

Genuinely curious - what should be the result of a minor murdering someone?


While I do agree that we imprison too many kids for relatively frivolous bullshit, I'm totally okay with tossing a 13 year old in the pokey for shooting someone.


I'm not sure if the consequence for shooting someone at age 13 is as important to determine as is the myriad of supports (beginning with adequate prenatal care and continuing through young adulthood) that could prevent this type of outcome for a teen.


@4, the universal has it moments. Meaning the universal is differentiated. It's particularities are individuals. And so the content which is differentiated, and thereby objectified as individuals mediating the universal as concept, has no meaningful value to me. But to you obviously.


@6 - I'll bet you money that kid's parents were teenagers when he was born, and if you want to double down they probably dropped out of high school. Making it harder to have a kid than to adopt a puppy might help with some of these problems. If the bad seed's parents had at least been able to deal with a kid, things might have turned out differently.


OK, you all know the tune by now:

It's not his fault that he can't behave.
Society made him go astray
Perhaps if we're nice he'll go away . . .


7: Can you please rewrite that as a haiku Charles? I might get its meaning.


The Unvaccinated
Are the Ones Fuck-
ing Up Our Hospitals

'MY Body

wait'll Idaho
starts sending
its Womenfolk
to Warshington
'cause in Idaho

you fuck around
you're gonna be
Birthin' that baby

no matter what.

Patriarchy =

ya don't even
gotta Believe


want the Murder Rate to go Down?

FUND prenatal
Preschool Daycare
and Family Planning &
support Women's Agency
PRIVACY & Security in One's Self

Women hold up one-Half the Sky



Progressive Democrats
final solution? See:
@ 13 jakkkay


Sorry, but this is my meaning: The universal has its moments. Meaning, the universal is differentiated. Its particularities are individuals. And so the concept, the universal, or that which forms the content of the particular, and identifies the individual with the universal, is differentiated. This particular, objectified as individuals mediating the universal as concept, has no meaningful value to me. But to you obviously.


Maybe the kids can come live with you, Charles.


โ€œ Fuck this very bad business of locking up boys and girls.โ€ jeez grandpa, could you sound any older with your binary categorizations? Fuck this business of locking up CHILDREN. Also for the tough on crime dimwits in the comments - perhaps the solution to children shooting people isnโ€™t locking up kids, but making sure that 13-year-olds donโ€™t have access to guns!?! This country is so fucking stupid.


Railing against the other in any culture war is not effective. Less zingers, more pragmatism please.


18: I'll try again, by asking a question:

Who are the objectified as individuals who do meaningful value to you?


Oingo Boingo songs. No Spill Blood. Blood is what makes a woman. Blood is what makes wars. Blood is what happens when you don't know the difference between a shooting in school vs a shooting outside of school. Who wants to sit in the cafeteria with guys who just shot people in the library? Who wants to sit next to a kid who shot anybody just because they could?


of us just
ain't right.'

you got
that right.


27 - It would have been courteous of Charles to note that.


That's like a white-collar resort prison. ain't no federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison. I mean, look how easily they were able to escape.

and, why? why are you rooting for them to escape further? what do you think is in-store for a bunch of teen runaways with a record? surely, there are no bad people out there just waiting to jump at the opportunity to exploit kids like this, or kidnap them, or worse.

I'm sure that's exactly what these kids' moms want, too. their kids on the lam with no supervision or resources, so long as they ain't in jail. right?

you should fuck right off with that opinion, Charles.


The universal is this: sociopaths are sociopaths irregardless of age.

Which doesn't make me want to lock up children...just homicidal sociopathic individuals.


I think it is best to deal with violent children in the way that you would deal with the violently mentally ill. From a justice standpoint, the first step is to determine whether they were fully aware of their actions. I'm no shrink, but a 12 year old who kills someone for fun strikes me as a combination of severely mentally immature and ill. Given that, treating them the same way you would a 30 year old hit-man is absurd. Prison as a form of deterrence simply won't work. At the same time, it is equally absurd to assume that they are better off roaming the streets. They need to receive the proper treatment to become functioning members of society. If that means being detained indefinitely, so be it. This doesn't necessarily mean long term isolation -- there is little evidence this is effective (quite the opposite). Locating your facility in the boonies is stupid, as it makes contact with other professionals as well family members more difficult.

The problem is not unique to the United States, it is just that like so many things, we tend to be behind the more civilized countries. The good news is that some cities are trying to learn from them ( Even then, it is clear that other countries could improve ( We lag other parts of the world in our response to violent juvenile crime, and we have more of it because of our poor safety net and poor criminal/justice system.



so Well said.

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