

Can’t wait for the next installment in the Stranger’s long-running series, “We Could Solve the Smoke Problem if We Just Let Hillary Franz Cut Down More Trees.”


If you are into DIY a fun project is to wire-up an environmental sensor, like sgp30, to an mcu and use it to monitor the air quality. It will provide you with fairly accurate co2 and VOC readings. You will need to know how to solder and have a basic knowledge of Arduino IDE or VS Code or whatever; if you don't know how to do either you can gain a workable, rote understanding within a couple online tutorials.

I built one last year and stuck it in one of the bedrooms of my house. Air quality was sooooo bad, I started poking around and figured out there was a vent behind one of the walls that opened up to outside that was just letting complete exchange of polluted outside air into my home and all behind my walls and shit.


I look forward to all the anti-maskers who refused to wear masks whining about how they can't breathe, and not getting why it's so so so so funny to the rest of us.

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