

"City officials decided to give Kammerzell a two-week suspension. The suspension was unpaid but Kammerzell took vacation to make up his salary.

Kent Police Chief Rafael Padilla did not find that Kammerzell violated the department's "truthfulness" policy, for which he could have been fired."

And this is the essence of ACAB. Not all cops murder. Not all cops steal. Not all are corrupt. But when given a set of choices they all seem hell-bent on making the absolute worst ones to the detriment of the rest of us. And they seemingly have no desire to self-police. Tell me again why these people deserve more taxpayer dollars?


@2: They didn't just march, they burned it to the ground!


@3 It's not even close to all and if we are going to judge the support of every profession by the worse among them I don't know if any will warrant public support.


@1,3 It would appear that somebody didn't put into the contract that the dude could be fired for supporting Nazis. Probably because nobody figured that would be a thing. The fact that the Nazi rank insignia was on his office door (not to mention the sieg heil in a picture at an office Octoberfest party) and he still couldn't be fired shows how badly broken the system is. With any luck, his contract does have something about publicly embarrassing the department and they'll be able to shuffle him out the door. Otherwise, the only way to get rid of him is to keep bringing up his misconduct in any vaguely race-related case that crossed his desk. If it imperils convictions, they'll figure out a way to get rid of him.

@5 Exactly.


You know, just because black ice looks different than white ice doesn't mean it's any more dangerous.


@9: Small nit - it was the SS insignia, not the swastika.


@9, @10 it was neither a swastika or SS(lightening bolts) insignia. It was like a 3 pronged oak leaf thing. I doubt he wasn't completely aware of it's connotations, but it isn't obvious that it has anything to do with the NSDAP.

He is a public servant, so that means that taxpayer dollars were used for the 10 or so mins it took for him to affix that to his door.


@6 "It's not even close to all"

Yes, yes it is. Because even the ones not actively engaged in being hostile toward the citizens they are supposed to protect will not speak out against such behavior.

And I guarantee you if I or anyone else in any other job put Nazi decor in our offices we would be fired without a second thought.


Thank you for that Luiz Bonfa!


@11 I'm gonna call BS on him not being aware of its connotations. The symbol displayed (while true, not a swastika or an SS symbol) was an SS rank symbol that he saw while watching The Man in the High Castle. You know, a TV series about an alternate reality where the Nazis win WWII. Presumably, the person wearing the symbol on TMitHC was in a full SS uniform. He later Googled the symbol and /then/ put it up on his door. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Also keep in mind that this same dude wore a Hitler mustache for at least a day or two in Movember (some years back) and was caught throwing a Sieg Heil in an Octoberfest picture. It's a pattern of behavior. He should (at minimum) have been told to cut out the Nazi shit after the first one, suspended after the second, and fired after the insignia.


@13 no argument with being fired for Nazi decor however I do question your use of all to paint with such a broad brush. By your logic when a teacher rapes a student and all the other teachers don't speak out publicly against it we should damn the entire profession. I think your bias against the police is coloring your viewpoint. This guy is trash however that does not equate to everyone who wears a badge being in league with him. At some point we need to stop with the over generalizations and demonizing entire groups of people if we want to have an honest dialogue about making things better.


@15, @16 you guys need to learn to read more closely: "I doubt he wasn't completely aware of it's connotations,....."


What an insipid and nonsensical argument.

The absurd argument that we are somehow especially unfair to police is a non-starter.

The police are not just any profession. Software developers do not have qualified immunity nor do they have political and social sanctions to use lethal force. Garbage men cannot ruin lives by falsely arresting people. Accountants are not sworn officers of the public trust whose duty is weighted in matters of life or death.

Of course society must hold police to higher standards of conduct. And of course a bad apple in the police profession can spoil the confidence if the whole bunch of an institution. This is in fact fact a well studied phenomenon. And why the fact a Nazi officer keeping his job and getting a paid vacation is the quintessential example of how damaged the entire institution has become.


@17 are those not facts? And are they not worth reporting? In the view of the vast majority I would say they are both facts and worth reporting. If your eyes and ears are too sensitive to reality might I suggest you watch a Disney film instead. But not Bambi.


It wouldn't have been that much more trouble and expense for the schools to devote a week, not just a day, for testing. That would have been a lot more prudent and effective.


