for his health. The spiral had started well before in spite of the best efforts of those around him. It wasn't because they wanted to keep their jobs, everyone there was top notch and could get work with most anyone. It was because working with Kurt, Dave, Krist and Pat was fun and exciting. Kurt was a good but troubled soul.
Boeing telling MAX pilots its MCAS system even Exists (Whoops!) is a huge step forward. plus, (finally!) simulators! -- Learn to fly our plane without Dying!
regardless: either their short-sighted persuit of Profits over Safety changes or the airplane maker goes bye-bye (to Oblivion, not South Carolina).
Boeing could start by putting their largest Stakeholders on their Board of Directors -- their Union Employees. they may not ring up the Huge Profits* they thought they might score -- by rushing ahead with an unstable airplane, and Hoping -- but maybe if their planes quit Plummeting tf outta the Sky they might sell more of them...
*gotta Wonder how much $$$ Boeing
Lost by barrelling thru an unsafe plane.
@31 - at this point, if the FAA are satisfied, so am I. The amount of additional regulatory oversight on this issue is almost unprecedented.
You can claim that Boeing are motivated by profits over safety. Can't make that claim about the Feds.
@38 -- "You can claim that Boeing are motivated by profits over safety. Can't make that claim about the Feds."
not even, if the Fed in charge of running the US Department of Transportation is McMoscow McMitch KkKonnell's wife?
the guy who packed and stacked our Federal Courts with nothing but bright young fascist ideologues? so, Elaine Chao is Ethical? her hubby saf ain't.
tell me -- do we have a whole New FAA
'cause they're the ones who let Boeing decide
what's SAFE.
sorry, Jonman, your Confidence in our regulatory bodies may be wishful thinking.
from today's NYT:
Boeing 737 Max Is Cleared by F.A.A. to Fly Again
The U.S. agency said changes in software, design and training had made the plane safe to operate after two fatal crashes and 20 months out of service.
one reader's insightful Comment on the article:
âElaine Chao is the head of the Department of Transportation. She is also Mitch McConnellâs wife. Both fly chartered or government jets and are lobbied hard by Boeing.
In January she charted a panel reviewing the two MAX crashes and exonerated the FAA and Boeing for the way the plane was certified as safe to fly, calling the system âeffective.â
The panel strongly defended the FAA program that allows manufacturers to certify large swaths of their own planes with FAA oversight. The report, which was authored by five aviation industry insiders, in some instances quotes previous FAA talking points word-for-word.
In other words, we are keeping the same process in place and have done nothing to change the process that created the MAX. Our government regulatory agencies - the ones funded by our taxes to speak on our behalf and ensure our safety - are answering to corporate interests and not the people who are funding them.
There are reports that Boeing is considering rebranding the MAX, making it harder for consumers to know if theyâre booking a flight on one. Keep this in mind if you want to avoid flying the MAX.
In short, do not fly on the MAX, at least not for a while (they likely wonât be up and running before January). All of this regulatory stuff is PR. As a very frequent flyer, I wonât be on a MAX (or whatever itâs rebranded into) anytime soon, if at all.â â NYCnative; NYC
@6, While I know trying to make sense of Trump's BS is a fool's errand, I'm going to try anyway. My understanding is that the Democrats hoax was exaggerating the China Virus to make Trump loop bad, (the Kungflu itself is real and was engineered by Chi-naa to attack the US) If Biden won there would be no need to continue using the hoax to make Trump look bad because he'd just be a loser at that point, on the other hand if Trump won, wouldn't the left still want to make him look bad?
This is were Trump's claim that we wouldn't hear about Covid19 after Nov. 4 falls apart (yes, I know it fell apart long before this point, but work with me) The only reason for the left to stop the hoax is if they got what they wanted, so was Trump saying he was going to lose? if so, why hasn't he admitted it and let the hoax end?
Now one might think Trump thought the Left would be gracious losers and stop the hoax after they lost, but can anyone seriously think Trump could even comprehend the idea of being a gracious loser? He couldn't even be a gracious winner. Sure he only technically won in '16,, the People voted for Clinton which he might be bitter about, but a win is a win and he couldn't even handle that.
Rhetorical questions, I know he a pathological liar, none too bright, and a general sack of shit. What I don't know is which of those attributes appeal to his supporters and why?
Orwellian is an awful big word for Trump or anyone in the White House to use, let alone understand the context of, so who do you think it was? Funny (and not funny HA HA) THAT is the term they chose as they are epitome of the Orwellian nightmare regarding denial of reality.
made My Dick BIGGER, too, alfreed
and now i carry it 'round in a wheelbarrow
& whilst I've yet to hear a Woman 'complain' about it
perhaps it's 'casue they're rapidly running in the Opposite direction.
does our famous 'DOKTOR' OHNO
also CURE hearing loss?
sorry -- you'll have to Speak UP
@5 Original Andrew: Agreed and seconded.
@11: Begone, lil MAGA, before you draw more of Pence's flies.
Back slowly away from your keyboard and computer screen....you can do it.
@40 kristofarian: Thank you for the FAA warning, kris.
Luckily I have no plans to fly again anytime soon.
@44: Are you a deported Nigerian prince living in exile, too?
@45 -- not Yet.