

Still haven't been impressed by any candidacy. Harrell will probably win, so the key is to keep him honest and not do what a lot of Seattle pols do, talk the woke talk and walk the business walk.

Gonzalez? Just say no. Gonzalez is all about Gonzalez.


'And in a statement, Seattle Council President Lorena Gonzalez said, “Corporate-funded PACs are why Seattle has a homelessness and affordable housing crisis..."'

Yes, developers who want to build as much new housing as they possibly can are the blame for our housing problems. Meanwhile, the people who tried -- and failed, completely, miserably -- to stop redevelopment of The Showbox into housing steadfastly continue to take none of the blame for our housing problems. Makes about as much sense as anything else she says.

(Good to know she can recognize the sound of her own Mayoral campaign starting its long, slow, painful slide into oblivion the moment she hears it, though.)


"If campaigns don't approve of big money in the race—either from business groups or unions—then they can denounce PACs that rise up to support them. "

In other words, they can reject the majority of their support and concede the election. Right.

And the part about "grassroots donations being a threat" is hilarious.

@1 - you are forgetting that Kshama is the No. 1 approved do-no-wrong candidate of Seattle's futile and destructive class warfare machine. So, yes, of course, it's completely different. Obviously Bruce Harrell is a capitalist pig who would raise your rent 100% on his first day in office.

@4 - the problems of the City not allowing more density are of little importance when compared with the horror that a candidate might feel the need to raise a large amount of money to compete in the mayor's race in a major city.

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