It's snowing here in Ottawa, and snowing hard, and I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, my 7 AM flight to DC isn't gonna happen. Fingers crossed. But, hey, if my flight gets cancelled, that just means more donuts for me.

Despite it snowing, and snowing hard, the streets are plowed—hell, the sidewalks are plowed. (They plow 'em with cute lil' miniplows that would make Megan squeal with delight.) School here is cancelled, and some buses aren't running, but life seems to be coursing through the city. There are tons of people out walking, cafes are full, bars are full, and my event here tonight is still on. It looks like maybe a foot or snow has fallen so far and it's -9° C, however cold that is, and yet I was able to walk 1.3 km, however far that is, from the CBC back to my hotel wearing mesh-topped tennis shoes without getting my feet totally soaked, all thanks to those darling lil' miniplows.

Fascinating, I realize!