

No one who owns guns believes anything that any government official says about gun control, registration, or any other topic involving firearms. There is zero trust, now and forever.


No one who owns masks believes anything that the police tell them, since the police are obviously white terrorists and anti-mask revolutionaries ...


Is my stimulus check going to be personally signed by President Joe Biden?


1, and yet despite decades of fear mongering about Democrats taking peoples guns, no guns have been taken. Clinton didnt take them. Obama didnt take them. Biden is not going to take them. But be scared!

Gun owners are some of the most easily frightened, paranoid people in the country. The kind of people who should totally own weapons.


The approval of an abusive, sadistic, illegitimate apocalypse cult like the Cathaholic “Church” is neither desired nor required.

They can fuck right off.



Yeah, gun owners fit into that HUGE category of "right-wingers who are literally afraid of everything, including their own shadows". Hell, if a little piece of cloth worn over their faces can turn them into quivering, mewling cry-babies, it goes without saying there's nothing that can't frighten the shit out of them.


"Executive Dow Constantine was there, and pledged to devote “substantial funding” to address bias crimes. A new report indicates that hate crimes targeting Asian Americans surged 150 percent in 2020"

King County Police, Prosecutors and Politicians have been sending the cops to arrest, rob and rape almost exclusively Asian sex workers for almost a decade, but now Constantine wants to pretend he's against discrimination against Asians?

Note to self: In King County racial slur are unacceptable, but sending cops to rape, rob and deport Asian sex workers isn't just acceptable, but celebrated as a "rescue mission."

Good to know.


@6: I suggest thinking of them as two separate problems rather than conflating.


Sassiest newz eva!


guns owner also
and yes
@1's STILL full of shite.

Who Knew?



I guess I should go ahead and out myself as a gun owner as well - but strangely, I don't feel compelled to stockpile an arsenal, public carry, or cower in terror at the thought of the big, bad gubbamint a-comin' tah take mah gunz awaaaaay!


@11 that seems like a key tenant of governance in Seattle and the state of Washington as well.


Nice update. Particularly enjoyed the Geordi comp.


Why do you 'deserve' a check from the government? Why do you think you deserve one every month?


Ummm why are there so many people maskless in public including Kate Middleton? The pandemic isn’t over yet, and won’t be if folks are jumping the gun- potentially making vaccines less effective.


gonna give you a Cookie!
& you can eat it Now or
IF you can Wait 15
minutes you'l get
two Dozens!

Repubs never can wait more than a couple minutes before compleat Meltdowns so the rest of US can NEVER have NiceThings like a fawking decent Economy.

is there a Solution?



Oh, I'm sure @20 believes he's totally prepared for something like that - rest assured he's got enough MRE's, ammo, TP, and 5 gallon carboys of water to last days, if not weeks - which should totes be enough to survive a complete catastrophic crash to the economy, amiright? I mean, just look how well all those good, God-fearing, bootstrapping, "you won't catch ME begging for a gubbamint handout!" folks in Texas fared recently.


The Catholic Church (and most organized religions) subscribe to and support 15th-century morality at best (yea, I know that a number of denominations here are different, which is why I just said "most", but the point remains that most religion is all about continuing old traditions so as to keep social control). Why is anyone surprised when they do something that demonstrates it?


oh being easily-outwitted
they're Highly Susceptible
to most kinds of propaganda
especially from Authority Figures
whom they're just one or two magical
moves from being, themselves. so many
temporarily-Embarrassed Billionaires it almost
makes your head swim.



The only one I can think of that hasn't been tried is to flat-out tell them "NO cookies for you until EVERYBODY gets a cookie". Sure, they'll scream, and bawl and stomp their feet at how "unfair" that is, but sometimes with little, whiny children you have to take a "tough love" approach or they never learn the importance of self-control and respect for others.


thnx, COMTE
Entitlement is a
horrible Affliction.


@21, @24, it's a simple question. Why does the writer think he deserves a check from the government. No need to get your panties in a bunch. I can tell by your responses that neither of you deserve a check, you just think you're entitled to it, because capitalism bad, free money good.


@29 you'll have a more productive conversation talking to a wall than those two. It's wasted effort.


I'm not sure what you're thinking of that happened 12 million years ago, because the dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years.


29, you're asking why taxpayers deserve their own tax dollars back? What does that have to do with capitalism?


OUR Gov't's here to promote the General Welfare -- and not, exclusivley, the Welfare of a self-selected few who are vastly Excellent at knowing how to manipulate Markets, buy off OUR Lawmakers (thru 'campaign contributions -- aka FREE Speech) (funny, eh?) and own ENTIRE Communication Networks (MORE 'FREE' SPEECH!) with the power to convince the easily-Gullible that mask-wearing during a fucking PAN fucking Demic is somehow an Encroachment on their Freedoms (to Inflict their fellow Citzens).

and now those same folks are screaming bloody Murder when OUR Gov't needs to bail a hundred or so millions of Citizens out.

they and their Failed Fake 'president' sent this Country into a Nasty tailspin.

WE bailed out the Banksters.
pretty Certain it's Our Turn now.



Not being the OP I can only speculate, but I would say it's a reasonably safe bet they believe they deserve a check from the government because: A of All): the government is literally SAYING they deserve it; B of All): if millionaires and billionaires and multi-billionaires-a-hundred-times-over deserve largesse from our government, then why shouldn't the Average Joe? And; C of All): if YOU are getting the largesse - and I'm assuming you have and will (and believe YOU DESERVE IT) - then it's none of your damned business who else gets it.


