

Can you imagine the reaction from the right if Judge Jackson responded to questions with the same anger and crocodile tears Kavaunagh produced?


Ah. Bach.


The U District Station is indeed wonderful, yet six months after its opening, SDOT still hasn't figured out a way to open up the bus bays that surround it (despite all the neat-o maps and displays). The temporary stop on 45th is shitty, and not all bus drivers are even aware that it exists.


@1: Hard to say. Being accused of rape in a televised national setting being interviewed for a Justice on the Supreme Court would be very stressful on anyone.


It's not hard to say at all actually.

Hillary Clinton was somehow able to sit through hours upon hours of hearings about the implication she got people killed without losing her composure.

If a grown man entrusted with such power and responsibility can't keep it together during a confirmation process he was in no way obligated to participate in, maybe he's in the wrong field.


"The last thing the Chicago-based corporation needs is another 737 MAX mess, another plane — this time a Boeing 737-800 — that no one believes in and wants to be in."

Charles is the only person I've seen suggesting this incident suggests a design problem with the 737-800. Are all of these aviation experts missing something?


DOUG, the crews are putting the finishing touches on the trolley wires on NE 43rd St. Soon come.


when doing Work is making love
you know you’ve chosen
the right Occupation

thanks for the Vid Chas


@ 4,

If you’re a rich, white, alcoholic, rapist Republinazi with a gambling problem, they let you do it.

Hell, for them that’s a bonus, since all they care about is getting away with it. That’s why they worship Tr666p and live to eat his shit.


A wealthy white man with witnessed multiple sexual assault allegations whined and cried on national TV and then shouted about his love for beer.

And still became a Supreme Court Justice.


While Kavanaugh was getting shit-faced at DEK, I (as was true of many other sudents) was studying organic chemistry in the undergraduate library. And this display of petulant behavior is now a badge of honor for the GOP.


if a bile-spewing
Kavanaughtius Maximus
can be a 'justice' then
hell Anyone can.

repubs are salivating
for Their Chance to
get Themselves a
Biggest Dickus

they're just gonna
hafta Wait their Turn
or Cancel President Bidens'

it's McMitch KkKonnell's
Court now. Good Luck Judge.


Mark me; that crash in China will be pilot suicide.

Will the CCP let that info out? TBD.


Rich - quantifiable and subject to interoperation
White - obvious fact
Alcoholic - unproven and irrelevant unless affects the performance of job, no complaints registered
Rapist - unproven allegations never substantiated aka: SMEAR


*subject to interpretation


ted fucking cruise*
not allowing the Judge
to complete her thoughts

is cancel culture

*cancun anyone?


@16 The allegations against Kavanaugh were most certainly substantiated. Dr. Blasey Ford provided extensive testimony under oath at the confirmation hearing. So did Kavanaugh, who confirmed many aspects of the alleged timeline.

It seems like you are conflating "substantiated" with "proven." These are not the same things.


re boeing: from: Still Unsafe At Any Altitude
March 12, 2022

Boeing whistleblower, Ed Pierson, joins us to talk about the report he wrote entitled “Boeing 737 MAX – How Is It Really Going?” that paints a troubling picture of current problems with the notorious plane that includes reports of 43 malfunctions and onboard failures and six flights where U.S. pilots declared emergencies.
--Ralph Nader*

“Obviously the [MCAS] software has gained all the attention because it was covered up, and the pilot training was also not there.

But my point all along has been that there’s evidence of production quality issues . . . And in my reports I showed that production in fact did play a role in these crashes.

There were widespread issues going on in the [boeing] factory
 the backlog of unfinished airplanes, really horrific supply chain issues, we had a shortage of skilled staff, workers were being asked to work ridiculously long hours, all of our health metrics in the factory were at record low points and trending in the wrong direction.

And there was just a lot of evidence of warning flags. All the information was there to say that this factory was dangerously unstable.”
--Ed Pierson

Ed Pierson is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Navy Flight School and served in the Navy for 30 years.

Mr. Pierson worked for Boeing from 2008 to 2018. He was a Production Manager in the 737 Program, and in 2019 he testified before Congress as a whistleblower.

Throughout his career, he has served as a volunteer and chair of safety committees.

is That the kinda corp.
whose planes give
you Confidence?

when your Boards of Directors
place Profis BEFORE Safety
it's gotta make one Think

or maybe not

*yeah you may Hate the Messenger
but that Don’t mean he’s Wrong


@21: I don't recall any other person offering testimony in regard to Christine Margaret Blasey Ford's account in regard to the party where she claimed the alleged event occurred.

Juanita Broaddrick didn't have another person's recollections either, but for some reason because of politics I guess nobody wanted to believe her.


@24 - Oh, ok, then I won't believe her either.


@15. I also think so.


The original 737 was one of the safest planes ever made. There were very few crashes, despite being used for a shitload of trips. The tragedy is sad enough as it is, but also sad that the name has been sullied by greedy assholes.


@23 Now you are conflating "substantiated" with "corroborated."


@8 - No, they are not missing anything, but Charles never wants to pass up a chance to claim that a corporation did something bad. The 737-800 is not the Max, and does not share the design issues with the Max that led to the two crashes. There are thousands and thousands of the pre-Max 737s flying all over the world and they are as safe as anything else. In fact, far better than most:

From everything I have read (including commentary from a few pilots), an intentional crash is the most likely scenario in this one. Planes just don't head straight down and hit the ground vertically like that. I don't think that even the Maxes that crashed did. Maybe it's terrorism. Maybe it's Xi Jinping trying to make it look like terrorism so he can build more re-education hotels for the Uighurs. Maybe it's a pilot who can't face up to his gambling debts. I suspect we'll find out.


if it's So they have
the whole Murder/Suicide
thingy just Exactly Backwards


@29: I'm simply pointing to events and testimony, use the verb of your choice.


Considering Josh Hawley IS a child pornography defendant....OH, the irony! Hey, Josh---does the idea of a competent US Supreme Court nominee who could hand you and your sorry fellow RepubliKKKan frat boy asses to you on a dirty plate SCARE YOUSE?? Awwwwwwww, poor baby........

Here's to the death of the GOP. May all RepubliKKKans get cornholed in Hell and good riddance.


@19: kristofarian called it for the WIN!!
Like the late "Ambassador of Cambodia"-turned El Salvador refugee, Doug the Thug Ericksen, ol' Ted Cruz couldn't care less about the average Joe and Jane citizens he's supposed to represent--especially the poor ones. Teddy left millions freezing to death last year during a record cold snap, exacerbated by the neofascist blood red Lone Star State's failed power grid ("We's jes FAHN, thank you--we'll do it ourSELVES!"--until it becomes a national emergency---then they're all over Biden's ass, yelling that the federal guv'mint had BETTER send help!) while he and his family luxuriated in Cancun. Then the pigfucker blamed his wife for making all the travel planning.
And yet now, more than ever, people are still chanting "Don't Mess With Texas" down there.
Oh, I wouldn't dare----the confused State of Texiban is fucked up enough without any outside help. They's PROUD to be a big part of the "GREAT" wasteland of Texabamada, unmasked, unvaccinated, and fahtin' fer their Free Dumbs!


Thank you Charles, for ending this posting with a great performance of a timeless masterpiece of classical music. More of that, please.

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