Glenn Beck boasted that his appearance in the recession-stricken town of Wilmington, Ohio would bring the city a stimulus-like surge. How'd that work out for him?

Maybe it was the cold weather. Maybe Beck overestimates his appeal. The anticipated 20,000 topped off at about 3,000, according to police...Accompanied by an entourage of young male assistants, Beck was a charmer in person, doughy, approachable and eager to please, dressed in jeans and an upscale Loro Piana scarf. Most of the face time required a fee, either $500 for a photo with him at breakfast, a $125 ticket to one of his shows, or $30 for a book that came with a prayer if asked. He spoke at one free evening event on an outdoor stage and by that time, the local police were treating him more like a candidate than an entertainer, with barricades and no-go zones.

Somehow, this is all Obama's fault.