

I am voting for the recall solely on her marching all those people into City Hall during a time when many people lost their jobs and businesses because the risk of gathering was too risky. Her saying it was "unclear" is just flat out lying.

It's her style of rules for you and I'll do whatever the fuck I want and if you question me I will yell racism.

She can fuck off.


Bellevue fervently desires that you keep Sawant in office for as long as possible.


A mean spirited and vicious populist who breaks rules to suit her purposes. I don't think the recall will work - and that is sad.


Cleary The Stranger editorial board is doing a social experiment to determine the viability of the phrase "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it". That idea was uttered by one of the most vile propagandists to ever live and you would think we are better than that but here we are. Let's go through the lies.

This is an undemocratic process. No, it is not. Plain and simple. Recall elections were put into the framework of our government for this very reason. If an elected official's behavior violates their oath of office and betrays the people they are elected to serve the people have a right to recall that official from office. I didn't hear the SECB bitching about recalls when it was directed at Durkan or Inslee so on top of this being a lie the SECB is just being hypocritical as well.

This tactic will be used to go after all progressives. NO, again. The recall process is WA state requires a very high standard. You not only have to get the signatures but you have to prove to the court the charges are substantiated. This is the first council recall election in the history of the city. If recalls were so easy to manage there are numerous other politicians who definitely would have faced one.

This is a right wing, MAGA led effort. This is laughable. Seattle voted 92% against Trump and I'd wager District 3 is even lower. If there are than many right wing voters in District 3 where have they been all these years. Sawant would have never gained office to start.

Now the charges. We can run through them but really the only things matters is they are all true. Sawant continually denies them but again the Supreme Court looked at all the claims and found there was substantial evidence that she violated her oath of office and did these things. It wasn't until the court ruled that she finally admitted to the first charge and paid a fine. As for divulging Durkan's address the court weighed in on that as well saying

"although she says she did not organize the protest, it is no coincidence that the protestors found themselves in front of Mayor Durkan’s house. Further, since the subject of Councilmember Sawant’s speech at the protest was Mayor Durkan, a voter could find that Councilmember Sawant intended to protest at the mayor’s home and went to the mayor’s home to deliver a message to her."

By the way this was a unanimous verdict from a liberal leaning court so there should be no doubt that Sawant's conduct in the courts view constituted a violation of her office and rose to the level that they authorized the recall election.

Now of course the SECB basically says they don't care about any of this and neither should the voters because essentially they agree with Sawant politically and the ends justify the means. I'd ask though has any of the things she supposedly accomplished helped renters in any way? Have rents stabilized? Of course the answer is no because there is always a fall out from these types of restrictions. Rent control has never worked anywhere it has been tried and Sawant's solution is to create the most draconian regulations of any city. It's delusional to think it will do anything to help affordability in the city.

The one thing I would ask voters to consider though is if Sawant survives this what message are we sending to her? She has not once admitted any wrongdoing or expressed contrition for her actions including exposing innocent workers at City Hall to a deadly virus. She has remained defiant and cast anyone that has dared to speak out against her as a right wing tool, corporate stooge, racist, xenophobic you name it. Allowing her to violate her oath of office will only further embolden her as well as sent a message to other elected officials that you can bend and break some rules as long as you are supported by the activist class. It's sad and District 3 deserves better. Don't buy into the lies. Look at the facts and vote for a better future for our city.


I don't live in that district, and therefore even though I have an opinion it doesn't really matter. I always feel weird about trying to influence the outcome of elections for districts, counties or states that are not my own.


Recalls should be done for criminal violations, not for ethical violations. There are plenty of internal punishments for ethics violations, such as fines, and removal from committees.
Recalling an official because you don't like their tactics or behavior takes place at the nest election. This recall is a waste of money.


@4 and @6 discovers that sometimes people engage in rhetoric


Whether or not these charges warrant recall is very open for debate, but Sawant’s explanations have only two possible answers: either she’s lying or she’s incompetent. I just do not understand why she just doesn’t own her actions, instead of stooping to Bill Clinton-style “the definition of is” excuses.


But on merit, the claim that the recall is un-Democratic is simple: the system won't work if everyone is constantly threatened with recall over policy disputes - and that's what this is. The people pushing this recall don't give a shit about the actual charges. Its an opportunity to get rid of a foe and they are taking it.


The Stranger comment section is always filled with crusty conservatives desperately trying to sound cool with their cynical and hateful takes. We get it; you think rich people buttholes are a source of nutrition.


@10 Stop with the dishonesty and dogwhistles. As I explained above the ability to weaponize the recall process in WA state is essentially zero. If that was remotely possible it would have been done long ago but even in CA where it is much easier it is still exceedingly rare. This remains about Sawant's misuse of her office. Either you have accountability or not. I think we now know where you stand.


The recall used the calendar strategically. When the left stops whining about using the tools of power strategically and starts using them instead, we'll actually make change happen.


@11 Good for your puerile little Neanderthal brain - you used "crusty" and "butthole". slow clap


Before heading to the airport be sure to dress like a tech employee. You can find corporate logo shirts at most thrift stores and bring a computer bag even if you don't have a computer. TSA agents will hate you of course, but they won't think of checking your bags for pot. Nothing fancy needed for packing, just place small amounts in each of your socks and place strategically among computer and other items to make for a "busy" x ray view.


Yes Indeed ... Vote "NO".... NO MORE SAWANT".

