

Biden and the Democrats are moving forward to pass the stimulus as originally laid out, using reconciliation and doing it without Republicans. There has been no indication they are giving in to demands made by Republicans and surprising no one the Republicans are complaining about the Democrats refusing to work with them. And with the Republicans fighting with each other and making absurd demands to yet again fuck over the people in this country, who gives a fuck what they want? The Republicans used reconciliation to pass their tax cut scam so them whining about it being used to help the people they supposedly work for (you know, the people who vote) is, thankfully, irrelevant.


currently we're (WA's) Happy
to tax most Americans Biggest
Assets - their Homes. why do we
let the Rich skate on their biggest
Assets? their accumulated Wealth?

I know, it's 'cause they Write the Laws.
well, things are a little Different, these days
the 'bottom' 80% are doing rather Poorly and
it's way past time for Billionaires to pay Their Fair Share.


Republicans offered us $0 and a slap in the face, and spent the last year insisting that COVID was a hoax, masks were for pussies, and essential workers were just grifters. But thank you for directing your snark and anger where it truly belongs: The Congressional Democrats trying to give you $1.9 trillion in stimulus relief funds.

The Stranger's political takes never fail to disappoint. You're like teenagers trying to impress each other. Who are you impressing? You're a failing newspaper that just had to give up your office and cut half your staff. Do you think spending the next 4 years shitting on Biden is going to improve your readership? It's just going to cause even more Seattleites to roll their eyes and sigh at the edgy teenage nonsense being promoted in our cafes.


Every single Republican voted AGAINST the stimulus package. EVERY SINGLE ONE.


@2 Pay attention when you read. Capital gains taxes are paid when an asset is sold for a profit. The proposed billionaire tax is a tax directly on those assets, akin to a real estate property tax.



The indication is the Washington Post (whose owner(s) editors and writers have happily endorsed the gutting or privitisation Medicare and Social Security for 30+ years) -and also the Democratic establishment's long history of caving -lest corporate media writes 'bad things' about them.

A rational person might expect that they'd learn from past mistakes, yet the pattern shows that they do not.



I get your criticism, and agree to a certain extent.

Republicans as a whole can all be jettisoned into space for all I care. They do nothing whatsoever to use their power and influence to make the country a better place for anyone other than themselves and their wealthy corporate owners. They are a frustrating roadblock and must be dragged, kicking and screaming, into a better world.

I am very thankful that a democrat president was elected, that the democrats, with the vice-president, have a majority in the Senate and a majority in the house. Very thankful!

That said... the president and nearly all of the democrats in congress are waaaaaaaay too conservative for me and I will always push either for them to be more progressive, or to get out of the way to let other more progressive people take their place.

I said it back when Biden turned out, to my disappointment, to be the nominee. I'll vote for him, but I will never stop calling on him and the others to be more progressive.

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