Election 2021 Sep 17, 2021 at 12:20 pm

Former Fremont Brewing employees were surprised that Nelson didn't seem to know they'd been laid off.



Nikkita Oliver says abolishing the police will make the city safer. Unfortunately that is not true either.


never get in a Pissing Match
with a man who buys Ink
by the barrel. or was it
pixels oh and don't
ALL pols Lie?


That picture of her is so douchey


Just think how this kind of sleight of hand will work in negotiations with the cops.

She'll just reallocate their positions and cut them anyway.


@8 the problem is Rich and the Stranger will do anything and everything in their power to make sure Oliver and her crew are elected so they’ll keep digging through the trash for whatever gotcha they can find. If this is the best he can do I feel good about Nelson’s chances against someone who couldn’t be bothered to vote in the past.


Love how all the usual trolls are dancing around this one: "well, she only fired seven (or was it ten?) out of 80 workers, so she wasn't really lying!", "They were maybe not happy about doing whatever they were doing, so they don't count (as if no one in the history of work was ever not happy about doing a job they kept doing)!" "The Stranger is just running a 'gotcha' article by pointing out someone fired some people when they said they didn't fire any people!"

You-all must buy your mustard by the Costco-tub, because you sure do know how to twist them pretzels!


Sara Nelson is a liar who pretends to be concerned about workers' rights. Her company also installed big cement blocks to prevent unhoused people from parking nearby. Like fellow right-wing crank Kate Martin, Nelson keeps running for office and never wins. I will continue to boycott Fremont Brewing and my vote will go to Nikkita Oliver!


Yet another Seattle election menu that doesn't have anything appetizing on it. Yuck.


There's way more to this. The wage/pay structures at Fremont betray both her motivations and her policies' impracticality. Follow the tip-pooling.


Slippery slime wants badly to work for the elite and block a dynamo Black Lives Matter Hero.

OLIVER - we want her!

We will vote for Oliver.


We hate politicians and Nelson is an example why. Go Oliver!


1 It sure isn't safe with them.


@15 seconded. My thoughts exactly


This is cutting edge journalism.


Fremont's always provided lots of jobs in the brewing industry -- mainly because nearly everyone with any talent can't stand to work there for very long. Ask around...

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