Topless Robot has been on this story for a while now: Nick Simmons, the son of Gene Simmons, has created a manga series called Incarnate. It turns out, there are a ton of similarities between Incarnate and popular manga series Bleach. I especially enjoyed this post, in which Rob Bricken decorates Simmons's apology with images that were clearly "inspired" by Bleach.

Here's Simmons's non-apology:

Like most artists I am inspired by work I admire. There are certain similarities between some of my work and the work of others. This was simply meant as an homage to artists I respect, and I definitely want to apologize to any Manga fans or fellow Manga artists who feel I went too far. My inspirations reflect the fact that certain fundamental imagery is common to all Manga. This is the nature of the medium. I am a big fan of Bleach, as well as other Manga titles. And I am certainly sorry if anyone was offended or upset by what they perceive to be the similarity between my work and the work of artists that I admire and who inspire me.

Of course, we all know that nobody ever got famous in comic books by copying other people's work.

(Thanks for the tip, Matt Hickey.)