Send her out of town on a rail or better yet, we should spring for 1st class seating on Air Cubana... non stop Havanna.

She'll Love It There... they think just like her.


@4 Thank you for your thoughtfully argued comment. All good points.


This entire recall Sawant campaign is a pleasure-romp for conservative fuck heads and should immediately cease.

The “Keep Seattle Square” crowd is offended by Councilmember Sawant’s progressive political orientation and is looking for an opportunity to defame her and unjustly extricate her from the Seattle political process.

Lord knows this soggy hick town needs some progressive leadership, and Kshama Sawant is more than up to the task by contradicting Mayor Durkan’s prosaic leadership and actively involving the electorate in the democratic process with direct agitation and interaction, as we saw with the City Hall gathering which violated no city laws, as the Stranger Editorial Board accurately pointed out.

The Rotary Club and pro-Trump anti-socialist troglodytes should go back to affairs of commerce and stop meddling in Seattle progressive politics with this wicked recall attempt that is harmful to the representative political process in that it defames innocent minority points of view and subverts the will of the people.

The dirty not-so-secret about conservatives is that they do not really abide by the electoral process and wish to impose their narrow world view on citizens in a corrupt and cynical way, such as those obscene racist flyers circulated by the Councilmember Kathy Lambert campaign, which ultimately resulted in her proper dismissal and replacement with a progressive by the voters.

This harebrained recall attempt is just another example of the vacuous efforts of rightists to impose conformist pro-business sector obedience upon the electorate and subvert the natural representational will of the people.

Councilmember Sawant is unabashedly pro-union, and that scares the crap out of the business community, along with her socialist bona fides and genuine concern for union rights and active participation in the political process by those less fortunate, and working people who have been victimized by capitalism and social stratification imposed on society by extreme wealth.

Jeff Bezos, who requires employees to pee in a bottle for a drug test while he rockets to the stars and texts out selfies of his hairy nuts, or the flannel-eared baboons in the Boeing executive suites, who manufacture and sell aeronautical instruments of mass death readily come to mind.

Hopefully these anti-Sawant protagonists will be abducted vigorously probed by aliens or video-shared masturbating on Zoom like New Yorker reporter Jeffrey Toobin.


@18 The Stranger is all about ideological shibboleths. If you are looking for policy analysis, you are in the wrong place.


Daaaang doubling down on the same rhetoric that put progressives in the “lose” column in early November. I guess learn your lessons now because mid-terms and state offices are up for vote next year. Our lil city will be fine no matter what, but losing a congressional seat or flipping state legislature could be tough


Counterpoint: The recall effort is neither racist nor undemocratic. If you'd like to look for undemocratic ideas I suggest you ask Sawant how she and her executive committee arrive at their policy positions.


I used to really value The Stranger, particularly near elections. I would gather information before filling out my ballot. I'd read The Stranger's endorsements, The Times, Capitol Hill Blog and others. Sometimes I followed the Stranger's recommendations, other times not, but I always appreciated the perspective. It made me a smarter voter. Lately, this has not been the case. Articles like this one confirm it. I have not changed. I didn't suddenly start listening to Fox News. I'm tired of the extremes on both sides painting such a polarizing view. If you're not with me, you're racist Trump follower. Gee. Some very creative narratives in these comments drawing vivid depictions of Bezos and The Rotary Club for goodness sakes. The claim that anyone who wants to recall Sawant is somehow under the mind control of conservatives is laughable.


I have been a progressive and socialist since the mid nineties. On paper I agree with many of Kshwama's stances. In practice, she sucks. I've been involved in the movement before most millennials had heard the term "progressive" and "socialist". To date, we have not found a leader who can speak to the public in a way that brings more people on board with our ideas. Bernie Sanders has certainly done a lot to advance us but even he hit a wall. Kshwama can't break through the wall, she has consistently proven that. She's a divider. I don't have the answers but she is not it. Doubling down on her will cause a lot of others to double down against. That's the environment we are in until we can find someone who can bridge the gap and unite.


Why wouldn't you vote to keep this politician around, I mean look how much better things are in Seattle and on Cap Hill since she first acquired political power?


I love the smell of desperation in the morning.


I was going to dedicate an hour to a cogent response, but @4 beat me to it, and did a better job than I probably could have. One of the old adages of journalism had been, "We don't make the news, we just report it." However the Stranger (Seattle's ONLY Newspaper) is well aware that if there isn't any news to report, they can't sell advertising, then they better MAKE some news, and report on it in flaming style. From my experience, they are good at doing that.

To wit: "The fact that Sawant faces trumped-up "charges" from a disingenuous campaign only adds insult to injury." Yet, after bold font regarding Charge 1: she admitted to all of Charge 1, and paid cash. The buried 'news part' being that she did so only after the court ruled against her actions.

There are more nits to pick, but focusing on the issue at hand vs. fanning flames so there are ashes for you will report about later... . Sawant was either 'unaware' that the things she was doing was wrong, or she did it (?in the heat of the moment?) and feigned innocence.
BOTH ways, she models unfitness for Office. And, the recall statue being part of our governmental processes were engaged, and proceeded step by step to include the expenses for a special election and the printing of ballots, and here we are with a flaming rebuttal.

