

What a disingenuous understanding of science and public health, not to mention economics.


Never let a good crisis go to waste..


I bet if we give the Democrats just a few more dollars they'll finally fix inequality


No income tax. No compromise.


Now maybe a CPA or economist can write a rebuttal based on talking points of Psychiatry.


Junior doctor has an opinion about politics!


Well.... I wonder about 24% of our GDP is paid out in taxes....not counting the massive amounts of chartable donations and contributions made to assist others. At what point does one begin to ask if all this spending is effective.

For example, Seattle and the homeless, millions upon million spent and its not getting better. They say something given for nothing is worth nothing..... a very applicable statement here.

For every 1% increase in taxes, the GDP declines about 2 to 3 percent.

How does this work effectively to continue to increase taxes and watch both the economy and the tax base decline. The worse the economy, the worse the situation for the poor. Things that make one go hmmm?

Admirable sentiments, helping the poor, but its really nothing more than compassion babble based on emotions and not facts.


How about we start making more of what we consume domestically?

Shortages are coming in the second half of this year. Hearing on the financial news channels port (both water and air) closures and limits occurring in Asia.

Either way (making or importing), likely to have inflation for the short and medium term depending on how we globally confront COVID. Might as well have inflation as pay to your immediate neighbor, right? Increasing local employment would go a long way to solving quite a few domestic issues.

The perfect storm of low taxes and zero interest rates did not produce the increases in domestic production that was promised. And it likely never will as farming out production overseas, and not to your immediate neighbor, is even ingrained in pop culture - simply watch a few seasons of Shark Tank - almost the first question 'Sharks' ask is 'where's it made?' along with 'oh, it should be made overseas!' as the follow up.

Shareholders and homeowners received the lion share of benefits of those two non-market conditions (decreased taxes are legislated and zero rates are FED influenced).

A national personal property tax (one like WA imposes on business property, machinery, etc) and federal gross sales B&O tax (also like WA) should be considered. An income tax on net produces, if not outright encourages, a lot of inefficiencies.

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