Yiull Damasos sendup of a Rembrandt, hanging in a Joburg mall.
  • Yiull Damaso's sendup of a Rembrandt, hanging in a Joburg mall.
Fascinating conflict in South Africa between humanism and idealism, and what happens when politics and religion get in the way (when do they not?). The painting is hanging in a mall in Johannesburg, and here's what the artist says about it:

"The idea just popped up in my head," he told the Guardian today . "We have Nelson Mandela, one of the great leaders of our time, and the politicians around him are trying to find out what makes him a great man. Nkosi Johnson [an AIDS activist who died at age 12], the only one in the painting who's no longer alive, is trying to show them that Mandela is just a man. So they should stop searching and get on with building the country."

Full story here.