

Accountability is not the same as cancel culture.

Republicons and white right wing nut jobs are literally working to cancel democracy. They held a failed coup. They are introducing legislation nationwide that will prevent Black people and all other minority groups and marginalized groups from voting. And all the while they scream about racists being held accountable as cancel culture. Scream and yell and point and distract all you want. Non-racists are sick to fucking death of the racists in this country and we're going to root them out and get rid of every last one of them.

Dismantling and destroying racism and white supremacist ideology, policy, violence, and terrorism in this country needs to happen no matter how hard white right wing nut jobs cry and whine and bitch and moan about it. If you want to call that cancel culture, go ahead.


@6 LOL please. Republicons are out of their fucking minds with QAnon conspiracies and all of their hate and and death and destruction. This isn't about me. It's about reality. Your commentary is proof positive that the cons have lost their fucking minds ENTIRELY and are going to literally immolate themselves as they attempt to save white supremacy. It is THEIR outrage that is manufactured. They have done NOTHING for anyone in this country for decades. They have robbed everyone blind and destroyed everything they possibly could and under Trump they have brought mass murder to a new level. Facts matter, truth matters, accountability matters, integrity matters - and it is clear who lives in the world of facts, truth, accountability, and integrity and who doesn't - no matter how many people like you troll the internet. Keep screaming into the void. Won't change reality.


Haha, yeah Xina, you are literally the Stazi/Gestapo. LMFAO.

Poor, sad trolls. Losers!


"They are introducing legislation nationwide that will prevent [read: CANCEL] Black people and all other minority groups and marginalized groups from voting.

And all the while they scream about racists being held accountable as cancel culture." --@xina

“If its [sic] not Trump its [sic] the next evil white man you find [well there's no Shortage] you'll project and project [sayeth thy projector] and never find solace in anything [still projecting]. Always moving from one outrage to the next [long as there are repubs there’ll be No Shortage of Reprehensiblly Outrageous behavior to cull out] [just IGNORE it they implore] You need a scapegoat or boogie man to function [‘cause THIS is all you have. I KNOW this] [having a very good Brain]. Sad really [good call] [really].”

well done xina
our Warrior


"... [xina's comments] are confined to the internet, we are better off because of that." --@FNNFL

say that reminds me
xina nyt's advertising
a buck a week. would
Love to see your com-
ments more widely seen...

thnx, for Reminding me FNNFLy!


Can't we all just calm down and nuance a little?


Shorter FNFAL:

"How DARE you hold people accountable for their words and deeds...something, something - NO, YOU DAH NAZI! - lalalalalalalala..."


When I looked at these comments last night, nobody in the comments had addressed what the article was actually about- all that was posted was dismissive, bigoted right-wing trash talk for the SAKE of posting dismissive, bigoted right-wing trash talk.

As of today, with the exception of xina's, kristofarian's and COMTE's posts, that is still the case.

If you read the open letter, you'd have seen that the guest curator and the artists have valid grievances- among other things, there is no excuse for the museum NOT giving the guest curator a budget- no curator can curate without one- OR for the now-ousted executive director's disrespectful and condescending remarks about the guest curator in the Zoom meeting.

Neither of these things would ever have happened to a white guest curator or to white artists working with that guest curator- those of you who are right-wing wouldn't know that, to be fair, because right-wing people are always anti-art and anti-creativity, with the sole exception of the fact that they admire Wagner for writing the sound track for the Third Reich and for being a Nazi sixty years early.

Nothing the guest curator or anyone who signed the open letter call for would harm white people or the country, for God's sakes. And no, nothing anybody calling for radical change in this country advocates would ever impose Stalinism or Maoism on us- those perversions are extinct.


This all sounds rather vague, like that funny business with the royal couple and the alleged racist remarks directed toward their child. Is it worth upsetting the apple cart and conducting a national search for a new executive director when an arbitrator or a counselor-interventionist could patch things up? Racism and boorish behavior are deplorable, even more so in the fine arts community, where we can all agree intolerance and vulgarity are anathema to the creative process. Nevertheless, there must be a “door number two” that is less cathartic for the art community and the museum. This sounds petulant, like the turnover we see among high school coaches from nagging parents or “stage mothers” who claim Roquefort isn’t getting enough playing time. We can all agree that social media has made any perceived slight a gaping wound due to hypersensitivity and nosiness.


So what. This is very esoteric news. Artists should be feel lucky to have a place to show their work in this world. Bad press doesn't help things.


"Artists should be feel lucky to have a place to show their work in this world." --@tempur_tempur

Bingo. if it ain't Effecient
what's its bloody Point?

we'll deal with all the
Parasites later. 'cept
for The BABIES!
didja know they'll be
able to Vote soon?

Glory Glory


sorry didn't mean to
getchyur Hopes up

the BaBies can only Vote till
their Born fuckin Freeloaders.


The part of the open letter blaming a security guard for being "racist" is downright evil - some snotty professor accuses a white female security guard of "scowling with her eyes" at her.


STILL Projecting fnffl?
Imagine our


It is possible to hate both Trumpistas/QAnon and the woke stassi cancel crowd at the same time. These are just opposite sides of a coin. When one side does something stupid it does not then validate the other side to do something stupid. Lot of remarks about right wing assholes but that is not what the article is about. This article is about left wing assholes. There will be plenty of articles and slog posts this week about the right doing dumb shit and we can all get angry at that. But this time it is the left being ridiculous.

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