Dan, thanks for posting my "It Gets Better" video and calling out GLAAD! Good for Susan Sarandon too for speaking out.

I did get some critical emails from a few people in the community who were upset I used the word "trannies" in the video. It's absolutely mind-blowing to think anyone could watch this video, see the wildly diverse and loving audience, and their celebratory reaction to me saying "trannies," and take away anything negative from it!

It's really unbelievable, especially given our current climate, that Glee or Susan Sarandon, are being targeted about this issue. These kinds of narrow views is what keeps us down and takes away focus from the real problems facing the queer community.

Anyway...thanks for posting my video, and thank you for creating the "It Gets Better" project. It's SO important for all of us to have a voice and to be seen.

With high regards,

Murray Hill

Thanks, Murray, you fabulous tranny you.