

It's so rude! I wonder how much of it is people just not picking up the dog shit, or joggers who run with their dog and don't even know the dog shits when it's running. Yes, dogs can shit and move at the same time.


I find that if I look where I am going when I am walking it drastically reduces the chances for me to step in dog shit. Just a thought. Not saying people shouldn't pick up after their dogs, but IA sounds like someone who might not have thought of this.


Expanding on @3, I find a flashlight pretty effective in helping to see where I am going in the dark.


@6 Right? The right has been proclaiming the danger of Seattle for a while and the gullible eat that shit up.


I’m not sure if it’s only Seattle, but my least favorite people are those who pick up the shit with a bag, and then stash it somewhere just off the trail / sidewalk hoping the magical poop fairy will come and pick it up for them!

And before you get started, these shit heads don’t pick it up on the way back from their walk.


If that's the worst thing in your life, you got it made.


Flags are not enough. There must also be whipped cream.


Try work boot LED safety lights or heavy steel LED flashlight at least a foot in length. Both will help you from stepping in the stuff and keep the tweekers away.
Alternatively, relish the DS and keep a pair of shit shoes. Never clean them and store them in something air tight. Be part of the problem!


@6 and @7. Cool, then I'd like to see you prove it by walking home from third and Pine after dark and make a video of yourself getting home safely. Unfortunately for one of my neighbors who tried to walk home from the Yardhouse, he didn't get home safely. He was assaulted and is in Harborview recovering. He was in ICU for a while with a broken jaw and knee cap. Seems they did it for his cell phone. On top of that, I witnessed a disturbed man in lower queen Anne pushing people into signs and trees as he passed them by. I've lived here since 2005 and have always tried to not live in fear, so I get out and about. This city is becoming more dangerous.


Darling, it’s not dog poo.


@#12: I was at 3rd and Pike at about 8:00PM just tonight waiting for the bus. It was a bit of a hell-hole. But I worked in the Melbourne Tower (then called the Melbourne House, really) in the early 1980's. My office looked down to 3rd and Pike. The stretch of Third from Union to Pike was no less hellish then. I remember walking up Pike Street early one beautiful summer morning, probably around 1990 or so, with my work colleague Chuck. He turned to me and said "Brian, do you realize that you and I are the only people on this street who are not criminals?" Seattle has always been a bit of a frontier town, we have just recently made certain that the end of the road folks have no place except the alleys. Sad


When the shit hits the fan, deflect attention from the all hell's breaking loose shit to the everyday body shit we can endure or do something about it. The homeless crisis is intentional. It's a conservative business interest plot to give liberal progressive leaders a reputation of being cluelessly incompetent.

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