Thought experiment: If one of those bicyclists should, in the course of their rules violation, strike an off-leash dog, would that result in A: one letter to I, Anonymous or B: two separate letters?
@7; as you likely already know, irrational hatred of bicycles is one of the few sentiments that literally all subgroups of society can and do unite around. Who cares if it's in Portland or in Seattle, when it just feels like it could be either! Because fuck those spandex cyclists, AMIRITE?!?!?!
How many "I, Anonymous" posts are we going to post about how much we hate those rascally god damned cyclists? So edgy! So transgressive and original!
Since The Stranger and the Portland Mercury seem to be collaborating on efforts to punch down at cyclists via allegedly "anonymous" accounts (note that the headline refers not to the rule-breaking but instead to the broad group of bicyclists, super ethical choice), perhaps we can get some transparency on why, exactly, the (nearly) same account was published in both newspapers, and specifically, why the (supposedly genuine, anonymous) account WAS ALTERED for the Seattle edition?
Please. Help me to understand the editorial decisions that went into this. I'm quite curious.
dude if you have headphones on when you’re on a nature trail you deserve to get run over hehehe jk but seriously pay attention to the owls n quit fucking around, my god 🌈
Toss a fallen tree branch or large stick into the spokes. Problem solved.
"You actively choosing to bicycle in
these spaces is a selfish decision."
to say the Least and
if the Ped were to move
in the 'wrong' direction you've
likely made some poor Lawyer's Day
mind your
assholes! &/or
Give 'em Space
and no an arm's
Length ain't Enough
Same to the people who get mad at the bicycles on trails for bicycles. It's a two way street.... ha. ha.
Thought experiment: If one of those bicyclists should, in the course of their rules violation, strike an off-leash dog, would that result in A: one letter to I, Anonymous or B: two separate letters?
Well, this was published in the Portland Mercury, minus the "in Seattle" bit, a week ago today. So which one is fake? Or are they both fake?
@7; as you likely already know, irrational hatred of bicycles is one of the few sentiments that literally all subgroups of society can and do unite around. Who cares if it's in Portland or in Seattle, when it just feels like it could be either! Because fuck those spandex cyclists, AMIRITE?!?!?!
How many "I, Anonymous" posts are we going to post about how much we hate those rascally god damned cyclists? So edgy! So transgressive and original!
Since The Stranger and the Portland Mercury seem to be collaborating on efforts to punch down at cyclists via allegedly "anonymous" accounts (note that the headline refers not to the rule-breaking but instead to the broad group of bicyclists, super ethical choice), perhaps we can get some transparency on why, exactly, the (nearly) same account was published in both newspapers, and specifically, why the (supposedly genuine, anonymous) account WAS ALTERED for the Seattle edition?
Please. Help me to understand the editorial decisions that went into this. I'm quite curious.
dude if you have headphones on when you’re on a nature trail you deserve to get run over hehehe jk but seriously pay attention to the owls n quit fucking around, my god 🌈