...with Grant Cogswell and Dan Gildark's commentary track.

The Media Geeks call it "the best DVD commentary ever":

While many director's DVD commentaries are all but useless, consisting primarily of self-congratulatory chatter and vapid anecdotes about what happened to a certain prop or costume AFTER the film wrapped, Cthulhu's commentary, featuring Director Dan Gildark and Screenwriter/Executive Producer Grant Cogswell, is a rich collection of technical making-of insights accompanied by hindsightful ruminations about why the project failed. And while this may sound silly at first — listening to a commentary track for a bad movie, wherein that commentary only confirms that the movie I'm watching is indeed bad — it has been, in fact, one of the most instructional and gripping 100 minutes I've spent in a long time.

Read the full post here. And if you're curious, Cthulhu screens tonight at 9 pm as part of Northwest Film Forum's Arboring Film series.