

Very scary tactics. Get out & vote No, people. Unless you’re the rich fucks backing this.


I am a democratic socialist. These charges pertain to actions taken in pursuit of values that I fundamentally believe in. I voted to recall.

Because if a Republican misused my tax dollars to promote an initiate I wasn't favorable of, I'd fucking shit my pants in fury.

I'll vote for the most progressive candidate possible to fill her seat if she is recalled.


Morally corrupt and politically bankrupt , The Stranger, just keeps on pushing Marxist propaganda even though the CRT wokeism they are feeding Seattle, is eating The Stranger from the inside. Watch out Dan Savage, the woke are coming for you! It might get better at first but you live long enough, the Marxists will consume you as part of this oruboros.


She put the “sham” in Kshama! Kashma Trump!


Comrades, remember! Vote needs and wants, vote no to Sawant!


@116: "By renewing, strengthening and greatly expanding our trade-unions, organizing as rank-and-file trade-unionists against “our” bureaucrat leader-traitors, and eventually voting them out of their positions and into the gutter where they belong."

Socialists aim to replace unions with the party. After all, why would you need two entities looking out for the rights of the workers. There is no love lost between Sawant and Seattle's service sector unions. And I think they understand this.

"What we hope to do in the US, our blood-sisters-and-brothers in China and everywhere else will hopefully do in “their” countries."

Just try starting an independent trade union in China and see what happens.


Nonsense #118 “Patty Toonz”, there’s no such thing as an “undemocratic socialist”.

Because socialism is the massive expansion/extension/enhancement of democracy — workers’ democracy — to absolutely all aspects of work, study, life.

If you vote to recall a socialist like Kshama Sawant, you’re NOT a socialist.
By definition.
Instead you’re being a silly strike-breaking scab.

Hopefully you won’t remain a fool for life.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #122 “Holmes”, you mewl “Socialists aim to replace trade-unions with the Party”???

Does Elvis talk to you?

On the contrary:

Socialists aim to create a mass workers’ party for socialism — as the political expression of the trade-union movement.

Oho, so you want to help your blood-sisters-and-brothers in China to form independent trade-unions — mainly underground at this stage.

Then put your money where your mouth is, and donate to us.

Please give generously — we dare you to!

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