In a post titled "Read a Book for Ten Minutes & Save Publishing," Galleycat writes:

[An author] has started a Facebook group with a practical way to save publishing. [The author] theorized that the industry could be salvaged if everyone made a habit of reading ten minutes before bedtime.

Oooh! Oooh! And then we can have a bake sale! I'll make some brownies, and you make those snickerdoodles that everyone likes so much and then publishing will be saved forever!

Look: This is stupid. Are you trying to save physical books? (Apparently not; the Facebook page refers to e-readers, and even says magazines and newspapers are acceptable 10-minute-before-bed reading material.) Are you trying to save the enormous New York publishers? Is this a publicity stunt?

Or are you just calling back to the imaginary days of yore, when every single American read meaningful books all the time? People still read. I'd wager that more people read now than have ever read, if you include blogs and online content (and if you're allowing magazines, why wouldn't you allow blogs?). It's these little rinky-dink feel-good nostalgia campaigns that make reading look ill or dying. Stop ringing the alarm bell and crying about the death of days that never were. Reading is just fine. Really.