@18 police violence and lack of accountability is endemic, as seen by decades of increasingly worrisome evidence and inaction.

I don't think teacher-student rape has risen to that level of nationwide problem yet. Maybe one day. as antivaxers increase homeschooling though.



Does that mean RWNJ's will no longer judge all: protesters, Black people or the unhoused - just to name a few pertinent examples - based on the questionable actions of a mere handful who fit that description?


@19 OK, I'll admit I thought the double negative was a typo. So clearing that out, you're saying that he knew that the symbol was associated with the Nazis even though it doesn't rise to the obviousness of a swastika or an SS symbol. Why go on to say that the cost to the public was only the 10 minutes of his time when he put them up?

That seems like you think that the objection to having Nazi rank up on a cop's door is whether he put them up on work time. Would it be a problem if he put them up after quitting time?


@25 Oh, you poor person who thinks that this has to be rational! See, all cops are good, except for the ones that aren't. And you never know which ones aren't until the instant that they're not. In that instant, the cop changes from a Good Cop to a Bad Cop. Likewise, all gun owners are Responsible Gun Owners until the moment that their 3-year-old shoots their sibling with an unsecured gun.

On the other hand, protesters are destroying the social fabric of America unless they're demonstrating in approved ways (as defined by being invisible).

It's sort of the reverse of Schrodinger's Cat--you know that cops and gun owners are Good until proven otherwise, while demonstrators are Bad until proven otherwise. Of course, the unhoused are always bad, because they're not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos did. The minor fact that they aren't getting major loans from friends and family to get started is their own fault too.

/s in case it isn't obvious.


Depressing news, glad some music got supplied to lessen the feelings of complete doom.


@25 That would be the idea. Of course that would also mean that you would actually have to condemn the actions of those who are destroying property, assaulting people and committing various other offenses instead of writing it off as "justified anger". I'll make it a 22 resolution if you are willing to do the same. You can only change the world one person at a time.


@26 Tongue-in-cheek for he should be fired for misuse of taxpayer funds.


@32 you mean like this?

Look, I have no argument with any of you that bad apples need to be held to account and that public service employees should be held to a high standard. Time and time again though TS and the commenters on this blog make vast generalizations about public safety officials that simply are not true. Seriously? Quoting a wikipedia article about the blue wall of silence? The police, like educators, belong to a union and that union has negotiated due process for those in their ranks accused of wrong doing. That process needs to be adhered too and demonizing the entire profession or colleagues because they are not joining the court of public opinion is wrong. I'd love to see more of us stop demonizing an entire group of people based on anecdotal evidence. I'm happy to do my part, are you willing to join me?



Speaking of bootstraps, I only recently discovered the true meaning of that phrase: a task that is literally impossible to perform.


Well, when the po-po learns to identify peaceful protesters, the unhoused, and Black people and stops committing conspicuous acts of violence against them, we'll be half way there, eh?


@36 I see asking you to step out of your ideological bubble is scary. Changing the way we talk about things needs to start somewhere but if it makes you feel better to label and demonize people so you can hate them that is your choice. At least we know not to take anything you say with good faith.


Where is Morty? I feel for him. He must be shaking his head and cringing every time a gun-crazed-neofascist-cop-getting-off-scot-free story makes the news. I remember a comment he made in a previous SLOG thread regarding the Daunte Wright case about the female cop who ended up in prison after mistaking her firearm for a taser and killing Wright as he attempted to flee during a traffic stop. Morty cited that because police credibility with the public is basically in the toilet, so many good, decent ones are quitting or retiring in droves (including ex-SPD Chief Carmen Best). Law enforcement agencies nationwide are now left with hiring people they wouldn't have dared to decades ago.
Sending you a cyber hug, Morty, and all remaining good & ethical police officers like you.

@3 Brent, @9 blip, @13 Brent, @15 Yeshua, @16 boatgeek, @23 Garb, @24 Brent, and @32 blip re Nazi cop: for the group WIN! Brilliantly well said. Kudos to all.

@17: "Take it slow or you might end up in an 8 to 12 car collision".
Reason #1 why I put my beloved classic VW into winter hibernation every fall, and
only drive in more agreeable spring and summer weather. Black ice is a silent, dangerously invisible-until-it's-too-late-to-do-anything killer. There are far too many reckless and distracted drivers on the roads nowadays. If you see any shiny pavement in winter, avoid it as much as possible.
Better still, to all those venturing out on the roads and streets in inclement weather: if you have no clue whatsoever how to handle snow and ice, for your safety and that of others don't drive in it. And FFS get off your damned Smartphones and pay attention in traffic!

