When it comes to climate change, it's a lot easier to mock an easy-target wingnut like Cliff Mass than it is to change one's dietary habits. (See the last item.)
And sure, Brandi Kruse is full of crap to be calling on Inslee to cancel those fines. You could have a pretty good debate as to who's more full of it--Kruse or Charles Mudede.
But the point I really want to make regarding her is that, when it comes to the local TV news, the station i have on the most, by far, is the local Fox station. Their newscasts are quite fair and apolitical, and seldom do they raise my bias hackles. Kruse, to the extent she's on, often sticks out like a sore thumb. It's almost like she's auditioning for Fox News Channel.
I suppose it's worth pointing out that FOX Broadcasting Company, the owner of the FOX network, is in no way affiliated with FOX "News" Channel, the cable network.
The most important thing to note about Cliff Mass is that, while he nominally believes in climate change, he also believes the most important barrier to combating it is not in an entire political partyās near-religious dedication to denying its existence. No, Cliff believes the greatest threats to climate action are extremist environmentalists and sensational media coverage. Cliff Mass thinks newspaper headlines that he feels exaggerate the link between weather events and climate change are the greatest possible planetary threat. If you donāt believe me, just read his blog for several years. He makes this point over and over and over again. He constantly and insistently faults media headlines rather than government policy makers. He is an old, sad man, alienated from his colleagues and digging his reputational grave even deeper because heās too stubborn and stupid to know any better. He is a joke.
@2 yeah everyone, calm down. just because the planet is dying, governments across the globe are embracing authoritarianism, late-stage capitalism and consumerism are out of control and keeping people in poverty and slavery, and no one really seems interested in doing anything about any of this...it's no reason to get upset.
Greenhouse effect global warming/cooling and natural(not caused by man) heating and cooling trends all exist, at the same time. One we have control over. How many kids do you have Charles? Like Doug Stanhope says, next time you see a prius with a babyseat in the back, tear that thing out fight club style and leave a condom in its place. By not having kids you can drive a lifted truck-boat-truck like from squidbillies and not do the same damage as a procreating trustafarian.
The best part among the many good parts of that video with the General is around 1:18, when we get to watch pedophile Matt Gaetz twist his hideous, scrunched face into a horrified pretzel. He was clearly not expecting this good soldier to speak in favor of intellectual curiosity, a concept that arouses profound disgust and self-hate in people like Gaetz. He is a waste of skin and should be sent permanently away, shot off the planet on a one-way rocket ride straight into the sunās purifying lake of fire.
@14: "Charles made it clear to mislead the public is more important than telling the truth."
You're so right. When it comes to the subject of how the public has been misled about climate change, the first culprit that comes to mind is... Charles Mudede.
Hey, while we're at it, shouldn't we also be calling out that old "This is your head on drugs" ad for being alarmist?
Of course, here I am wasting my own energy by responding. Nobody here is going to convince anyone of anything regarding climate change, and we're sure as heck not going to convince Mr. Mudede to give up his steaks.
You mean the park that has seen several murders and assaults? The one where court employeee donāt go in for fear of safety? Yah, I guess all those people are just nimbys who want to kick the homeless adicts and mentally impaired because itās so much fun.
Kind of like the woman from Texas who moved up here because it was easier to sell her art on Capitol Hill than in Texas so she left behind all her family and friends that could support her and came to Seattle. Howās she doing you ask? Oh her body was found in the woods in May and no one has any idea how it happened. Glad we left her alone.
As someone who gave Charles undeserved shit back in 2016, I will fully own my beancan brain. It took me all the way until summer 2020 to realize how full of shit Cliff Mass is. Specifically, when he wrote his weepy blog post comparing the protests downtown to Kristallnacht, and then his even weepier accusation he was being "canceled" after facing consequences for saying something stupid.
Cliff Mass: ā105 degrees is toasty, but on a global, historical basis, it is not unusual. Phoenix regularly gets above 105, and there have been hotter temperatures in Richland many years ago. Portland will hit 135, but other spots will be cooler. In front of an air conditioner, temperatures will be in the 90ās, historically normal for Death Valley this time of year. Also, BLM attacked Jews. That is a fact, and KXNX fired the person who fired me. Please listen to my podcast.ā
So I took a look. Cliff Mass is using data from this planet.
Mudede is simply the mirror image of climate change deniers who claim victory whenever a cold snap "disproves" global warming (and more broadly, anthropogenic climate change).
thank God
for out Cliff
Climate Change
Nothing at All to see
here folks now Move ON
btw BIG Oil's been in the Denial
Business for Decades -- shall we hold
Them Accountable? or just let 'em Skate?
oh and say Sayonara
soon to smoke-free skies
the Sun and goodnight Moon.
thank God
for our Cliff
Climate Change
oh and say Sayonara
soon to smoke-free skies
the Sun and goodnight Moon.
