
State Attorney General Rob McKenna Wants to Block Health-Care Reform from These People
"Carrie Sellar, a 38-year-old self-employed mother, has been denied health coverage for a condition she doesn't have anymore..."

How to Defeat a Pit Bull with Your Bare Hands: An Illustrated Guide!
Because nothing can muck up a sweet Seattle spring like having your face ripped off by a dog.

Eric Grandy Trashes Owl City
Representative sentence: "To call it thinly veiled would be an insult to veils."

Jen Graves on the Rich Banality of Tourist Pictures
"What to do now that tourism has become so embarrassing? Where to travel? Where to point the camera?"

Brendan Kiley on Learning to Love the Latest Mediocre-Looking Book Handed to Him by Paul Constant
A sideways review of the Jewish gangster novel The Iron Will of Shoeshine Cats.

Dominic Holden Thinks of Ten Great Things about Thai Curry Simple
"The food at Thai Curry Simple, down the disheveled block from Carpet King, across from the pigeon gallery above the International District transit tunnel, is simply great. All the curries and noodle dishes are five dollars—five dollars. FIVE. DOLLARS."

Plus! Last Days, I Anonymous, Public Editor by A. Birch Steen, Bar Exam, Concessions, I Love Television, Savage Love, Dear Science, Drunk of the Week (nice ass!), and much, much more.