

Man, the little chuckle following the "Iraq" misstatement is just the chef's kiss of darkly humorous recollections of genocidal atrocities.


Ours wasn't a one-man invasion at least. We had a consenus! There was an impressive bipartisan effort to indiscriminately torture and kill people in response to our chickens coming home to roost.


I don't think Shkreli did anything illegal. I think the fraud charges were bullshit show-trial crap. Who went to jail for jacking up the price of insulin? No one. Who went to jail when all the pharmaceuticals went through the roof? No one. A lot of bullshit Congressional hearings, a bunch of shoulder shrugging and onto the next sensational story.

Shkreli is nothing more than a sacrificial victim. He was obnoxious and uppity, so they came for him, but he didn't do anything that hundreds of others did, are doing, and will continue to do. He's a symptom. The disease is still here and it's For-Profit Healthcare wrapped up with a captured Patent system and no regulatory body can do shit about it aside from the occasional public flogging of some uppity pharma bro.


what's even Funnier*
than gee dub's little 'flub'
is when the Lesser bush attended the Correspondents Dinner and pretended to 'look' for the WMDs that they lied us into War with in their Illegal Invasion of a Soverign Nation -- 'is it under this rug? behind this curtain? no. 'no'? who wouldda Thunk it?! and all to Big Laffs! turns out all bush jr Needed was a Lafftrack to his 'presidency' and Fascism wouldda been Funny!* for the Masses once again [see Adolph Hitler and his Big Invasion program for more Hysterics] brought to us by today's Fascist Wing of the Republican Partay. who just voted NO on fixing our (current) Baby Formula situation.

'Cause it's all about compassion
right? and Forced Birth

*Not funny


@6 -- till we can Liberate
ourselves from the Fascists
expect more and more rampant
Farming / Harvesting of the Citizenry

the Reptilian Brainstem
requires constant feeding
and only others' Blood and
Tears will finally satiate them


@6: "Shkreli is nothing more than a sacrificial victim"

Thanks for a morning laugh.


"....George W. Bush: "The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq ā€” I mean of Ukraine.""
I'm still trying to figure out how the American people could have re-elected that dunce.

@6, Amen. The disease is still there.
@7, True too. Thank God for the example of Al Capone & 'Get 'em for tax fraud.'
@10, finish reading @6's post. He meant sacrificed to getting the public to forget about all the other CORPORATE Shkrelis out there.


TBF to W (Y?) I, too, sometimes lose track of who is the more gawd-awful human being: Cheney or Putin.

Then the reality of it shoots me in the face.


Dubya also called Putin "trustworthy." Fucking peas in a pod.


Iā€™ll never forgive CaliguBush and the abusive, sadistic, destructive Republinazi party for their nonstop lies in launching two wars of aggression, murdering a million people, and turning Americans against each other to enrich themselves and their despicable cronies.

The corporate media and Americaā€™s corrupt institutions that totally shredded their legitimacy and credibility to support this national derangement deserve an equal level of scorn. A pox on all of these soulless lying sociopaths would be far too kind.


@19, I was thinking the same.


Bush is a war criminal, and it looks like he knows it.


BREAKING NEWS! This weekend the Puget Sound is expected to experience not just one but TWO days on non-winter weather! Make your plans because god only knows if the sun will ever be back again.


Puget Sound area* on = of*


"The decision of one man [and I ain't Blamin' the Dick for that whole DebacIe I 'spose I too had some Small part innit] to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq ā€” I mean of Ukraine." --@gee dubya bush, vice president to the Big Dik Cheney whose daughter now serves ironically as one of the very Few (Rs) in the Senate with at least half a brain but

no matter how many Times
bush re-paints himself in
the shower there's
Still always blood
on his Bloody

whatever happened to the Guy
who threw his Flip-flops at him?

did they (we)
level his Hometown?


@6 Martin is that you?

Has Shkreli hired bots or something? Because this like the fifth time I've read the same almost word for word monic revisionism of why the notorious criminal douchebag Shkreli was put in jail. He must've hired the same PR firm as Johnny Depp.


@19 because Turkey, being on the lip of both the eastern Mediterranean and Bosporus, is strategically crucial in denying the once Soviet Navy an unfettered link from the Black Sea to the Med. And at that time of the formation of NATO the government of Turkey was adamantly anti-communist and hosted our nuclear armed bombers and intermediate range nuclear missiles.

Turkey is still fantastically important strategically and geopolitically. And Erdoğan has been tolerated because he was once thought to be a strongly formidable foe of the excesses of Islamic extremism.