Why do people believe cops do anything positive at all, ever?

Here they murder Black people (and who knows what else) and then violently and viciously attack people protesting the fact that they murder Black people. In the UK they murder women and then violently and viciously attack people (specifically women) not even protesting the fact that they murder women, but holding a vigil for one woman that was murdered. Cops don't prevent crime.

They barely solve any crime (only 2% of violent crimes are every solved - even fewer prosecuted and punished). They gobble up a TRILLION dollars annually in bloated budgets. They harbor white supremacist terrorists and serve as government sanctioned, taxpayer funded lynch mobs. They are corrupt and refuse to root out the really bad colleagues. They are all invested in all of the sick and fucked up shit they have access (drugs, money, vulnerable people, especially women and Black people and other marginalized people) and want to be able to do to civilians, solely because they are cops.

There is so much drama and hand wringing about what our society would be like if there were no cops. So how about a compromise - no more bloated budgets, any cop who harms a person is fired (and loses their pension), every cop who kills someone is put in prison for life (again, after being fired and losing their pension), extensive requirements regarding intelligence (including emotional intelligence and doing everything to make sure white supremacists are not allowed to be cops, ever), de-escalation skills, non-violent confrontation, and definitive expectations regarding job performance (including limiting the amount of time someone can be cop).

Seriously why does a job exist where you can murder people and suffer no consequences? (Answer: to uphold, promote, enforce, and perpetuate white supremacist terrorism).

Why does a job exist where you can literally NOT do your job, EVER, and still work for decades, retire, collect a fat pension, etc.?

Why is it that cops can't do anything to help anyone until after a horrific crime has been committed (rape, murder, etc.)? What kind of profession is that? Hey, yo, all we can do for you is wait until your dead and then we can get involved! And your murder wont' be solved!

Cops in THIS country have been turned into paramilitary psychopaths.

Take away all military gear.
Make them live where they work.
Gut their pay and put all of the money from the above into supporting communities through infrastructure and service improvements.

No one wants to be cop after these changes? Good. The way crime is eradicated is through the support of communities. Period.


@35: What is your expected response to your deliberately provocative and broad generalizations?


Not enough people are getting stimulus checks? Puuuuhlease. Households over the $75/150K threshold are not in the same situation as people making much, much less than that.


Brilliant Comment xina.
thank you.

and you can fuck off with
your insidious Projections


@20, 29,

Who said they "deserve" a check from the government? It wasn't in the news post about the checks and I don't see it in any comments here until yours.

But to answer your hypothetical question: Anyone should expect their government to enact the legislation they've passed. They passed a bill stating most Americans will receive a check. So... the people deserve to have the bill enacted.

As for "deserving" a check every month. Again, didn't see anyone write that until you, but a universal basic income is simply another step forward in the evolution of civilized society. It is unnecessary, and wasteful really, for 100% of the population toiling away in meaningless labor. We don't need more people building tools for inspectors to inspect inspectors (to paraphrase Buckminster Fuller). A small percentage of the population can sustain everyone else. The remainder should spend their time doing what they would have done if they hadn't been told "you need to have a job."


@42 actually people have been told for months to file their 2020 taxes as soon as possible, especially if they suffered a loss in income, because the relief checks are based on the most recent tax return filed. k thnx bye.


@43, exactly @42 I’m not arguing that point at all, as I agree with you. But in general, my original point still stands.


Matt, I know this is not your doing or anyone from The Stranger staff's fault, either, but WHERE IS MY STIMULUS CHECK?? I have e-filed my IRS returns including my 2020 return promptly--on March 4, 2021. I am on direct deposit, and have otherwise received my first two stimulus payments via direct deposit. My attempts at checking online with the IRS have been unsuccessful. The online site is useless bullshit. It says I wither don't qualify (I do) or they "don't have all the information" (THEY DO!). I have checked with my bank. They have no set date when direct deposit payments will come in. WTF???

I wish all useless obstructionist RepubliKKKans, their lawyers, lobbyists, fixers, trophy bitches & bimbos, snot-nosed heirs, down to their dumbest of MAGA rubes and dangerously rabid Proud Boys, Patriot Players, and QAnon thugs drop DEAD, already for fucking up my life and countless others.


@45: Oooooooo-kay. Deep breath, gut in. A few minutes ago, I contacted my tax accountants, and the biggest problem that those of us who yet to see a stimulus payment in our accounts is that the IRS is backlogged with 2019 returns. This is what I was told, but what I find surprising, because almost immediately, when I e-filed in 2019 for tax year 2018 and 2019, my previous tax refunds (none this year, but I do not owe the IRS, either, because I didn't earn anything) and stimulus payments were electronically direct deposited like clockwork.
I do not understand this year's overwhelming IRS backlog from 2019.
I still would like to see the GOP, NRA, QAnon, Proud Boys, Patriot Players ad nauseum all die off soon for their shameful level of corruption, violence, and greed.


@33 kristofarian and @40 Urgutha Forka: Thank you both and bless you.


@1: One thing's for damned sure, Swifty. I sure don't trust you regarding gun control.

@3 Brent Gumbo slams it out of the park for another WIN!

@35: +1 Spot on, xina! Agreed, seconded, and Amen. You NAILED it!

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