
Cynthia Stewart, a 17-year-old junior at Tharptown High School in northern Alabama, is a member of her school’s prom planning committee, had personally raised over $200 for the prom, and created the theme her classmates had chosen for the dance. She is also an out lesbian. When Cynthia approached her principal to ask if she could bring her girlfriend with her to the prom, he said no. He also made Cynthia remove a sticker she was wearing that said, “I am a lesbian,” telling her, “You don't have that much freedom of speech at school.” Cynthia’s aunt and guardian, Kathy Baker, then appealed the principal’s decision to the school board. But the board let the decision to bar Cynthia from bringing her girlfriend to the prom stand.

Then the ACLU got involved and the school cancelled the prom altogether. Maybe the gays—so good at throwing parties—could come together and rescue this kid's prom for her and her tolerant classmates? Raise some money, book a hotel ballroom somewhere, and invite the kids to come and dance without any interference from their asshole principal and the bigots on the school board. (Via JoeMyGod.)