

Here are some new comics for you Matt:


Credit where credit is due. This is post is pretty much the prototype of what I'm looking for in a Slog AM. One fascinating item after another, whether uplifting or depressing, that I wouldn't have found otherwise. Kudos to Puddles the mussels-sniffing dog. Kudos to SNL for doing a takeoff on Rock Hudson and Bea Arthur. Cecily Strong is a national treasure.

Looking forward to a car-free Pike Place Market and leaf-free bike lanes. Removing cars from Pike Place Market will benefit not only the pedestrians; it will benefit the drivers.

As for that furries convention, I look at that and I think, "This is how life changes now that COVID is endemic."


OK, no sooner do I praise distinctive geniuses of Puddles and Cecily Strong @2 than I realize the obvious connection. I'm embarrassed to say, I found SNL's "new military weapon" skit more amusing than perhaps I should have. I just hope that wasn't a real knife.


Will the Wisconsin driver claim self defense?


Sure wondering which forest that fisher video came area where it was reintroduced, or an area where it spread? Fingers crossed it was central or north Cascades!


@ 4, Since the Republinazis legalized driving cars into crowds, all the driver has to do is claim self defense from CRITICAL RACE THEORY, and he'll be a right wing media star.* The judge will pat him on the back and call him a hero.

*Provided that he's a white racist. All others will be shot.

The grotesque fact that it's now perfectly legal for white trash supremacists to murder you and get off on "self defense" if you try to stop them from shooting you really sums up what this nation's all about.


@6: The suspect in the case is black.


@ 7,

Even better! If the Wississippi Republinazis can get him bug-eyed and squealing about CRITICAL RACE THEORY, heā€™ll wind up on the Supreme KKKourt : )


thanks for that rock hudson/bea arthur clip; I knew I was looking at some inside-baseball gay lore on SNL, but had no clue what.

it was 2 saturdays ago, BTW.


Wisconsin legalized homicide so why should they give a shit about people being run down in a Christmas parade? The FBI has gotten involved, too. Fascinating since the FBI refused to get involved in the Rittenhouse case even though it crossed state lines. And the news today is full of stories of people who believe they should be released from prison because they just did what Rittenhouse did and since he isn't in prison why are they? Anything and everything to protect white privilege - especially white male violent rage.


@10: Trying to be provocative again we see.


@10: And to be fair, that driver accelerating at extremely high rate of speed into the parade falls the category of male violent rage as well. Or is it only male rage of a particular hue that concerns you?


Puddles and Cecily ftw!


Nary a peep from the "Silence is Violence" crowd about their reduced-bail-for-criminal-offenses experiment. Hypocrites, all.


Oh Stranger, you knew about this Seattle School Board directors Chandra Hampson and Zachary DeWolf and their use of their ā€œpositional authorityā€ to harass two Black senior women staffers months ago. I know this because I told you. Twice.

The Times knew. KUOW knew. A lot of supposed journalists and media knew. But somehow there was this secret handshake agreement in Seattle media to NOT report it. Hmm.

You have that copy of the report because I had to get it via public disclosure from the district and upload it myself. The district paid about $160K for two law firms and a judge mediator. It was Hampson and DeWolf who - mistakenly - demanded an investigation rather than actually sitting down like grown-ups with the two women. I think both directors have such an inflated sense of self that they thought they couldnā€™t possibly be guilty of anything. Whoops.

Important to note: Both directors claim Native American heritage and the two staffers were Black. No white people involved. Plus Hampson claims that the Black women seemed to not believe her about her Native heritage so that was racist behavior and the Black women say Hampson and DeWolf had racist-type action towards them.

Meanwhile the rest of the Board were like the three monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Of course, Hampson is a known bully so this comes as no surprise. And, when the report came out, did the Board force Hampson to step down as Board President? Nope.

And, if either Hampson or DeWolf want to think about running for office, good luck with that. Any other candidates would have a field day with what DeWolf and Hampson said in their interviews and their actions against the two staffers.

Original letter of complaint which is quite the epistle.

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