@1 -- What is that supposed to mean? Seriously -- I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Do you just say random things on a public forum because you are bored? I'm honestly trying to figure out the rationale and meaning of that comment, because it doesn't make sense to me. It can't be a comment on the comic itself, that wouldn't make sense (no one would be that much of a narcissistic asshole). Maybe it is a comment about surfing? Is surfing "meh" to you?
i think a comic writer expecting a visual artist to tell a written story is unfair projection, lack of genuine interest in making a purchase notwithstanding.
Another great comic. Thanks.
@1 -- What is that supposed to mean? Seriously -- I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Do you just say random things on a public forum because you are bored? I'm honestly trying to figure out the rationale and meaning of that comment, because it doesn't make sense to me. It can't be a comment on the comic itself, that wouldn't make sense (no one would be that much of a narcissistic asshole). Maybe it is a comment about surfing? Is surfing "meh" to you?
i think a comic writer expecting a visual artist to tell a written story is unfair projection, lack of genuine interest in making a purchase notwithstanding.
actually i'm going to expand: this comic misses the mark because it's an artist expecting another artist to provide provenance.
or it's about us
lowering our
damn you
and to think that
I was just About
to become a
@8 fuck off