It's a good move, but a car still is a lot of carbon stored just to move (usually) one person.
Much better to expire all fossil fuel vehicle depreciation THIS YEAR so there are no more tax expensing of these planet killers.
Washington State legislature in Olympia also REALLY has to get rid of fossil fuel industry-coddling Doug the Thug Ericksen (a.k.a "Ambassador of Cambodia"), R----42nd District, Ferndale.
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It's a good move, but a car still is a lot of carbon stored just to move (usually) one person.
Much better to expire all fossil fuel vehicle depreciation THIS YEAR so there are no more tax expensing of these planet killers.
Washington State legislature in Olympia also REALLY has to get rid of fossil fuel industry-coddling Doug the Thug Ericksen (a.k.a "Ambassador of Cambodia"), R----42nd District, Ferndale.