North Korea: Two American journalists detained.

Iran and America: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says there has been no change in US policy.

Bonuses: DC lawmakers and President Obama appear to be backtracking on extreme tax.

Bonus news: AIG bonuses were $50 million more than originally reported.

Abandoned dogs: Brits leave dogs in Spain, flee country.

Sarah Palin is shocked: President Obama, the Special Olympics and Sarah Palin.

Irrelevant news: Billy Corgan is the only person left in the Smashing Pumpkins.

Don't want all yer money: South Carolina governor officially rejects $700 million in bailout dollars.

Hate crime: Man charged for assault and for allegedly calling a fellow Metro passenger a "gay epithet."

Legalization: Former SPD chief Norm Stamper writes that all drugs should be legal and regulated by the government.