The Stranger Editorial Board, don't pretend it is otherwise. Also readers, don't pretend that the local political parties aren't grooming and training enough qualified folks to turn into electable politicians vs. wannabe hacks, climbers and posers (G'bye Jenny) vs. our recent tantrum throwing Ex-President. The tactics used are too similar to ignore, and there is no reason to tolerate any of that sh!t, much less incompetence in Office.
I'd suggest, if you live where you get a vote on this, you investigate who else might come up the proverbial Pike to Capitol Hill to take Office and make up your own mind.
Educate yourself WAAAY beyond the tabloid presented here before you cast your vote.
An educated electorate is the best defense of a Democratic Republic.
Educate, Agitate, Organize. And make sure you VOTE !!
District13refugee, well stated, good on ya!


I used to give a shit what the Stranger had to say about politics. Now it's just become more journalistic pablum. At least the rest of the publication is a good read.


"the effort to boot Sawant emerged alongside a nationwide recall craze"

"This whole thing began shortly after a group of progressives launched a recall campaign against Mayor Jenny Durkan"

I write for The Stranger and I'm stupid


Also, this article claims that the charges are "trumped-up", but she literally admitted to one of them being true, The Stranger says the second one is true, and the courts found that a reasonable person could believe that the third is true.

This is in contrast to Sawant herself, who consistently claims that all three charges are false, despite admitting to guilt on charge 1 a few months ago.

The anti-Recall people just can't get their story straight. Are the charges false? Are some of them true, but others false? Are they true, but we don't care? Do we not care because the charges don't matter, or do they matter but we don't care because we just plain like Sawant? The only pro-Sawant talking point that's seen any sort of consistency is the one about the Recall being racist republican MAGA nazi anti-democracy anti-BLM KKK woogie boogie man.

Rich Smith has been an absolute cancer on The Stranger's political coverage ever since he moved to our city from Missouri six years ago. His stupidity and extremism pervades every aspect of their thinking and coverage and thanks to rapid turnover due to his poor management, he now has the SECB packed full of acolytes who agree with everything he says. It's pathetic and sad.


@ 34 Thanks for the spot-on observation regarding the fallout from Rich's tenure as the Stranger's 'political reporter.' Like @27, I valued TS's election coverage for the better part of three decades. Then came the COVID downsizing to a skeleton staff. Some of the best remaining talent was laid off (e.g. Katie) while dead-enders were retained (Rich, et. al.) In short order, all of the remaining talent fled a sinking ship. RIP the Stranger.


Hey #28 “Beretta101”, what’s this hilarious nonsense you’re spouting?

We “live” in class society — in this vile capitalist hell.

Just 8 billionaire bastids own more wealth than half our sisters and brothers on the planet put together!

The ruling capitalist enemy class, the 0.01 Per Cent, pays their hireling lickspittle millionaire politicians to advance their own interests — against our interests, those of the working class, the 99 Per Cent.

In the US our Wall Street overlords have 2 “mass” parties — or more accurately a single party, the Republican-Democrat 2-headed snake.
We the working-class have no mass party.
In fact the entire political history of the US working-class is precisely the continuous struggle to create a mass workers’ party throughout the land — as the fountain of hope for all our class.

Every serious election, and every serious recall attempt, is a battle between our class and our exploiters, oppressors, blood-drinkers.

As is every workplace strike, every picket-line.

In such serious battle, between completely irreconcilable classes, whether you like Kshama or hate her guts is completely irrelevant.

Because the fundamental question you have to ask yourself is:
In this serious recall-attempt battle, whose side are you on?
Are you with billionaire Bezos and his ilk — or are you with your fellow-workers and Kshama Sawant?
Are you a fighter — or are you a “traitor”?
Are you (as you put it) a “progressive” and a “socialist” — or are you a strike-breaking scab?

And no, you can’t stand in the middle of the road — you could get run over.
And no, you can’t sit on the barbed-wire fence — you could get your jeans torn.

We criticize Kshama Sawant and Socialist Alternative for their abandonment of the core socialist principle of working-class political independence when they in 2019 endorsed a bourgeois-party candidate (Bernie Sanders of the Democ-RAT Party) for an elected public position (president).

To commit that silly political somersault, Kshama and Socialist Alternative broke their political solidarity with our International organization the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).

So in the US we, the Independent Socialist Group, parted company with both Kshama and Socialist Alternative.

Despite their above profound errors, Kshama and Socialist Alternative remain effective and enthusiastic fighters for all our class — Women and Men, Black and White, Gay and Straight.

As seen by the great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide, the historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory, and the ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

Hence another core socialist principle also applies:
The United Front.
Which can be summarized as:
* No mixing of banners, No muting of criticism!
* March separately, Strike together!

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:
Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street scum in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Nonsense #35 “Unamusing Donkey”,

Genuine Bolshevism is the highest expression of socialism that the world has seen so far.
It is by definition the very antithesis of “bullying”, whether by capitalists or by stalinists.


Ooh #30 “svejk”,

With your head stuck so deeply up your own ass it’s a wonder you can smell anything at all — apart from your own, um, fragrance!



"Genuine Bolshevism is the highest expression of socialism that the world has seen so far."

So, state terrorism, political repression, mass starvation, mass deportations, summary executions, and the gulag are the highest expression of socialism so far?

Thanks for reminding us.


Half the twits here they don't realize that they already live in Utopian Socialist Seattle Republic a.k.a. USSR, and have been for almost 20 years. May you choke on the fruits of your movements.


@43 So was Adolf Hitler's...


