His speech today was classic kitchen sink strategy: Throw out every single rationale available for justifying a desired outcome—in his case, staying on Egyptian soil and ensconced as a national figurehead until September—and see what happens.

We will now see what happens.

While we wait, it's worth taking inventory of all of Mubarak's arguments, if for no other reason than to marvel at the impressive size of the list.

In no particular order: Mubarak argued that he is due a little bit more respect as Egypt's father. He argued that he had made mistakes as Egypt's father. He argued that he has a responsibility as Egypt's father to continue playing daddy, even in a diminished capacity, until the fall elections.

He argued that ending Egypt's endless state of emergency is a big step, and that it will be taken someday soon, but not until he determines Egypt is ready. He argued that no one can tell Egypt what it should do and when. He argued that the protesters are wrong to listen to foreign elements trying to interfere in Egypt's affairs. He argued that the foreign-influenced protesters are right in their demands for reform.

He argued that violence by the state against the protesters had been wrong, and would be punished. He argued that the state had to continue as constituted in order to protect the security of the citizens of Egypt.

He argued that the demands of the youth had been met. He argued that it would take months to meet the demands of the youth. He argued that the protest movement is self-defeating, in that it is further damaging the same depressed Egyptian economy that was, in the beginning, among the catalysts for the protest. He argued that Egyptians are an ancient people who can weather this historic cataclysm.

He argued that he deserves more respect after having fought for Egypt, in the military and in government, for 60 years. He argued that he understands he cannot serve as president anymore and therefore will be passing his powers to his vice president. He argued that Egypt cannot go on without him.