

Matt Baume: "If only there were some way to make the reduction in private vehicle usage last, like providing some form of robust public transportation system."

If our primary interest is in building a robust public transportation system, then there's an enormous opportunity staring us right in the face, one that dwarfs all the other opportunities we have. And that is Sound Transit 3 and marshaling the political will to get that work back on track in the wake of the pandemic.

Of course, that's hard work. It's kinda boring. If we just want to have a little fun, we can instead focus our attention on putting a lid on I-5.


You must not get the Discovery Channel because like half the promos for their shows are about dudes just like that guy in Alaska. They live in shacks and their source of income is usually a combo of like panning for gold, cutting lumber, and yearly checks from big oil or whatever that Alaskans get. Shit, they'll probably have his harrowing bear survival story turned into a made-for-TV movie. Bear Week, anyone?



Alaska based reality programs like the ones on The Discovery Channel are dirt cheap to produce - these people are def not taking home "Duck Dynasty" level paychecks - and make good profits. Millions of MAGAT's cream themselves whenever they watch one, because they're literally their John Galt libertarian survivalist wet dreams come to life.


Re: weather-altering drones. Sounds like it's time for an updated remake of "Our Man Flint".


3 John Galt libertarian survivalist wet dreams subsidized by Permanent Fund dividends and Longevity Bonus checks. I know, I lived there for 33 years- all those "get the government out of my benefits" types who pretended they were surviving on their own but used those utterly unearned handouts to pay their bills...and then drank the rest of it.

The Ayn Rand groupies these types elected to the legislature screwed over the actual poor by allowing the rich to attach their dividends to clear the debts capitalism imposed on them. This policy was targeted in particular at rural(usually Native) Alaskans, who genuinely have no way to get through the winter in their villages, especially when fish and game are scarce, without getting the dividends-dividends Alaska Natives have a greater right to than anybody else, since they've been the ones left out in the cold in the oil boom more than anyone else.

This has all been done because the Ayn Rand white supremacists have NEVER given up on their goal of emptying the villages-after which rich white people would probably come in and built sportfishing/hunting lodges to endanger all remaining species in the states- then forcing all Alaska Natives to live in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau or Ketchikan, losing all remnants of their cultures, and reduce themselves to running trinket shops for the tourists.

These people still want to "take the Indian out of the man", and they won't stop until they achieve that objective.


"If only there were some way to make the reduction in private vehicle usage last, like providing some form of robust public transportation system."

@1, Since Matt apparently hasn't noticed yet after all this time, you and I can privately revel in the knowledge that Seattle already provides some form of robust public transportation.

Yes, it can and should be greatly improved, but JFC maybe Matt should spend a week or two in Eugene Oregon, the second-largest city in the state, where the entire county-wide bus system operates out of a single base that is smaller than the smallest Metro base.


"It will be difficult for this movie to out-weird David Lynch’s vision of Baron Harkonnen, the misunderstood hero of Dune."

Okay, this is a thesis I need to read b/c I can't manage to see an interpretation that would make Baron Harkonnen the hero. Granted, he's an incredibly interesting character, but that's all I can say about him.

(In other words, please write this up as I'd love to read it!)


I'm looking forward to Dune.

I've seen the Lynch film a few times, and I've read the novel once. It's dense and mystical, but I'm glad I read it. Lynch's "weird" film is really only weird because of Lynch and his filmmaking style. I'm keeping my expectations low for the new one so hopefully I'll be pleasantly entertained. It's difficult material to put on film. More than half the book is narration about what people are thinking and why they're behaving the way they are. Not sure how to film that.

I don't see how anyone can consider the Baron to be the secret hero though. The guy was more evil than Darth Vader and did nothing but serve himself.



There was a miniseries on the Sci Fi channel around the turn of the century. Someone uploaded the complete episodes on Youtube, so you can check it out there. There was also a sequel called Children of Dune a few years later that I think combined the next two novels. I have found only a few short scenes on Youtube, not the entire episodes.


@8: "those of us that like cars"
@8: "I like electric buses better than trains - a little cheaper and a lot more flexible."

@8, if you actually rode transit, I can assure you buses would not be your preferred mode.

Of course, as Parah Sailin @6 says, there are places like Eugene where anything better than just better buses is a pipe dream.


Paul is obviously an anti-hero, but that doesn't make the Baron a hero. You'll need to explain that cause otherwise sounds like you seriously misread the books.


@7 I second that motion!


Bat-Wielding Jim Jordan
Bursts Through Capitol Window
Demanding To Be Allowed Onto January 6 Committee

WASHINGTON—Shoving down barriers, sprinting up the steps, and smashing his fist through a thick pane of glass, bat-wielding Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) burst through a Capitol window Thursday and demanded to be allowed onto a committee investigating the events of January 6th.

“The January 6th committee was stolen,” yelled Jordan, while he and other representatives, including Rep. Jim Banks (R-IND), stormed through the House chamber, scribbling graffiti on statues, pepper-spraying police officers, and smearing his feces on the walls of Congress.


Mr. Baume, what exactly is your definition of a rich person? Someone who has more money than you? As a writer for the stranger, wouldn't that be most everyone?


Just a thought, changing zoning to allow more apartments in former single family zoned areas will reduce the number of available houses making home ownership more difficult.


@16, it's the easiest thing in the world to be a great champion in the fight against climate change when it only involves ticking off your existing agenda items.



Granted, but it's not like most he-man, libertarian, "Imma live off TEH FAT O' TEH LAYUND!" types have ever been able or even willing to actually do so; it's just a thing they have in their heads that convinces them they totes COULD, if necessary, even though most of them would probably starve to death in a few weeks - or get eaten by a bear, like this bold, boot-strapping example almost did.


@18/@20: Logical thought processes never considered by myopic bubbleheads in wokeland.


meant 18 and 22, but 20 is applicable too.


Gray Davis is a nice man, but he was seen as ineffectual, and he was nowhere near as popular as Gov. Newsom. The only way the recall can be successful is if Democrats don't bother to vote. Frankly, I resent the hassle and expense this is causing our state, but California laws allow for pretty easy recalls to take place (only 100,000 signatures, I think) instigated by the usual suspects like the Dornans and the Dannemeyers and the Rohrabachers. Also, Arnold's rag was that he was just inexperienced. No one thought he was the whack job the Republicans on this ballot are.


THERE IS NO APARTMENT BAN! New apartments going up all over and all existing buildings have " now renting" signs. Rents are down about 4 percent since beginning of pandemic. Townhomes also being built everywhere.


Dune does look really good, but I should point out the trailers combine scenes from the first and second Dune movies - they split the first book Dune into two movies, so many scenes won't be in the first Dune movie, even though they were filmed back to back.

See it in the movie theater. In IMAX if you can.

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