

@ 1, So are seatbelts, airline regulations, and pharmaceutical restrictions. In fact, there's no real reason to have any laws at all! Purge time!!!


speaking of well-Regulated Militias
who needs stupid Regulations?

not Me.
I need a fawking Tank
with Twin Flamethrowers
'cause if I go out after Bambi
I'm comin' Home with Roast Venison

(mind those dark edges
that napalm tends
to disrupt one's
digestive pro-


As soon as I saw the Norway bow-and-arrow killing story several hours ago, I knew we would get the @1 response.


all that genocide fratricide
suicide by Neighborhood
it's just the Natural Order
of all things -- it's all just
Capitalism and comes
with the territory. our
only other Option is
Slavery to the Soc-
ialists. you know
with World Class
Healthcare Day-

Care Living Wages
all that shit that's
too Impossible
here. so we
get the



then let's remove the Greviances
beginning with the Billionaires
who purchase the Society
they deem suitable
for Them

there's Plenty to go around
but not when it's Hoarded.


so their money runs out when the Billionaires' runs out? there's No Other Way to feed the World? if there are Geniuses at Hoarding Money there's geniuses who can figure this shit out. if we Let them. if we Stop Whorshipping Wealth. like was said above the Lust for Money is the Root of Evil.

and Cops as Anti-vaxxers?
they've lost FOUR TIMES
as many to The Bug than
to bullets. do blu lives
matter to the boys
and gals in Blu?

they're not very
fucking Pragmatic.


Bow and Arrow Attack Leaves Five Dead and Two Injured in Norway
Police say a suspect was taken into custody after the attack, which was the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

the deadliest in the country in a decade.

fucking Pikers
come on over Here
we'll show Mass fucking Murder



re: molewacka

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point

he doesn't acknowledge facts that don't support his point


Well, lessee---besides doing everything possible to hold up the Biden / Harris Administration's agenda to Build Back Better, and finally make the billionaires rightfully pay their share of taxes, Joe Manchin is a known coal magnate. Krysten Sinema is Mitch McConnell's boot-licking sock puppet. Their claim of being members of the Democratic Party is pure bullshit. They're really RepubliKKKans and they're doing exactly what the Death Cult Party of Trump wants them to do.


@11 Thank you for your predictability. When I saw the news about the arrrow deaths, I thought "Gun fetishists are going to get a hard-on when they hear this." (At least for the few gun fetishists capable of getting a hard-on.)


@1 that is.


@11, They have about four more days to submit their paperwork. I predict there will be somewhere around 130 who end up not submitting it. There are 20 cops who already turned in their paperwork to resign or retire, they probably won't be turning in anything. There are just over 100 who are burning through their leave according to a conservative news outlet that has had some pretty good insights into such things. A couple might have some other reason, but the vast majority of them are on their way out, cashing in their leave and probably won't be submitting any paperwork. My guess is that there are a dozen or so who are willing to give up a six figure job for their anti-vax beliefs... or more likely, to move to Idaho. There will be a lot of noise about over a hundred cops who lost their jobs because of the mandate or who refuse to protect the public, depending on which team you root for, but we'll end up losing about the same number of cops in the last six months of the year as we did in the first six months. For some reason however, losing 10% of your police every six months doesn't seem to get as much media attention as a vaccine mandate.


know what I despise?

fucking Mandated STOP signs!
who the FUCK are They to tell ME
what the Fuck to fucking DO? IS this
a 'Free' fucking Country or isn't it? Well?


@7 About 115,000 people get shot every year in this country and you come along with an anecdote about a nut with a crossbow and some libertarian hogwash. Talk about depraved.


@12 those all sound super scary if you choose to ignore the data that supports a drop in crime that's actually, y'know, violent, associated with not prosecuting the non violent misdemeanors you listed, among others.


Oh right, the link:

If you're going with statistics, then use statistics. Just come out and say that all this bloodshed is a price with paying for this particular liberty. That's how you use data to support a normative claim.


@23: Indeed. Things are really bad in Seattle. The city is literally dying. Super bad. This is the result of de-facto defunding. It gets NTK moist! Let's hope detectives and clerical staff will be able to stop the next mass shooter, arrest the drunk driver who plowed into you, or enforce a restraining order against your ex.

