Sent to Last Days by Hot Ranter Shawn:

Yesterday, my mother, along with thousands of other people, was falsely imprisoned by the Washington State Patrol. When WSP blocked I5, the main means of ingress and egress for thousands of people working in Seattle, it wrongly restricted their liberty to leave an area and get to their homes. WSP falsely imprisoned these people. It was not necessary to block I5, as the Department of Transportation had stated it did on its website. I5 was suitable for slow travel. While waiting for my mother for 12 hours to come home, I watched through the highways cameras dozens of cars, that managed to go past WSP roadblock, drive along I5 all the way to Tacoma. Furthermore, after getting behind the roadblock through residential streets, I myself drove on I5, at times going as fast as 50 miles per hour with the traffic’s flow. Not only did WSDOT failed to prepare the roads for safer travel during this winter storm, WSP falsely imprisoned thousands of people, and put them in danger of freezing.