Mitt Romney made a speech in New Hampshire over the weekend. He didn't announce he's running for president (nobody is, apparently) but he talked a lot about the economy and avoided talk about social issues. First Read says this is Romney 3.0:

Romney 1.0 was the socially moderate businessman who won election as Massachusetts governor in 2002. Romney 2.0 was the socially conservative presidential candidate who ran to John McCain’s and Rudy Giuliani’s right on abortion, stem cells, and illegal immigration in 2007-2008. And Romney 3.0 appears to be the repeat presidential candidate who will focus more on the economy and his business record than on social issues.

Oliver Willis says they're missing a couple of Mitts:

They don’t include the independent Romney who distanced himself from Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush when he ran against Ted Kennedy, or the pro-choice Romney who ran for governor in Massachusetts.

And the New York Times takes a bemused stance as they note Romney "has not been seen in a tie in months." If Romney were to make it through the primaries, it would be smart for him to run like this—as a businessman with his share of political mistakes, making one last run for the White House because he thinks he's the right man for the job. But it's going to be impossible for him to win the Republican primaries this way; he'd better have some sort of plan for getting his hands dirty against the Krazy Kandidates. Romney isn't mentioning anyone else on the Republican side right now, and he's probably planning on running as the presumptive nominee all the way through. But the other candidates hate him so much that they're not going to allow him to get away with that. For right now, Romney is still the guy to watch.