

"In fact, it's rather shocking that he has been around for that long"

Charles, you are a smart man. There is no way you are shocked American police forces embrace and protect Nazis.


@2, is my irony that flat?


"Kammerzell" means "chamber cell" in German, an appropriately named Kent polizei nazi.


@1 Good excuse, oh wait, he based his display of it on the TV show where it is the rank of the top american nazi. This excuse doesn't hold water; demote him; fire him; and take away his pension


I wonder if Mein Kampf is banned in Tennessee prisons.


@7 I have no doubt he is operating in "full compliance with the department's values"


Most nazis were folks who were bullied or malcontents that couldn't fit into normal society, and the power that came with being a nazi was intoxicating to them. It's not surprising that some police in the United States fit into this mold. Could you imagine having this guy as your boss? Someone who thought of himself as something akin to a general in a paramilitary organization, and took it so seriously that he put rank insignia on his office door?


What a wretched spectacle, the Guild 45th in that state.

First movie I remember seeing there was Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings when I was a kid.


Saw The Road Warrior there too. That weird stucco apartment building with the bubble window around the corner burned down must be almost 20 years ago now.


Good dog! Who's a good girl? Yes, you're a good girl!


@15: I suggest you take a comedy fix.


"that preliminary indications are that this variant is about as deadly as the common flu virus. Because it is novel, highly contagious and we are without evolved defenses"

In epidemiology these two things are totally contradictory.

If a virus is more contagious it will kill more people.

Here's a though experiment presented by an Epidemiologist on NPR: Which virus is more deadly? Ebola or Covid19 and it's variants?

Ebola: 11,310 to roughly 20K deaths in 44 years since its first human outbreaks in 1977.
Covid19: Almost six million IN TWO YEARS.

So you can say "Ebola has a higher fatality rate." But Covid19, being orders of magnitude more infectious with a perniciously long infectious asymptotic phase, has killed orders magnitude more people therefore is more deadly.

Infectiousness is virulence and that makes this disease much more deadly than any common flu. The new variant is still killing and hospitalizing unvaccinated people at about 5-7X the rate of common flu.


The reason Blackberry died out was because their later incarnations (like the Storm) sucked. SOOOOOOOOOO SLOOWWWWWW. iPhones took over because they work.


💜💜💜 Mudede

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