Nothing at All to see
here folks now Move ON
btw BIG Oil's been in the Denial
Business for Decades -- shall we hold
Them Accountable? or just let 'em Skate?
Amazing to see all the trolls still insisting global warming is just a liberal fantasy. Same as COVID, showing contempt for the libs is worth dying fo...no, worth killing all life on earth for. Donāt tell me I canāt drive an F-350: I need it for my latest Costco run. Freedom is spelled p-l-a-s-t-i-c s-h-i-t, and Josef Stalin will be carried back from hell in a Prius to steal our guns or something.
@26 Thank you for reminding me of one of my own past incorrect arguments. To answer your question: yes, I do believe that we should use a person's past words and actions as one of the factors in determining their trustworthiness.
Anyone on this thread who hates the libs like i hate the libs, cone help me! I am starting an audit of the 1980 presidential election. I think reagan won by an even bigger margin. Letās show that hippie peanut farmer just how big of a bleeding heart loser he really was. Fuck habitat for humanity!
If only I had listened to @43 before subjecting myself to Pfizerās corporate experiment. Now I have autism and my movements are being tracked by the globalist conspiracy. I definitely did not review mountains of information before getting the shot. I just asked: what will look good on my Corporate Global Virtue-signaller Network profile?
Anyone who has a pet (okay, a mammal pet) knows those animals were scared to death. It is presumably amusing for many who laugh at these animals "escaping", but in a few years when it's 100+ degrees every day in summer, let's see who is laughing then. Methane is up to 34 times more potent than CO2 - wake up people, factory farming isn't a joke to laugh at.
@35 kristofarian: No worries--you should see MY track record of typos, and I can't even blame being under the influence of alcohol. :)
@43: Wait--let me guess. You're Centrists' little baby brother Goober, you're on the same trolling account with Herr Boob, and you're all stupid enough to actually celebrate your region's having the highest COVID death toll during the pandemic, despite the availability of vaccines. Drop dead then, like flies, as Trumpland becomes a desolate cesspool. You and your pathetic MAGA ilk won't be missed.
@36, @39, @48, and @50:...said the hopelessly ignorant trolling incel who's been out in the sun too long, and now the back of his conehead (maybe use SpellCheck next time you rant) is burnt and pretty. And now his onesies are in a wad because his mommy forgot to restock his trough of Cocoa Puffs again. Oh, well. Maybe Raisin Bran can help flush your system.
@47 kristofarian for the WIN!!!
@53 Professor Hiztory: Thank you for introducing me to a new word in German: "fremdschamen", the opposite of Schadenfreude. I feel equally embarrassed for anyone masked and vaccinated who has to deal with @49 and idiots like him in person.
What with all the extreme weather I'm left wondering if all the blood red, Trumpist communities, counties, and states leading the GOP misled death count will burn a big hole between coasts.
@56 re @39: You might want to read your comments more carefully. To me, it still screams of trolling, Centrist.
@57: Spoken like true garbage that gets high on sonic boom level reverberating crapola from a car stereo. Does your car horn blast La Cucaracha when you play vulgar rap while the engine growls and pops? Middle schoolers think that's cool. Are you still trying to pass Remedial 7th grade Math, much less get a GED? You have obviously never listened to my music, much less have the capacity to understand it. You're still on the wrong track, Herr Boob. Cop to it. Anyone can spot a sofa bound 40-going-on-15-year old from 50 paces. AARP is gonna be gunning for you soon, gramps, just in time for your hair implants.
@61 Weirdest fight? I don't start shit, Centrist, i'm among those who end it. You want shit, I'd be happy to introduce you to both my controlling, manipulative shit-starters of stepsisters, Druscilla and Anastacia. Was your comment @39 intended as scathing sarcasm, dripping with dark Karo corn syrup?
Here's an idea: let's all stay hydrated and chill out. This weekend's already a scorcher.
One more reminder: keep yourselves, kids, and pets well hydrated and out of hot, parked vehicles. If the outdoor temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the inside of a car is a roasting 140 degrees Fahrenheit!
When it comes to climate change, it's a lot easier to mock an easy-target wingnut like Cliff Mass than it is to change one's dietary habits. (See the last item.)
And sure, Brandi Kruse is full of crap to be calling on Inslee to cancel those fines. You could have a pretty good debate as to who's more full of it--Kruse or Charles Mudede.
But the point I really want to make regarding her is that, when it comes to the local TV news, the station i have on the most, by far, is the local Fox station. Their newscasts are quite fair and apolitical, and seldom do they raise my bias hackles. Kruse, to the extent she's on, often sticks out like a sore thumb. It's almost like she's auditioning for Fox News Channel.