"Critical support" -- that sums it up for me. There's a lot to criticize about Sawant, especially her chronic neglect of one-on-one constituent service in her pursuit of citywide policy goals. I agree the district needs a councilmember who ably performs both the macro and micro aspects of the job, and Sawant either can't or won't. And yes, she has cut ethical and legal corners on occasion (though I have no sympathy whatsoever for Mayor Durkan, who should have known better than to run for public office if she needed to keep her personal info private). But the recall campaign, stripped to its essence, is clearly a corporate- and landlord-driven effort aimed at ousting her before she wins rent control. Just look at who their major donors are. I don't care how many local small-dollar contributions they've managed to wrangle with their high-priced propaganda, this is the underlying material reality. If you value the tangible victories she's helped win for renters and working people with her undeniable organizing skills over the past several years, you should know better than to interrupt her momentum now, especially with the council as a whole shifting to the right.

Again, I'm well aware of Sawant's shortcomings and I agree they're substantial. By all means, let's revisit them in 2023 and see if there's someone else willing to step up who can advance a similarly progressive agenda in a more collegial, constituent-friendly manner. But if there were any such community leaders active in the recall movement, they'd surely be front and center in the campaign. Their complete absence should tell you all you need to know.


Thank you, @18. I also received The Stranger’s e-mail about racism — nothing more than unsubstantiated clickbait. The editorial makes some points worthy of consideration, which is why they shouldn’t have thrown the “racism” Hail-Mary pass.


No #43, your family in Eastern Europe was oppressed by the stalinist betrayer traitor enemy, the bureaucratic ruling caste, of that non-capitalist epoch.
Not by socialism.

What does “soviet” mean?
It means “Workers’ Council”, as the sole ruling armed power - hence workers’ democracy, workers’ freedom, workers’ rule — for beginning to build socialism.

Heck, in Eastern Europe there have been soviets only on 2 occasions:
The 1919 Hungarian Revolution of March to July 1919: Massacred by the capitalist enemy.
The Hungarian Revolution of October to November 1956: Massacred by the stalinist enemy.

A river of blood separates the genuine bolshevism of Lenin and Trotsky from the blood-soaked barbarism of Stalin and the usurper bureaucracy.

Except for its non-capitalist economy, Russia under Stalin’s political misrule was no different from Hitler’s and Mussolini’s.

Stalinism is the syphilis of the labor movement.
Socialism is the antidote — to both capitalism and stalinism.

Don’t let the ruling capitalist liars fool you with their “Lenin breathed oxygen! Stalin breathed oxygen! Therefore Lenin was a Stalinist!” nonsense.

And the ruling capitalist liars’ self-serving drivel:
“Ooh! Please don’t go fighting for socialism!
You’ll end up in a tyrrany!
A tyranny, I tell you, a tyranny!
We tell you this because we love you.
Not because we love our profits — Why, perish the very thought!”



I just moved back to District 3. Thank you for reminding me to update my voter registration so I can vote yes to recall Sawant. The link in the article was very helpful!


History proves time and time again that Marxists don't know how to build anything, the only thing they know how to do is hack human tribal natures such that they drive a wedge that serves to separate societies into tribal groups that hate each other and want to Destroy, Destroy Destroy. When it comes to building back better, they cannot because the don't know how to build. Marxism is purely a parasitic destructive force in every practical application that uses censorship and demands unfaltering fielty from its supporters when its philosophy fails.


@45 the whole talking point about donors is just complete and utter bullshit. All Sawant and The Stranger are doing is cherry-picking individual donors so they can pretend they're the face of the Recall campaign.

Only 5% of Recall donors had previously donated to Trump -- which is about in line with the 5% of Seattleites who voted for Trump. Yet you see REPUBLICAN RECALL REPUBLICAN RECALL REPUBLICAN RECALL plastered everywhere.

As for "corporate bigwigs" and "landlords", once again their representation in the Recall donor list is approximately proportional to their representation in the actual district. If 1% of D3 is landlords, then you would expect about 50 of the 5,000 donors to be landlords. But of course you only need one for The Stranger to cherry-pick them and say "look at this landlord donating to the Recall! It's a landlord-backed Recall!"

Don't be a sucker. You're too smart to fall for these stupid political tricks.


Ooh #50 “Unamusing Donkey”,

There seems to be “bullshit” aplenty — between your ears!

In the 1918-1922 Russian Civil War, with 21 capitalist armies — including US troops — in blood-soaked rampage across Russia, the workers’ Red Army led by Lenin and Trotsky proudly “killed a lot of” armed “people” who were trying to kill us.

That’s war — kill or be killed.

So if you’re on the battlefield armed and trying to kill us, we’ll gladly “return the compliment” a hundred-fold.

But only during the battle —not after we defeat you.
Whereas after the battle we’ll simply invite you over for pizza and tell you “Better luck next time”.



I’m a PoC
Progressive Democrat
Seattle resident more than 25 years

I’m voting to recall Sawant. Because she’s a female Trump. The ends don’t justify the means.

Guess that makes me a Republican, racist, stooge, per the Stranger. STFU you lily white twits.

Stranger, you’re simply Fox News for the Left.


Rhona is correct! The Stranger doesn't wish wellness for Seattle and its inhabitants.


I filled out my ballot today and voted to recall. Kshama embraces the poisonous populist politics of Trump that is destroying this country. This with us 100% or you are against us plays well to stupid people.


41, dumbest thing I’ve read in years!


Hey, #54, you have got to come out from the cave. If you really believe the crap you are spewing, you are completely lost. Threaded through all your comments are just plain old anger! How’s that working for you? In case you can see clearly, you are part of the problem, not the solutions. Grab Sawant’s hand and skip down your imaginary golden road. Make sure you grab that gold and give us poor schmucks our fair share!


