

Star Wars is fake, just like NFTs.


Ability without honor is useless.


Maybe they should get extra edgy and change the name of Bobba Fett's ship to Pedophile 1? If it's fun to be offensive, why not be REALLY offensive?



The slippery slope slides directly from Boba Fett to Hitler. No need to invoke Greedo or anyone else into the mix.


@1. What a lazy "millennials" dig.

Narratives exploring whether some good guys are actually that good or whether some bad guys are actually that bad has been around for a long time.

Your own example of Satan was famously explored in Paradise Lost in 1667. Yeah, Satan still winds up pretty bad but it explored the character beyond "eeeeeevil".

Dog Day Afternoon gave us a sympathetic bank robber. Serpico gave us extremely crooked police.

The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen scrutinized the concept of superheroes. The self-contained Superman story "Red Son" does a fascinating job examining the character's tropes by using the "what if" scenario of his ship landing in a farming community in the USSR instead of the USA.

And Star Wars stuff is kind of in its own realm. Decades of canon to semi-canon stuff had been established by books, comics, and video games to expand info about various characters and events. In the old canon, Boba Fett also survived his apparent on-screen demise. He continued being a bounty hunter but had significant frailties to manage due to his injuries. His odd morality was explored but in the end he was still something of a cold-hearted bastard, becoming more of an anti-hero or foil in many stories.

Now Disney has come in and scrubbed all the old canon. This is fine, because trying to manage that old hodgepodge sounds awful. They wanted clean'ish slates for their own stories (and marketing). Boba Fett is getting the hero treatment because he's marketable and that's about it. He's a fan favorite and has cool armor that's great for selling toys.


Harrell gettin' compassionate with no delay


You won't find a more cantankerous fandom than Star Wars. These people are never not bitching about something. I wish they could just admit they are not upset about quality and derivations - they are upset their childhood is gone.


@12 correct


@9 - As a Star Wars fan, I can't disagree. In a strange way, the prequels helped me with their badness. It broke the spell. I now appreciate the parts of Star Wars that I like and only have fun bitching about the parts I don't like with willing participants.


Membership isn't required to shop at PCC. You kinda implied it was by mentioning the $60 membership fee like that.


The Star Wars universe is a nightmare hellscape. It’s “vision” includes rampant chattel slavery of all kinds, feudal dictatorships, monarchistic dictatorships, violent anarchy is common, crime syndicates endemic and murder is rampant. The single value sold in every franchise is might makes right. The “sides” to choose from are one side uses murder, superstition and magic to enforce feudal hierarchy and slavery. And the other side uses murder, superstition and magic to enforce fascistic hierarchy and slavery. The main occupations seem to be bar keeper, shop keeper, peasant farmer, assassin, thug, crime boss, bounty Hunter or soldier. With the occasional mad scientist weapon of mass destruction developer.

It’s a universe of illiterates, murders, banana republics, subjugation, crime and misery. It’s vision is entirely dystopian.

And poorly written I might add.

Why on earth would I want to visit that every week?


@17 You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.



One of the first things you're taught in Acting 101 is that if you want to successfully play a villain, you can't think of them as evil, because that's generally not how the character sees themselves (there are exceptions, Shakespeare's "plain dealing villain" Iago being a notable example.) If you just play that side of the character, they tend to come off as flat, one-dimensional and melodramatic. Villain's with complex personalities, someone who does something bad, but believes they have good justification for their behavior, is much more compelling and interesting to an audience.


True, membership isn't required to shop at PCC, but it is required if you want to reap the benefit of member discounts.



Someone should've told Obi-Wan about the annual Conservative Political Action Conferences that'd take place on planet earth in the distant future.


So many workers currently residing in Washington will see their jobs replaced by this apple-picking technological marvel?


@22: What workers? Not enough migrant workers like the old days. Hence the robots.


@24 I'd be interested to see a race between the robot and a human picker. Sort of a John Henry of our era, but without the heart attack at the end. I'm guessing the human picker would win on quality (if not both quality and volume), even averaged out over a workday with breaks and lunch. Even if the robot wins, what's the payoff period for the (very expensive) piece of equipment?


I'm not fundamentally or philosophically opposed to the onslaught of robotics in principle, though it is incredibly frustrating that we're embarking on this new era without providing any sort of viable income or means of sustenance for those who'll be put out of an income as a result of it. Can't help but wonder if in 50 years, people will be looking back fondly on those days of the early 2020's when the vagrant & homeless camps were relatively few and far between.


@25 boatgeek: My only concern about increased use of robots and automation is the possibility of humans becoming obsolete in the workforce. Presently, trial robots are being programmed to conduct simple operations in hospitals. Corporations are already beyond heartless in their pursuit of the last dollar at the expense of humanity, the economy, and the environment.
This reminds me of episode 153 of The Twilight Zone: "The Brain Center at Whipple's". Human employees at a manufacturing plant are all fired and replaced by machines. The CEO, stubbornly set in maximizing profits and efficiency is heartless in his pursuit of automation until one day there is a board room meeting. Entirely surrounded by robots, the CEO, Wallace V. Whipple (played by Richard Deacon) is informed that because he is human, the board of directors has deemed him obsolete. That was back in 1959, in plain black and white. Over six decades later, we haven't learned a damned thing as industrial greed has only gotten exponentially worse.


The day Washington truly gets hit by The Big One we can all kiss our asses goodbye.
It will make the historic May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, the deadliest volcanic eruption in U.S. history, which took the lives of 57 people and cost about a billion dollars in damages look like child's play.
The last Tsunami I am aware of was from the 9.0 earthquake that led to the explosion at Daiichi Nuclear Power plant in Fukushima, Japan on March 4, 2011. The Pacific Coast from Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California and Hawaii are still getting contaminated debris along the coastlines. It has been compared to the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.

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