Music Aug 16, 2021 at 11:11 am

A new record store hopes to boost Queen Anne's cultural cachet.



Everyone should wish Almost Everyday Music the best of luck on this bold and much-needed endeavor.

It takes real balls to open a record store in these heady days of iTunes and streamed media.

Nice to see legacy formats like cassette and VHS supported too.

Bear in mind, many titles are still unavailable via streaming, as aptly documented here in The Stranger, so businesses like Almost Everyday Music become that much more relevant to film and music media users.

Music buffs should make the pilgrimage on a regular basis to purchase an armload of jazz, pop, rock or whatever blows up your skirt.

Don’t forget trusted affiliates like Easy Street in West Seattle, Gerogetown Records or Sonic Boom in Ballard.

Sounds like they will do sleuthing for you if you cannot find a certain title. Best of luck and God speed to these bold, entrepreneurial lads.

Beautiful and rustic Queen Anne location, too.


@1 Came here to do just that! Best of luck guys!


We are a selfish lot, aren't we. We love to talk about reducing our carbon footprint and getting rid of things that are not bio-degradable. While clinging to records is not quite the same thing as clinging to guns, it comes from a similar place of selfishness. Do we really need to keep putting more plastic things on Earth? Records simply can't be kept in mint condition forever and they won't be good fertilizer for our soil either. I hope someone can help explain how they reconcile this.


I miss Tower Records.

Heck, I miss Peaches. Anybody remember Peaches?
Across from The Rainbow Tavern. Anybody remember The Rainbow Tavern?

I even miss KCMU. Anybody remember KCMU? Nobody else does, either.


@4 "Riding the New Wave"

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