We have a couple of local authors, Yann Martel at the Central Branch of the library, and some readings I'm going to discuss right now.

Andrew Young reads in the U District this afternoon. The Politician is a sleazy book about a sleazy politician written by Young, who did some sleazy things for the aforementioned sleazy politician. I would not advise reading this book; if you want to read about presidential sleaze, read Game Change instead.

Jorn Ake reads at Elliott Bay Book Company tonight. Boys Whistling Like Canaries is a great title for a poetry collection. Here is the poet's Twitter account.

Town Hall hosts Paul Davies. The author of Eerie Silence: Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence believes that he has a great reason for why we need to redouble our search for intelligent life on other planets. Yes, please! Also reading at Town Hall is New Yorker editor David Remnick. Remnick is the author of The Bridge, which is a mammoth biography of our current president as viewed through race and racial history. While it's not a perfect book, it's probably the best book on Obama out there. This is the reading of the night.

The full readings calendar, including the next week or so, is here. And if you're planning on staying in and you're looking for personalized book recommendations, feel free to tell me the books you like and ask me what to read next over at Questionland.