@28 LavaGirl +1: Amen, sister!


@2 Yeshua: Amazingly, the MAGA Death Cult is killing its own now in record numbers. And they're "Proud to Take One For the Team!" There is no reasoning with such clueless sheeple. Sickeningly, the Orange Turd is fully vaccinated and, unless it gets offed by an even higher power or international crime syndicate (Hey, El Salvador--muchas gracias for helping rid us of Doug the Thug Ericksen!), able to live another day, hiding in its Mar-a-Lunatic Swamp buttcrack until Hell makes more room.


For the Umpteenth fucking TIME!!!--- Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are NOT DEMOCRATS--they're RepubliKKKan sock puppets of Mitch McConnell! Every member of the MAGA Death Cult must die before we regain our democracy.
I still say Marjorie Taylor Greene needs a head cone and a rabies shot in the butt.


As pissed as I am at Manchin for screwing all of us on BBB, I kinda have to agree that nobody making anywhere near $400,000 for a couple needs ANY kind of financial help with raising their kids.

And if I put out a plate of cookies and candy canes when the garbage truck doesn't come, I'll be feeding trash pandas, not trash collectors.


@42: "Ixnay on the Must Die stuff"? The GOP, the Party of Trump and every one of their dangerously crazy and mentally ill followers are out to kill more innocent people than actions taken by the El Salvadorian drug cartels, Somalian pirates, Nigerian sex-traffickers, Kim Jong Un, the Taliban, and Vladimir Putin COMBINED. Donald Trump has blood on his hands, I don't. MAGAs are killing themselves, each other, and everyone around them by not getting vaccinated. I'm not overstepping my boundaries and couldn't care less whose walls have ears. I'm not afraid or burying my head in the sand like you are, Bugs, just merely stating facts. RepubliKKKans are truly horrible excuses for people. Ask around. If that's too much for you to bear maybe you should chill and take a break from SLOG.


I'd SO love to see NY AG Letitia James be the final straw that leads to the Fall of the Orange Turd Empire. Go, Letitia, GO!!! It's time for Washington AG SuperBob Ferguson to calmly say, "Checkmate."


@46: "What would a 1st year, eager beaver FBI agent make of this?" Honestly?
Methinks you watch too many violent cop shows. Don't stay up so late---it's bad for your health.
I still say you're being a bit paranoid on analyzing the phrasing of my comments, Bugs. For one thing I don't even own or carry a firearm, nor have I ever threatened anyone personally. Meanwhile, there are plenty of clearly unhinged MAGA trolls on SLOG bragging about their alleged gun arsenals, spewing for an all-out Civil War II, the Sequel. Who among us is indeed, the infinitely more dangerously crazy--the MAGA trolls or auntie grizelda? I say it is the former hands down. This is why I call such individuals on their toxic and willfully misleading bullshit, and like a good drill sergeant (bless you, Lissa!), refuse to stop.


@46: You really want to round up the truly dangerous and crazy, Bugs? Go after the batshit insurrectionists--including 6 SPD officers---who stormed the U.S. Capitol exactly one year ago, today, killing four DC police officers, vandalizing federal property, committing high treason, threatening the safety of those elected to serve the people of the United States, and willfully obstructing what was supposed to have been a peaceful transition of power in welcoming the legitimately elected Biden-Harris Administration.
Help to get these assholes along with their instigator, Donald J. Trump and its lawyers, lobbyists, fixers, and enablers, trophy bitches and bimbos, and snotnosed heirs down to the most ignorant and hopelessly gullible of MAGAs---millions of rabid Orange Turd supporters now "proudly" dying in unmasked and unvaccinated waves---in federal prison for life, Bugs. You would be among world heroes.


@49: You don't even know me, Bugs. Don't patronize. Ordering someone who is calling trolls on their bullshit to chill is not caring. It is being indirectly manipulative and passive-aggressive. I am not a child, you're not my father, and I am not wasting my time commenting on SLOG. If you feel that commenting on SLOG is such a waste of time, whether to express agreement or call someone out, then why are you here?

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