

No, you can cook cicadas for dinner. I'll be having a BBQ chicken sandwich from Panera.


I might be stealing Auntie G's thunder, but @1 for the win!


What @1 and @3 said. Orangata non grata.


I'd rather have a lobster.
But not a blue lobster - those are estimated as 1 in approx 2 million (as opposed to the other rare colorations, estimated as 1 in 30 million).


Let this be a lesson. Demonstrate peacefully and concrete barriers won't be needed.


@6 What's the point of a peaceful demonstration? Who would listen? Who would watch? Who would care? One broken Starbucks window gets more media attention than a 10,000 person peaceful walk through a designated protest zone.

Anger and violence get results. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I don't make the rules.


@6 or maybe the lesson is for the cops - don't be savage brutes, people won't detest you and you won't need barriers.


@1, 3,

Fuck that. Zuck or that panel should've had some trolling fun with their decision on his request for reinstatement. Were I on said panel, I'd have proposed telling him the request would only be considered if he submitted a one page essay acknowledging and taking responsibility for his actions and their consequences. He's obviously desperate for the platform and so there'd have maybe been like a 1% chance that he'd do it, in which case which... Win!!!

Of course, far more likely he'd have lashed out with a series of tantrums on fox news and Pucky Carlson would've feigned indignation and outrage at the situation while doing that thing where he reads his editorial opinion with one eyebrow arched like four inches above his other, and the pitch of his voice raising and lowering on cue to further demonstrate just how incensed he is by the the whole scenario.

Maybe even give him like 30-45 minutes to write the essay and stream it on their dumb facebook live streaming platform. Embrace the moron subculture. It's pull is irresistible and it will consume us all.

Give in.


You can cook cicadas? After seeing that giant photo at the top of Slog AM, I will probably not eat anything at all for the rest of today. It looks like a cockroach. (Pls don't tell me you can eat cockroaches)


Bruce thinks granting wages to working Americans are a "cost"? How ironic, coming from a jackass whose salary is probably paid by taxes from the wages of the employees he's screwing over.


@6, if you're a law-abiding citizen you have nothing to worry about right? A favorite line of boot-lickers since the dawn of time.

SPD assaulted peaceful protestors with tear gas and other weapons and as a consequence their building got smashed up, not the other way around.

You sound like someone who would blame a person being raped on how they were dressed. Wait, scratch that, you don't sound like that someone, you ARE that someone.


is a*


@14 More likely sales/property taxes since he's with the county.


@8: Of course, but typically reserved for extreme situations such as revolutions from colonial powers, kicking out invading countries, and preventing genocide.


@15. your "peaceful" protestors were burning police cars, looting stores, destroying the city and assaulting people. Blaming police for responding with the tools they have at their disposal is more akin to your analogy than the other way round. I didn't see the police randomly shooting off tear gas until the riots started. You may not have liked the response but it was entirely within their realm of jurisdiction to quell the ongoing riot. This bullshit revisionist history works great in the progressive community but I don't know many others who would describe what happened last summer as "peaceful".

I would also add black bloc continually told businesses that if they weren't "racist' they had nothing to fear as well. Of course the standard of "racist" continually changed but whatevs right? Stop gaslighting people on who the real facists are in this community.


Seattle needs more and better-equipped police, not less. The violence, rampant unchecked drug-addled mentally-ill zombie homeless, and income taxes (not "capital gains") passed by the legislature will just see people of means moving to Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, etc. I have several friends looking at houses in Scottsdale right now.


Shorter SLOG Conservative Bootlickers Version I:

"I just don't understand why those fascist radicals had to destroy private property by dumping all that tea into Boston Harbor. Don't they know violent protest never works?"

Version II:

"I just don't understand why Yeshua had to go on a rampage against all those innocent, hard-working business people in the temple? Doesn't he know violence is never the answer?"


19, revisionist history is forgetting why people were angry and protesting in the first place. You know, because police are generally allowed to murder and abuse people and not be held accountable. But yeah, concern for property damage takes precedence over concern for human life in America, so thoughts and prayers for those poor poor fully insured windows and concrete.

People were and are under attack by the state itself. They have a right to be mad and to defend themselves. SPD and other departments should be thanking themselves that all that happened is some property got damaged. if America can't reign in its police, we are going to start seeing bodies of the boys in blue being strung up in the streets. Maybe then your concern for violent protestors will be justified, but I doubt Im going to lose any sleep over it.


@24 what happened in Seattle last year had nothing to do with George Floyd or police violence. That was a bunch of wanna be revolutionaries looking for an excuse to burn down the system or cause mayhem and BLM provided the cover to do so. Pretending that looting Nordstrom was some great statement for BIPOC rights akin to getting firehosed in Selma is about as delusional as you can get. The entire "people over property" mantra is equally bullshit and only serves to make shitheads like you feel morally righteous about your actions. Not all those windows and businesses are 100% insured, ever hear of a deductible? The loss of business/income while cleaning up your tantrum can never be recovered so for the owners and employees of those businesses you are absolutely inflicting violence upon them.

More and more people are starting to see through the bullshit. Black bloc attacks and provokes the police, the police respond, black bloc posts videos showing "police brutality". Rinse and repeat. Notice how lame May Day was last weekend? No one wants any part of your revolution anymore and the BLM marchers don't want anything to do with you. Feel free to continue raging into the wind though while the rest of us do the real work of building a better community.


