Dancing in the Streets: The Olympics end with Canada taking gold against US in men's hockey during over time. Everyone celebrates.

Great Cause, Iffy Name: Local collective Alleycat Acres turns an unused lot on Beacon Hill into a vegetable garden for the needy, envisions volunteer-run gardens throughout Seattle.

Republicans Plot Against Health Care: Threaten to shower the floor with hundreds of amendments should Democrats push for reconciliation.

Meanwhile, in the ER: Medical identity theft is up and there's no national standard for dealing with it.

The Trials of Nancy Pelosi: Critics argue that she's a control freak and if the Dem's lose the health care battle or their majority in November, it'll be her fault. "She'll do anything it takes to keep her majority," counters a Democratic insider. Pelosi “will put a bullet in the head of anyone she needs to." Well, that settles that.

"Got to Reach 200": Woman has sex 191 times with 12-year-old boy. Journals about it.

An Expert Weighs In: Hilary Mantel, the author of Wolf Hall, thinks girls are ready for kids of their own at age 14. She should know—she's a prize-winning novelist.

The Barefoot Burglar Strikes Again? An Orcas Island hardware store was broken into yesterday. Local law suspects the elusive 18-year-old plane-crashing thief. Perhaps next, he should steal himself some shoes (har, har).

I Consider Myself a Pioneer: UK scientists invent a microscopic ear to professionally eavesdrop on the workings of cells as they go about their daily business.

Let's Call Them 'Harvesters': Chilean army struggles to keep looters from collecting supplies in Concepcion, where 500,000 inhabitants are without food, water, or electricity following Saturday's earthquake.

Watch Your Fucking Mouth: California lawmakers to vote today on making the first week in March a cuss-free week, thereby solving all the state's problems.

Good Morning!