
Tomorrow marks the end of annoying political ads for at least a few months—or as some call it, election day. If you still have questions, Electionland has answers. Especially for those pesky initiatives, with campaign representatives and experts on hand to answer your questions.

Commenter laine has a great question about the liquor initiatives right now: "If I-1100 passes, how will the availability of smaller liquor brands change?" laine likes the way he is able to get specialty booze right now and worries it might get more difficult in a market run by Costco.

Luckily, the respondents sensibly tell him that a Washington without a state liquor monopoly will have a large role for Costco but also a niche market for specialty liquor stores that will blow away what the state is offering now.

One of the most buzzed-up questions is a somewhat philosophical one. Commenter Audiovore asks, "Does anyone else hate 'Vote by Mail'?" There's already eight answers lined up for Audiovore's query, but you could make nine.

Just one day remains. Questions still abound. Get thee to Electionland!