I suppose it's worth pointing out that FOX Broadcasting Company, the owner of the FOX network, is in no way affiliated with FOX "News" Channel, the cable network.
The most important thing to note about Cliff Mass is that, while he nominally believes in climate change, he also believes the most important barrier to combating it is not in an entire political partyās near-religious dedication to denying its existence. No, Cliff believes the greatest threats to climate action are extremist environmentalists and sensational media coverage. Cliff Mass thinks newspaper headlines that he feels exaggerate the link between weather events and climate change are the greatest possible planetary threat. If you donāt believe me, just read his blog for several years. He makes this point over and over and over again. He constantly and insistently faults media headlines rather than government policy makers. He is an old, sad man, alienated from his colleagues and digging his reputational grave even deeper because heās too stubborn and stupid to know any better. He is a joke.
@2 yeah everyone, calm down. just because the planet is dying, governments across the globe are embracing authoritarianism, late-stage capitalism and consumerism are out of control and keeping people in poverty and slavery, and no one really seems interested in doing anything about any of this...it's no reason to get upset.
Greenhouse effect global warming/cooling and natural(not caused by man) heating and cooling trends all exist, at the same time. One we have control over. How many kids do you have Charles? Like Doug Stanhope says, next time you see a prius with a babyseat in the back, tear that thing out fight club style and leave a condom in its place. By not having kids you can drive a lifted truck-boat-truck like from squidbillies and not do the same damage as a procreating trustafarian.
The best part among the many good parts of that video with the General is around 1:18, when we get to watch pedophile Matt Gaetz twist his hideous, scrunched face into a horrified pretzel. He was clearly not expecting this good soldier to speak in favor of intellectual curiosity, a concept that arouses profound disgust and self-hate in people like Gaetz. He is a waste of skin and should be sent permanently away, shot off the planet on a one-way rocket ride straight into the sunās purifying lake of fire.
@14: "Charles made it clear to mislead the public is more important than telling the truth."
You're so right. When it comes to the subject of how the public has been misled about climate change, the first culprit that comes to mind is... Charles Mudede.
Hey, while we're at it, shouldn't we also be calling out that old "This is your head on drugs" ad for being alarmist?
Of course, here I am wasting my own energy by responding. Nobody here is going to convince anyone of anything regarding climate change, and we're sure as heck not going to convince Mr. Mudede to give up his steaks.
You mean the park that has seen several murders and assaults? The one where court employeee donāt go in for fear of safety? Yah, I guess all those people are just nimbys who want to kick the homeless adicts and mentally impaired because itās so much fun.
Kind of like the woman from Texas who moved up here because it was easier to sell her art on Capitol Hill than in Texas so she left behind all her family and friends that could support her and came to Seattle. Howās she doing you ask? Oh her body was found in the woods in May and no one has any idea how it happened. Glad we left her alone.
As someone who gave Charles undeserved shit back in 2016, I will fully own my beancan brain. It took me all the way until summer 2020 to realize how full of shit Cliff Mass is. Specifically, when he wrote his weepy blog post comparing the protests downtown to Kristallnacht, and then his even weepier accusation he was being "canceled" after facing consequences for saying something stupid.
Cliff Mass: ā105 degrees is toasty, but on a global, historical basis, it is not unusual. Phoenix regularly gets above 105, and there have been hotter temperatures in Richland many years ago. Portland will hit 135, but other spots will be cooler. In front of an air conditioner, temperatures will be in the 90ās, historically normal for Death Valley this time of year. Also, BLM attacked Jews. That is a fact, and KXNX fired the person who fired me. Please listen to my podcast.ā
The cattle story makes me want to cry.
You do that, Phoebe.
So I took a look. Cliff Mass is using data from this planet.
Mudede is simply the mirror image of climate change deniers who claim victory whenever a cold snap "disproves" global warming (and more broadly, anthropogenic climate change).
We will fight for bovine freedom
and hold our large heads high.
We will run free with the buffalo
or die!
@13 schmacky for the WIN!
One thing is for sure---my beloved VW and I aren't going anywhere if local outdoor temperatures exceed double digits!
Kill the filibuster and the GOP finally goes extinct. Win-win!
thank God
for out Cliff
Climate Change
Nothing at All to see
here folks now Move ON
btw BIG Oil's been in the Denial
Business for Decades -- shall we hold
Them Accountable? or just let 'em Skate?
oh and say Sayonara
soon to smoke-free skies
the Sun and goodnight Moon.
thank God
for our Cliff
Climate Change
oh and say Sayonara
soon to smoke-free skies
the Sun and goodnight Moon.
Nothing at All to see
here folks now Move ON
btw BIG Oil's been in the Denial
Business for Decades -- shall we hold
Them Accountable? or just let 'em Skate?
