Slog did not cover Dr. Laura's racist meltdown on the radio. This is not because Slog missed the story. It's because who the fuck cares about Dr. Laura? I mean, really.

However, as Slog tipper Chris points out, even though Dr. Laura has apologized and announced that she is canceling her radio show, Sarah Palin has decided to Twitter to Dr. Laura's rescue:

This is the sound of Sarah Palin jumping the shark in two tweets:

• Dr.Laura:don't retreat ... reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair")

• Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!

The few black conservative candidates, columnists, and media figures—who represent the GOP’s only hope for reclaiming the legacy of Lincoln and, with it, long-term demographic relevance—are not amused. They’re now saying what many in the GOP increasingly believe: Sarah Palin is not fit to be a serious leader of the Republican Party.

It's become obvious that Sarah Palin is losing her touch. We all know she's as crazy as a wet cat in a swinging burlap sack. But it is entirely baffling that she would choose to jump in and defend Dr. Laura's racism with the expression "don't retreat ... reload!" She seems to be marginalizing her base to explicitly racist right-wing militia gun nuts. That might not be a smart idea if she's going to run for president, but it might be smart if she's trying to find a niche market that will remain loyal to her as a media brand for years to come. That is certainly an under-served demographic in the mainstream media, and she could probably profit from exploiting that small but loyal community.