@20 Does this type of invective ever achieve the desired result? Or it is, like wolf-whistling, one of those things an underdeveloped imagination simply drives certain crude people to do.


Does anything actually happen in this city or is The Stranger just going to keep this article, about a race that's not even relevant to 87% of the city, pinned to the top of their homepage from now through Dec 7?


Wow this is a fail of a take that clearly your readers don't agree with. We've all seen Sawant's damaging actions first hand, your sad story of blame shifting isn't fooling anyone. Sadly the smugness of this take makes me think you won't listen to your readers and just double down on how right you all are.

When I came here decades ago, The Stanger was fun. An irreverent look at Seattle, the nightlife and us folk that didn't fit into a "normal" mold. It celebrated a liberating freedom somewhat akin to a counter culture. Now. you're shilling for a dangerous socialist that has done more harm to this city than I've seen in a long time. Friends with businesses in her district having to pay for their own security or just close up shop entirely. Sawant is a lawless sympathizer and empowerer of the outrage culture that is slowly dragging us down into perpetual misery. You evoke positive change by lifting people up, you build on the backbone of society - the hardworking citizens. Sawant chose outrage over law and her ideology over the people of her District. Works for the working people is a joke, ask anyone that works in her district or worse owns a business there.

The Stranger has sadly become just another leftist shill site that no longer cares about the people that embraced it when it was our weird little underground.


Ooh #60 “Oldmac”-SadSack,

All that glitters is not “gold” — so stop imbibing the Billionaires’ “golden showers”.

Regarding “anger”:
The working-class’s unslaked thirst for revenge — for all the horrors visited upon us every day by capitalism — is a mightily-progressive force.

The eternal class hatred we have for the colossal ruling capitalist monster is even more so.

And of course, the greatest progressive force imaginable is the love and hope we have for our class, our planet, our future.
The socialist future — of all humankind!


Ooh #58 “matt2sea” you poor preposterous parrot, so you drank the bosses’ kool-aid and voted to recall Kshama Sawant?

Who’s a clever boy then?

Polly wanna cracker?


Hopefully you won’t remain a fool for life.


Ooh #56 “tatata111”,

Instead of your “Horseshoe Theory” hilarious horse-shit, as a PoC you owe it to yourself to heed what Malcolm X taught us with his martyr’s blood:
“Republican leaders, Democrat leaders?
One’s the jackal, the other’s the hyena.
No matter what, they’ll both eat you!”

The rightwing racist recall PAC “A Better Seattle” is allowed unlimited amounts as contributions — and has already received about a million dollars from our Wall Street and local elite overlords.

Such as Carl Haglund the Rodent Realtor.

Such as the Seattle Times Editorial Board — Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Such as the Amazon company directors — they bought Mayor Durkan for $350,000, then they poured in millions to try to get the Amazon Tax repealed, yet the Seattle working-class beat the plutocrat scum.

Despite their profound political errors, Kshama Sawant and Socialist Alternative remain effective and enthusiastic fighters for all our class — Women and Men, Black and White, Gay and Straight.

As seen by:
* the great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide.
* the historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory.
the ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:
Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #67, you “must vote no”, and help us and Kshama crush the ruling billionaire bastids’ rightwing recall attempt, because:

If you don’t, you’re just being a silly strike-breaking scab.

The money-bags have dropped their money-turd — $2 Million already and counting, with one of their PACs suddenly allowed a completely-unlimited money-spigot.

Despite Kshama Sawant’s and Socialist Alternative’s profound political errors, they have immensely helped our class in our fight-back against the bosses’ ongoing “aerial bombardment”:
—The great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide.
—The historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory.
— The ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


hey #64, you are the most clueless human I have ever seen brainwashed by your own words. Nobody cares about your pretend socialist agenda! You have are so far left, on a Bell Curve, you wouldn’t even be in a standard deviation! Just give up your beliefs and take them to where you may do some good, I hear Mars is lovely this time of year!


Ooh #69 “Oldmac”-SadSack and #70 “420blazeit”-Buffoon,

Two half-wits don’t make a wit.

Stay on subject:
Do you vote “Hell No” against our capitalist overlords’ racist rightwing recall attempt?
Or are you being their obedient poodle, their grovelling lickspittle, a silly strike-breaking scab?
You decide.

The stark choice is clearer than ever, now that the multimillionaires have dropped their money-turd — $2 Million already and counting, with their “A Better Seattle” plutocrats’ PAC suddenly allowed a completely-unlimited money-spigot.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


@63 couldn't agree more. For over a decade Slog was my favorite website but something changed, starting 4+ years ago with its ceaseless shilling for Nikita Oliver who was wholly unqualified to be mayor (and as it turns out a city council member as well, according to the electorate).

As many of the adults left, they were replaced with younger, more radical opinion writers whose myopic view of the city begins and ends on Capital Hill. Whereas I once visited the Slog multilple times a day, now it's once or twice a week and only to amuse myself at the idiocy I see (I'm pointing at you, you fucking moron).


"Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!"

Shoulder to shoulder, comrade. Let's make Bellevue the best place to do business.


Ooh #72 “I-Got-Nuthin’-Upstairs”,

Stay on subject:
Do you advocate a “Hell No” vote against our capitalist overlords’ racist rightwing recall attempt?
Or are you trapped inside billionaire Bezos’s pajamas?

