Because the Frizzelle is not in town, the Mudede will be hosting this month's silent reading party in the Fireside Room at the Sorrento Hotel (Wednesday, April 6). The theme will be jazz and urbanism. Darrius Willrich will provide jazz music and Cary Moon and Lead Pencil Studio will provide the urbanist mood. So, bring a good book, read in silence with others, and be cosmopolitan.

Urbanity, one will concede, is a most fitting term to describe the aura of Hank Jones's piano, which conjures to  mind the sophistication of the city. It is a late-at-night aura, generous in under-state-ment, deploring the obvious,  suggesting rather than declaring.
  • "Urbanity, one will concede, is a most fitting term to describe the aura of Hank Jones’s piano, which conjures to mind the sophistication of the city. It is a late-at-night aura, generous in under-state-ment, deploring the obvious, suggesting rather than declaring."
The reading party, which happens every first Wednesday of the month, begins at 6:00 p.m. and ends around 8:00 p.m..