However he attempts to play both sides (in more ways than one), has become increasingly dictatorial, and I suspect his days are now numbered. He thinks he can deliver major concession from the US to get NATO expansion. He will get some of them. But expect him to have an accident in the next year or so as both us and the Russians are looking for more reliable partners.




not to mention
jobs Jobs JOBS
the Militariocracy
(makers of WMDs
etc ad infinitum) place
in what is it EVERY CON-
in the USofA so we cannot
Afford NOT to blow shit & Peeps
the fuck up too. if Only we'd Invest in
fuckinig HUMANITY Instead but some
Peeps are fucking FANTASTIC at siphon-
ing the Vast Wealth of America to where it so
Rightfully BELONGS -- in the hands of the Chosen few

and let the Masses
that's US fight
over a few


@24 Be that as it may I don't think it's debatable that more Floridians at least ~thought~ they were voting for Gore. The poorly designed Palm Beach County ballot likely flipped at least several thousand votes intended for Gore to Pat Buchanan (as even he readily acknowledged).


@18, "It was a fraudulent scam. Donā€™t you remember the ā€œhanging chadsā€ ....."
Which is part of the reason I can't understand how more than 10 people could have voted for him.....his dad, Dick Cheney, his wife, his mother.....
@19, Probably for the same defense reasons we allied with Stalin in WWII. As in politics, defense alliances make strange bedfellows. It may be N(orth)A(mer)T(...)O(...) but today it's D(efend)A(gainst)R(ussia), & Turkey is apparently part of that deal.
@23, "It may not be ā€œfraudā€ but the court...."
It's OK. You can call it fraud. It was fraud. Tell 'em I said it was OK to call it fraud.


RepubliKKKan men really should all be castrated at birth.

@9 kristofarian: I'm still reeling over my unbelievably well-timed full bilateral hysterectomy in 2020, when many of us were on COVID lockdown and a number of surgeries like mine were deemed "electives" before my procedure finally got the green light that summer. I had to test negative for COVID to be admitted, and was. We still had months to go before COVID vaccines were available and distributed.
I wonder if the neofascist RWNJ extremists cheering on the Orange Turd and seeing red are pushing to make hysterectomies illegal, too, regardless if a woman's life is at stake. The worst I had to deal with was an idiot nurse who asked me in pre-op if I'd had a pregnancy test. My disgusted reply: "I'm 56!" Luckily she didn't say anything more, noting that I am well beyond my reproductive years. That was the end of the discussion. I'd hate to think the hospital administrators have since 2020 elected to declare hysterectomies illegal (the one and only hospital in my city is Catholic-run).

@18: ....spoken like a true MAGA rube. Try not to fall in when you flush, Elmer.

@25 Max Solomon: The entire Bush family should be locked up for war crimes, along with Dick Cheney.

@26 tmplkngt: I'd be ecstatic if we got a good string of days between now and the Fall Equinox that were warm, sunny, and in the 70s. Not too hot, not too cold, but just right.
Jack Frost needs his sorry frigid ass shipped back to the Arctic.
If it's any consolation, we're not as in bad shape weather wise as those east of the Cascades, facing record droughts and wildfires. Anyone in or near Moses Lake must be hating life.


@41: Gee, did I hit you where it hurts--AGAIN? Obviously you're so MAGA fucked up anymore you don't know whether to scratch your watch or wind your butt, Elmer.


@43: Take a look in your bathroom mirror, Elmer, you pathetic hypocritical MAGA ultra-maroon. Your persistently trolling nonsense is glaring proof that YOU'RE the one among the SLOG commenters needing a pacifier--not me. Do you drool much at the table, too? Since you're the one locked in your mother's dank, dark fruit cellar with the mice, spiders, canned peas, and your bosom buddies, David in Shoreline, Eudamonic, Muffy, Mellow, and all the other inane voices in your head, you should be be hesitant in impugning anyone else's sanity but your own. Have you wondered why Swifty has been a bit quiet lately?
See a good neurologist soon before your batshit rabid stupidity does you in. Get a colonoscopy done, too, before you sink any further facedown into any odiferous brown mush.


@45: ....said a rabidly batshit MAGA war criminal sympathizer who as usual, missed my point. You're aware that Vladimir Putin and its sock puppets, Orange Turd, Mitch McConnell, Ron De Santis, Greg Abbott and their ilk are laughing their asses off at you, right?


@47: Elmer looked in the mirror. D'OH!!

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