Well, Bezos and his ilk have dropped their latest money-turd — $2 Million already and counting, with their “A Better Seattle” plutocrats’ PAC suddenly allowed a completely-unlimited money-spigot.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #75 “420blazeit”-buffoon you poor preposterous parrot, so you drank the bosses’ kool-aid and voted to recall Kshama Sawant?

Who’s a clever boy then?

Polly wanna cracker?

Hopefully you won’t remain a fool for life.


Ooh #74 “Swiftress”, we’ll try to not let your rich praise go to our heads!

So you want to help us bring Bolshevism to Bellevue?
Then you ought to put your money where your mouth is — by donating to us.
Please give generously — we dare you to.


22,263 people voted for her. She only won by less than 2500 votes. Meanwhile 700,000 people in the city despise her. Please go away.


The fact that even union workers now boo her says all you need to know. Time to move on.


She is only about division. She creates an enemy to make her position (amazon , landlords). Worn and tired. Trying to be a leader by dividing rather than uniting. Solidarity, please.


Ooh #79 “420blazeit”-Buffoon,

Only a silly doggie like you would “criticize” Sawant for — buying clothes!

So what are you wearing as you type your hilarious drivel — pelts?

The $2 Million-and-counting PAC Money-Turd — the sky’s the limit — dropped by Billionaire Bezos and his vile ilk for their racist rightwing recall attempt has obviously seeped into your so-called brain.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #80, #81 & #82 “Rain City Snowflake”,

It’s comical how nitwits like you say you’re “Pwogwessive” and even dare to invoke “Sowidawity” — while cheerleading for the Billionaire bastids’ recall attempt!

We see your pom-poms.

We’re socialists — not snowflakes like you.
So if at a rally some union workers “boo” us, we give them the microphone so they can attack our ideas.
And then we attack their ideas — insofar as they’re different from our ideas.
In the relentless struggle between opposing ideas, the best ideas will eventually win.

The most important thing is to criticize firmly but lovingly, with friendship and mutual respect — all workers are family, so all disagreements are just disagreements within the family.

Are socialists “divisive”?
Yes and no.
We strive to create maximum fighting UNITY amongst all our class, the working-class, the 99 Per Cent — Women and Men, Black and White, Gay and Straight!
So they can ultimately DIVIDE the colossal ruling capitalist monster’s head from His shoulders!

Despite Kshama Sawant’s and Socialist Alternative’s profound political errors, they have immensely helped our class in our fight-back against the bosses’ ongoing “aerial bombardment”:
—The great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide.
—The historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory.
— The ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


@84. Again. Facts. Only 22k people voted for her. She las a tiny base of support. Hanging on by a thread. The vast majority of people of 700k in this city don’t like her politics. You yourself are also divisive. Vote YES to recall Sawant! Calling me a nit wit? I see you.


@84 “Pwogwessive” “nit wit” “Pom poms” “snowflake” “scoundrels” “filth”

Haha. Degrading others. Vote Yes to recall Sawant and divisive people like @84.


@TheStranger, idk if you're aware, but check your ads because there are like three "Vote Yes. Recall" ads on your page and one right next to the article asking people to vote no. There's even an ad for "Vote Yes" right next to this comment box as I write my comment. Pick a lane.


Ooh #85 & #86 “Rain City Snowflake”,

If you vote with the ruling Billionaire scum to recall a worker’s representative on a worker’s pay like Kshama Sawant, then:
* You’re not a “pwogwessive” — you’re a retrogressive, by definition.
* You’re being a silly strike-breaking scab.
* You’re a pathetic nitwit who’s mistaken our overlords’ poison-piss for liquid gold — Glug glug, Bottoms up.

Despite Kshama Sawant’s and Socialist Alternative’s profound political errors, they have immensely helped our class in our fight-back against the bosses’ ongoing “aerial bombardment”:
—The great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide.
—The historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory.
— The ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #87 “420blazeit”-Buffoon, so you say we socialists “easily confuse pens with syringes” when it comes to voting?

If all the lice in your crotch could vote for you, you’d be president.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #88 “Seattle urbanite”, you’re a libellous lickspittle liar.

Here’s a standing challenge: You have not one iota of proof for your comical “corruption” claims against Kshama Sawant.

Put up or shut up.

As for your “Sawant is another Trump” hilarious drivel, that is mere “Horseshoe theory” — making you a “Horse-shit theorist”.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!



"Cleary The Stranger editorial board is doing a social experiment to determine the viability of the phrase "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it". That idea was uttered by one of the most vile propagandists to ever live and you would think we are better than that but here we are. Let's go through the lies."

This is false. Hitler claimed the media of his day were using what he called "the big lie." He wasn't saying he was using the tactic. I mean, it would defeat the while purpose to tell people you are lying to them. Regardless, any quick Google search debunks this common misunderstanding of the origin of "the big lie."


So, the Stranger comes out against the Sawant recall? Shocking. Makes one wonder if there's anything a socialist politician couldn't do raise the ire of this publication. The mind reels.


F**k Sawant. We need progressive leadership not a toxic demagogue. We can do so much better than this cult leader, Seattle. If we want progressive policies to win the day, we need somebody that can grow support rather than divide us. Her extremist views, scorched earth tactics, ethical lapses, and cronyism are unacceptable. She cares about her power, not the district.