28, "Feel free to continue raging into the wind though while the rest of us do the real work of building a better community."

What specifically are you doing to build a better community? Cuz slog ranting ain't it.


Perhaps if the police spent less time harassing and murdering black people who've committed no crimes they'd have more time to deal with violent rioters?



@29 I'll work on my resume for your approval but in the interim I would counter "ranting" on the SLOG is absolutely a community service. We should absolutely be able to debate some of the issues facing our city rather than just get spoon fed a bunch of half truths from those who exist in an idealogical bubble. No one wants to read a page full of the Professor.


@33: Perhaps if violent rioters realized there are peaceful ways to achieve their objectives instead of using convenient enigmatic societal problems as an excuse for an adrenaline fix, they'd have more productive and meaningful lives and the police could turn their attention other matters of public safety.



@29: Specifics? Such a tired tactic. As if you had specifics, ha! Feel free to prove me wrong though.


@6, 37: I'm curious as to why you think the concrete barriers were installed at the White House by Velveeta Mussolini, when the only violence that happened there was his ordering the mass violation of 1st Amendment rights against peaceful protestors by gassing them. Or are you only interested in discussing the local concrete barriers?


@39: In order to answer that question, you first have to establish why you think those actions by Velveeta Mussolini and SPD are comparable. After all, that's a premise you should have the courtesy to provide in posing your question about such conflations.



Violent rioters aren't employed by the city, the police are.

Perhaps the city should teach their police to do their jobs correctly and discipline them when they do not.


@43: LOLOLOL oh that comment is as solid gold as a certain calf one could mention! Nicely done!


@42: Non sequitur, your facts are uncoordinated.


@40 perhaps you have made up your mind but there are a good many lurkers on the SLOG and if there is an opportunity to provide a counterpoint to the continual drivel on this page so much the better. Btw I support the right to protest. I don't support the right to inflict injustice upon people as a way of righting previous injustice. That just makes you an asshole and no better than the people you are protesting.


50: Thank you.

It was interesting up until that last horrific barb. I draw the line at that!


How is that non sequitur?

The police are our employees. They work for us. If they're not doing their job (like, not arresting rioters), they should be re-directed to do their job. If one of the reasons they're not doing their job is because they're harassing black people, they should be reprimanded or fired. If another reason they're not doing their job is because they're murdering black people, they should be arrested (and fired, obviously).

Your point @37 was the one that didn't follow logically.

I said police weren't doing their jobs because they were doing other things (i.e., harassing and murdering black people), then you said the problem was not that police were doing that, the problem was that rioters were rioting, and if they simply "stopped rioting" the police could safely go back to... I dunno, harassing and murdering black people again I guess?

Feel free to order violent rioters to stop rioting. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, we absolutely have the authority to order the police to stop harassing and murdering black people and instead go stop the violent rioters and arrest them. You know, do their fucking jobs. Because they work for us. And if they don't do their jobs? Then we'll fire their asses and find people who will. You, a private citizen, have no such authority with violent rioters. They don't work for you. They don't answer to you. That's, like, part of the literal definition of a rioter.


@53: The police can stop harassing and murdering black people and enforce the law at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.

If smashing a Starbucks window would have saved George Floyd's life, I would have done so.


@41: They both installed concrete barriers. That's the similarity. I already implied a lack of similarity in that there was no violence shown by protesters in DC. Are those sufficient breadcrumbs for you?


@57: Parallels between Trump and Mussolini in the use of concrete barriers.

Interestingly, I never knew that Romano Mussoli, Mussolini's youngest son, married the younger sister of Sophia Loren in 1962. And to top that off, Melania Trump idolized Sophia Loren.

Small world, huh?


I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the lack of response, Raindrop. After all, it goes against your penchant to white knight the worst members of society, your pathological need to excuse the GQP stepping on your neck, and your inability to hold a thought longer than ten seconds. This is always what you do when you can't excuse awful behavior: you dodge. You always dodge.


@60: Just what did I dodge? You toss up discordant tangential footnotes that and expect to be taken seriously.

So what if two paranoid historical figures threw up concrete barriers? Please enlighten us on the relevance.


But Knat, in regard to the concrete barriers around the east precinct, you can't ague that they weren't needed.


@1 guesty, @3 Dan-Oh, & @4 Brent Gumbo: Agreed and seconded, thirded, and fourthed. Sheer brilliance! :)
@3 Book 'em, Dan-Oh: Agreed and seconded--guesty @1 for the slam-dunk! You didn't steal my thunder. But thanks for the acknowledgment. I'm flattered. :)

@21: Are you fearing an escalation of homelessness in Bellevue, Swift-boots? I dunno--squatters have already descended upon Mercer Island. Hunt's Point is next----DUCK!! :o

@19, @28, @35 & @48 District13Refuse: Congratulations on being the World's Most Odiferous Source of Natural Gas. I'm surprised your verbal flatulence hasn't blasted you off already into outer space. :(

@33, @37, @42,& @45 Urgutha Forka: Agreed and seconded. Once again you nailed it.

@44 (and also @47 & @49) Professor_Hiztory: Agreed, seconded, and thirded with Lissa @43: Solid gold!
Congrats on a stroke of pure genius, Prof!

In further social media circus news:
@61 & @62: Thank you, Amerwica, it has been fun being Pwesident.

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