It's on: US, UK and France launch missiles to enforce no-fly zone in Libya.

Not hawkish enough: Former UN ambassador Bolton criticizes Obama's "pathetic" response to Libya.

The age old question: Where are the robots? Emergency crews are being exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in attempts to contain Fukushima's nuclear crisis. Robots could replace them.

Send them to Fukushima. Qwest Field hosts nation's largest tournament of high school robotics.

Here they come. First wave of US personnel evacuees from Japan arrives at Sea-Tac. 6,700 expected.

Still not reassuring: New sensors and gates will close Viaduct one minute after detecting earthquake. You're still taking your life in your own hands every time you drive through the thing.

How do you say "really embarrassing" in Spanish? US ambassador to Mexico resigns over WikiLeaks revelations.

Not again: There's a new Gulf oil spill reported near the Deepwater drilling site.

In telecom news: FCC approves CenturyLink's purchase of Qwest, thereby merging the nation's third and fourth largest telecommunications companies.

Supermoon rises. Looks like the moon.

For your Sunday morning viewing pleasure: Helen Khan, actress in over 350 Bollywood titles, sings "Monica, Oh My Darling" from 1971.