Thank you Dan Savage and Tim Keck for leaving the comment section open. In your gut you know your paper’s reporting is no better than Fox News and that The Stranger has damaged Seattle and the progressive movement with this propaganda. I bet it is the only way you can sleep at night.


Ooh #96 “Phineas Barnum” you Barnum&Bailey Circus-Clown,

Given your piteous bleats for recalling the sole progressive Seattle City councilmember, you’re certainly not a “progressive” — instead you’re a retrogressive, a strike-breaking scab, a gullible fool clinging to our Billionaire overlords like dog-shit to a cast-off blanket.

Despite Kshama Sawant’s and Socialist Alternative’s profound political errors, they have immensely helped our class in our fight-back against the bosses’ ongoing “aerial bombardment”:
—The great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide.
—The historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory.
— The ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


@98.Wow, way to read a room. You sound like a fifteen year old beating off to a 1959 edition of Pravda that featured the Glorious Women of Tractor Assembly Plant #678.

The likes of yourself (and Sawant herself) are her own worst enemy. Put down the Heroic Rhetoric Shovel and start to live in the real world. I was approached in my neighborhood while walking the dog the other day by a pink haired Sawantist toddler who's first words were 'right wing recall.' I replied with a curt "I've already voted' and went on my way. Perhaps starting a conversation without insulting the person you would like to bring around might be a good first step? Sawant and Trump are the point where the snake eats its tail.

Looking forward to your cut and paste retort/insult. "Ooh #100.."


There's nothing at all "undemocratic" about recalling an elected office-holder. By definition, it can only be done by ballot, an inherently democratic process! The Stranger politics are becoming all heat, little light.


Nobody cares. The Stranger is a walking corpse.


And if I were a rich guy trying to make socialists look ridiculous, I'd be paying people to post stuff like what's coming out of independent socialist. Yeesh.


Ooh #99 “Mr X”-ecrable,
If all the “insects” — lice, specifically — in your crotch could vote for you, you’d be president.
Not the current White House Louse Biden.
Nor the previous louse, Trump.
Nor the louse before, Obama.

You poor self-deluded fool, it’s the colossal ruling capitalist monster — and His hireling lickspittle politicians like the aforementioned presidential lice -- who “prey upon the life” of the working class.

And hilarious nitwit that you are, you desperately cling to Him — like dog-shit to a cast-off blanket.

Despite Kshama Sawant’s and Socialist Alternative’s profound political errors, they have immensely helped our class in our fight-back against the bosses’ ongoing “aerial bombardment”:

—The great $15 Minimum Wage victory in Seattle now reverberating nationwide.
—The historic Seattle Amazon Tax victory.
— The ongoing battles for Police Accountability, Rent Control, and free construction worker car-parking.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #100 “bertha”,

When you say “Kshama Sawant donates 2/3 of her salary to her party Socialist Alternative”, you’re in fact acknowledging that she’s the exact opposite of the 8 corporate Democrat-Republican toadies on Seattle City Council.

Because unlike Kshama, how much of their $140,000 per-year salary do any of those 8 establishment mouthpieces donate to the workers’ struggle?

Heck, those 8 hypocrites wouldn’t even give Kshama a courtesy second to let Kshama present her Seattle City Council resolution for giving construction workers free car-parking.

Workers who need to lug heavy work equipment on-site at the crack of dawn, day in, day out, as they build the city — the city which so many of them can’t afford to live in.

And you want to give these 8 corporate council scoundrels free rein to appoint a replacement for Kshama Sawant?

Have you taken leave of your senses?

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #101 “Living in the CD”, we leave “reading the room” and grovelling genuflection to comical cowards such as you.

When some Billionaires’ dupe attacks us, we most certainly attack them back — unless such attack is justified, of course.

You’re not an enemy — instead, you’re just being a self-deluded nitwit.

Whereas the capitalists, the WallStreet/WhiteHouse/Pentagon ruling gangsters and their local elites, and their hireling lickspittle politicians, are indeed the enemy — we hate them, we fight them, together as workers we’ll eventually defeat them.

An important part of that noble and essential endeavor is — defeating the Moneybags’ racist rightwing recall attempt against Kshama Sawant.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #104 “Tservo”, then the path forward should be clear even to a half-wit like you:
1. Help unionize your workplace, win higer pay for every worker, become a “rich guy” together with them all.
2. Pay us — as you just promised you would.

Please give generously — we dare you to!

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Why am I getting the feeling that the Independent Socialist Group has exactly one member, whose initials are K.S.?


Kelly -
In the midst of all the screaming and ranting about the recall vote, I wanted to say your drawing and artwork is terrific!


Either that person's insane or it's a parody account. Really hard to tell.


Hi #111 “bertha”,

It’s wonderful that you’ve been a trade-unionist, in IBEW, all your life!
Solidarity forever!

Regarding your question:
No, we condemn, despise and fight the outrageous practice, committed by some trade-union (mis)-leader-traitors, of not allowing so-called “grunt workers” to join their self-same union!

Such “labor faker” traitor-leaders, with their stratospheric salaries, are welded-at-the-hip to the ruling capitalist enemy’s Democrat or Republican Party.

Unlike those bureaucratic traitor-leader filth, we socialists are sworn to never accept a cent more in salary (after actual and accountable expenses) than the average wage of our constituents — to whatever trade-union positions or public positions we get elected to.

Just as we fight the capitalist enemy’s RepublicanParty-DemocratParty Two-Headed Snake, we fight their lickspittle catspaws in the trade-union leadership bureaucracy.