[looks like I found MY Edit button]!
Amazing to see all the trolls still insisting global warming is just a liberal fantasy. Same as COVID, showing contempt for the libs is worth dying fo...no, worth killing all life on earth for. Donāt tell me I canāt drive an F-350: I need it for my latest Costco run. Freedom is spelled p-l-a-s-t-i-c s-h-i-t, and Josef Stalin will be carried back from hell in a Prius to steal our guns or something.
@26 Thank you for reminding me of one of my own past incorrect arguments. To answer your question: yes, I do believe that we should use a person's past words and actions as one of the factors in determining their trustworthiness.
Anyone on this thread who hates the libs like i hate the libs, cone help me! I am starting an audit of the 1980 presidential election. I think reagan won by an even bigger margin. Letās show that hippie peanut farmer just how big of a bleeding heart loser he really was. Fuck habitat for humanity!
the Death of Planet Earth
the Sole Planet with Life
in the Known Universe
is a Small Price tp Pay
for OWNING the Libs
our Reptilican brains
are no Match for
ya don't gotta be Stupid
to be a Reptilican but
it sure makes Insur-
Rection easier!
oh and didja know
the COVIX'll make
your Dick fall off.
If only I had listened to @43 before subjecting myself to Pfizerās corporate experiment. Now I have autism and my movements are being tracked by the globalist conspiracy. I definitely did not review mountains of information before getting the shot. I just asked: what will look good on my Corporate Global Virtue-signaller Network profile?
@47 - COVID wonāt
It just the flu
Covvovaxx, tho, make your blood magnetize
Silver lining: spoon dix
Anyone who has a pet (okay, a mammal pet) knows those animals were scared to death. It is presumably amusing for many who laugh at these animals "escaping", but in a few years when it's 100+ degrees every day in summer, let's see who is laughing then. Methane is up to 34 times more potent than CO2 - wake up people, factory farming isn't a joke to laugh at.
@35 kristofarian: No worries--you should see MY track record of typos, and I can't even blame being under the influence of alcohol. :)
@43: Wait--let me guess. You're Centrists' little baby brother Goober, you're on the same trolling account with Herr Boob, and you're all stupid enough to actually celebrate your region's having the highest COVID death toll during the pandemic, despite the availability of vaccines. Drop dead then, like flies, as Trumpland becomes a desolate cesspool. You and your pathetic MAGA ilk won't be missed.
@36, @39, @48, and @50:...said the hopelessly ignorant trolling incel who's been out in the sun too long, and now the back of his conehead (maybe use SpellCheck next time you rant) is burnt and pretty. And now his onesies are in a wad because his mommy forgot to restock his trough of Cocoa Puffs again. Oh, well. Maybe Raisin Bran can help flush your system.
@47 kristofarian for the WIN!!!
@53 Professor Hiztory: Thank you for introducing me to a new word in German: "fremdschamen", the opposite of Schadenfreude. I feel equally embarrassed for anyone masked and vaccinated who has to deal with @49 and idiots like him in person.
What with all the extreme weather I'm left wondering if all the blood red, Trumpist communities, counties, and states leading the GOP misled death count will burn a big hole between coasts.
@54 - read my posts more carefully. Iām not on the side you think iām on. My post @39 in particular was intended ironically.
@56 re @39: You might want to read your comments more carefully. To me, it still screams of trolling, Centrist.
@57: Spoken like true garbage that gets high on sonic boom level reverberating crapola from a car stereo. Does your car horn blast La Cucaracha when you play vulgar rap while the engine growls and pops? Middle schoolers think that's cool. Are you still trying to pass Remedial 7th grade Math, much less get a GED? You have obviously never listened to my music, much less have the capacity to understand it. You're still on the wrong track, Herr Boob. Cop to it. Anyone can spot a sofa bound 40-going-on-15-year old from 50 paces. AARP is gonna be gunning for you soon, gramps, just in time for your hair implants.
@57: I guess your receding hairline is really getting to you. Bummer.
@59 - pot, kettle; but you and i are screaming at the same bald-faced hypocrites.
This is the weirdest fight iāve ever had.
@61 Weirdest fight? I don't start shit, Centrist, i'm among those who end it. You want shit, I'd be happy to introduce you to both my controlling, manipulative shit-starters of stepsisters, Druscilla and Anastacia. Was your comment @39 intended as scathing sarcasm, dripping with dark Karo corn syrup?
Here's an idea: let's all stay hydrated and chill out. This weekend's already a scorcher.
One more reminder: keep yourselves, kids, and pets well hydrated and out of hot, parked vehicles. If the outdoor temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the inside of a car is a roasting 140 degrees Fahrenheit!