Detectives and other non-patrol units will serve as first responders to 9-1-1 calls.


@30: An unvaccinated cop is not a threat to public safety.


@32: Yes, the person who assumes the greatest risk is the unvaccinated human themselves who risks burdening our ICUs. However, they are not a threat if you're staying right next to them and they breath on you - provided you are vaccinated. Hence a vaccinated person is still a threat to the unvaccinated person in regards to transmission.

The airborne virus doesn't detect from afar which human is vaccinated or unvaccinated. It attacks regardless.


@34 toss my mini rant
@13 in with your three blip
some folks are just plain Immune

if it don't fucking Fit dewey
always grabs the Hammer.



@34: The profession really has nothing to do with it blip. There are firefighters, ferry workers, truckers, etc who are all bonehead stupid in not getting vaccinated.

It's a human condition issue, detrimental as it is, that's my point. And in the final analysis, we need personnel to do the critical jobs and acknowledge the risk that's coming at us from every direction anyway.

I suggest adding about practicality to your thinking.


@12: "Just ten of the multitude of reasons I am voting for Ann Davison to be City Attorney."

I think it's important to unpack the "multitude of reasons" to understand the typical Davison supporter.

You have been clear not only about gun crime, but you have also argued we need to bring back the failed war on drugs policies of the 1990's along with incarceration and endless police sweeps of the homelessness as the best solution to drug addiction, homelessness and poverty.

You have been open about your support for a 1990's style Kamala Harris DA approach that not only incarcerates people for drugs and sex work, but goes so far as in incarcerate poor parents for truant children as Harris did when she was the SF DA. Like Davison, you support the law and order "there is no problem we cannot incarcerate our way out of" approach shared by your fellow Davison supporters who gave us by far the largest prison population in the world.

There is a bigger problem you never address, which is that even for the type of crimes we agree are a problem, such as gun violence, the criminal system has shown terrible and deeply racist outcomes and made these problems worse. Why do you think people like you always defend your position with one off personal anecdotes? You do it because you have no data to back it up because their is no correlation between incarceration and the outcome you claim to favor. In many cases the criminal system has made the situation worse.

Even the idiotic claim that "if we criminalize small crimes it will stop bigger crimes" is myth that can only be supported by anecdotes because they data shows the opposite. The data shows if that if get someone into the criminal system young it actually increases the chances of them committing greater crimes in the future. Why do you think so many people opposed Dowe Constantine and Dan Satterbergs promotion of the school to prison pipeline the promoted through our new Nathan Bedford Forrest Youth Jail?

We have the most pro-incarceration country in the world in terms of number of crimes, number of people charged and the harshness of those punishments. In most civilized countries NTK would be the norm and Davison would be viewed as the inexperienced radical pro-incarceration outlier she is.

What supporters of Davison like you never address is that if incarceration was the solution to all our problems, America would be as safe as Iceland because no one in the world incarcerates more people for a longer period of time for more reasons than we do. Your argument in light of this appears to be that we need even more incarceration.

Over the last 40 years the growth of our enormous incarceration population has done nothing to help people feel safer. You are not going to be able to incarcerate your way out of the things you don't like about society and neither is Davison.

I expect her to not know any of this because unlike NTK she has 0 experience with criminal law, but I have a suspicion you are in a line of work where you should no better, meaning your support for Davison, like most of her supporters, was never really about pubic safety anyway.


@38: Ha, "pubic safety." Sometimes I love my typos.

I thought I better ID that typo before you launch into a triad about the need to incarcerate more people for "pubic safety" as well.

If that is your goal, Davison is certainly the right choice.


@34 blip: It's not a complicated concept to grasp for those of us like you and me, with healthy functioning brains. Elmer (@29, @31, @33, and @37), on the other hand is among the so severely MAGA-stupefied he's got nothing but Malt-O-Meal leaking out between his ears. At this point I believe he's hired a fourteen year old hack to do his typing.

@37: I suggest your adding getting a frontal lobotomy to your to-do list for 2021.

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