By renewing, strengthening and greatly expanding our trade-unions, organizing as rank-and-file trade-unionists against “our” bureaucrat leader-traitors, and eventually voting them out of their positions and into the gutter where they belong.

A long hard fight, so are you with us?

Regarding Amazon:
No, we certainly don’t want to “smash” Amazon.

Instead, we love Amazon so much that we hope to storm it, seize it, nationalize it under workers’ management and workers’ control.

That’s what we want our class to do with all the 200 huge monopolies making up 85% of the US economy.

And we say to the Billionaire bastids who currently own them: “How’s that for a big wet kiss?”

What we hope to do in the US, our blood-sisters-and-brothers in China and everywhere else will hopefully do in “their” countries.

Yes there is a great refugee crisis.
And a housing crisis.
And a homelessness crisis.
And a rape crisis — one sister every 2 minutes somewhere in the US.
And a police-shootings crisis — one precious young Black life, and one precious young White life, extinguished every day somewhere in the US.
And a climate crisis — completely insurmountable under capitalism.
And a holocaust crisis — one human being dying every 2 seconds of completely-preventable causes somewhere on the planet.

So, capitalism has failed — throughout the planet.

Only socialism can replace it — throughout the planet.

What is socialism? It’s workers’ democracy, workers’ power, workers’ freedom, workers’ rule.

Who can achieve it? The workers, of course — in the US, the 99 Per Cent, the huge majority.
And that includes you, us, and just about everybody you / we know.

So it’s time to “put away childish things” and consider joining us — together, we have a world to win!

“Childish thing” #1:

“Mayor Durkan’s residential address is Top Secret! Classified!! Mum’s the Word!!!”

Well, we all know that Mayor Durkan lives inside Amazon Billionaire Bezos’s $350,000 Pajamas — or maybe Space-Suit, given Bezos’s recent Exospheric Extravaganza. 

The same Mayor Durkan who, over many days, doused thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters with police chemical weapons — banned in war even by the bosses’ Geneva Convention, used on us with sadistic glee by the police-thug hierarchy — but the recall attempt against Durkan was denied by the bosses’ court.

One law for the Billionaire bastids and their hireling politicians — another law for us workers and our elected representatives like Kshama Sawant.

“Childish thing” #2:

No, we genuine socialists absolutely never try to force our beliefs upon anybody.

You seem to be mistaking us for the stalinist enemy bureaucratic ruling-caste scum (mainly of yesteryear).

Instead we relentlessly, but with love and friendship, attack all opposing ideas — to try and win over their current proponents to our ideas.

In the ceaseless war between clashing ideas, the best ideas will eventually win.

“Childish thing” #3:

You’re committing (a mild form of) mad treason when you cheerlead for the Billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt against a fellow-worker, a worker’s representative on a worker’s pay, Kshama Sawant.

So it’s time to rethink.

And having ‘rethunk’, you really ought to consider joining us.


We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Very scary tactics. Get out & vote No, people. Unless you’re the rich fucks backing this.


I am a democratic socialist. These charges pertain to actions taken in pursuit of values that I fundamentally believe in. I voted to recall.

Because if a Republican misused my tax dollars to promote an initiate I wasn't favorable of, I'd fucking shit my pants in fury.

I'll vote for the most progressive candidate possible to fill her seat if she is recalled.


Morally corrupt and politically bankrupt , The Stranger, just keeps on pushing Marxist propaganda even though the CRT wokeism they are feeding Seattle, is eating The Stranger from the inside. Watch out Dan Savage, the woke are coming for you! It might get better at first but you live long enough, the Marxists will consume you as part of this oruboros.


She put the “sham” in Kshama! Kashma Trump!


Comrades, remember! Vote needs and wants, vote no to Sawant!


@116: "By renewing, strengthening and greatly expanding our trade-unions, organizing as rank-and-file trade-unionists against “our” bureaucrat leader-traitors, and eventually voting them out of their positions and into the gutter where they belong."

Socialists aim to replace unions with the party. After all, why would you need two entities looking out for the rights of the workers. There is no love lost between Sawant and Seattle's service sector unions. And I think they understand this.

"What we hope to do in the US, our blood-sisters-and-brothers in China and everywhere else will hopefully do in “their” countries."

Just try starting an independent trade union in China and see what happens.


Nonsense #118 “Patty Toonz”, there’s no such thing as an “undemocratic socialist”.

Because socialism is the massive expansion/extension/enhancement of democracy — workers’ democracy — to absolutely all aspects of work, study, life.

If you vote to recall a socialist like Kshama Sawant, you’re NOT a socialist.
By definition.
Instead you’re being a silly strike-breaking scab.

Hopefully you won’t remain a fool for life.

We, the Independent Socialist Group, say:

Critical Support for, and Unconditional Defense of, Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant!

Vote “No” — Smash the billionaire scoundrels’ recall attempt!

Together let’s defeat the rich Wall Street filth in this and all other battles — for a livable planet, a fulfilling life, the socialist future of all humankind!


Ooh #122 “Holmes”, you mewl “Socialists aim to replace trade-unions with the Party”???

Does Elvis talk to you?

On the contrary:

Socialists aim to create a mass workers’ party for socialism — as the political expression of the trade-union movement.

Oho, so you want to help your blood-sisters-and-brothers in China to form independent trade-unions — mainly underground at this stage.

Then put your money where your mouth is, and donate to us.

Please give generously — we dare you to!

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