So, I write this in my roundup of possible statewide initiatives:


This effort to decriminalize pot statewide is pretty much dead already. It went down in bitter, bitter flames in early June when I-1068's spokesman and coauthor, Philip Dawdy, issued a furious press release railing against the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) for "romancing" his group and then not sending any money, and berating the "armchair liberals" at the ACLU for not supporting him either. "Politics in this state stink," said Dawdy. "Marijuana smells better. It's disappointing that SEIU and others have walked away from us, but this campaign will fight on because the issue is simply too important." March on, stoners. And better luck next time.

And then yesterday in my voice mail, I received this from an unknown person:

Which I (roughly) transcribe as:

Eli Sanders you fucking dumb motherfucker. 1068's gonna pass motherfucking fuck[inaudible/incoherent]."
